Developed for Pyra

Wiki said:
In Latin the word pyrrhus means red from the Greek adjective πυρρός, purrhos, i.e. "flame coloured", "the colour of fire"
So great with those RGB-LEDs in the Lid-Logo
Well, as I said before, I just prefer a burning logo or maybe a color changing one. I like the red hair version in this thread, but I really don't like the PI for eyes idea. If we are going to do a person, I rather have regular eyes. We should have more than one animation, so it isn't too boring.
Very much same pose as before, but higher detail:

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Well, as I said before, I just prefer a burning logo or maybe a color changing one. I like the red hair version in this thread, but I really don't like the PI for eyes idea. If we are going to do a person, I rather have regular eyes. We should have more than one animation, so it isn't too boring.
I was thinking that what ED had in the render video, with the logo and name burning was pretty nice.  A few little tweaks could improve it, but even as it was it worked.  I see that being the boot screen if something else isn't picked.  Anyway, burning is nice.  

I agree about pi for eyes.  Unless it is a highly sylized sketch type thing like ible did I think it will greatly take away from the image as a whole.  Maybe it can be made less obvious if it is to be kept.

Combining a humanoid figure and burning, maybe she can come from the flames and one can come up and all that is left after is the logo.

I don't want to be too critical of what Binky made since I could never make something that good, however I would like to point out some areas that could be worked on.  The feet are pretty big, but proportions in several areas seem off.  The arms seem too long, and at least the legs are too short.  It may all just seem off due to the legs, and everything else could be correct.  It looks like she could scratch her knee without lifting her leg or bending over.  Maybe she is the daughter of Pandora and one of our non-human ape cousins.  It might help explain the feet too.  I agree with _wb_ a bit too, even if not all women have the exact feature that are often described as feminine.  I can't point out exactly what it is (maybe the feet/legs thing again).
I don't want to be too critical of what Binky made

Constructive criticsm always welcome!

I'm currently adjusting the image inline with various suggestions. Will post when done.
As tentatively approved by the folks over in #openpandora, I bring you "Somewhat more feminine Pyrrha"!

Edit: Hidden, since is a large image and no longer the latest version
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As tentatively approved by the folks over in #openpandora, I bring you "Somewhat more feminine Pyrrha"!

IF i ever get a pyra, i will not have it be possessed by this red headed abomination of yours.
sorry mate, i do appreciate your effort, but no thank you.

IF devs go for a splash screen and IF they need to display a recognizable female character i would advise them to go for either arty and sexy or arty and cute.

why would i care, i prolly wont get a pyra...
I've started something... terrifying...

I feel like proportions are a bit off on Binky's version. Legs and torso aren't long enough, and breasts might be a mite-bit higher. I like the coloring and shading, though. Also the fire looks a bit weird -- smoke might be appearing earlier on than just at the very end.
You know, we could make something inspired by the Dragonbox logo since it's the Dragonbox Pyra.

-Glyph Reader
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Tbh, I kind of agree too. Let's just take the flaming Pyra logo. Easier for someone to do multiple animations and/or color changes.
Let's keep this constructively critical... remember some of us are putting our artwork (a piece of us, our style, etc.) out there, and destructive criticism doesn't require any courage.

As I said in the OP, it'd be nice to have community spins on a design -- everyone could have their unique version of it for their program -- but I'd like to see more than just the original DP insignia for something like a splash screen, loading screen, or about screen. Fan art never hurt any device/manga/anime/etc.
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IF devs go for a splash screen and IF they need to display a recognizable female character i would advise them to go for either arty and sexy or arty and cute.
Yes. Beside more pyra only software we clearly need more sexist splash screens!
The funny thing is I said that to someone here (sexist splash screens) about the attempts to add a figure, and associated suggestions.  My feelings might help explain other things I said.  I wasn't sure if I was understanding what was being said clearly, so I didn't want to call anyone out on it.

At least I am not alone in my thinking.
@binky: i didnt mean to offend you. as i said, i do appreciate your effort.

@Ziz: the sarcasm here lies within the fact that your statement simply is true :)

im obviously not an artist (besides being a bs artist, mind you), but heres my "twist":

its got it all: female figurine, classical pose, fire... balls :)

i actually like it so much, i will use it on my pandora.

i hope it aint sexist...

@Ziz: the sarcasm here lies within the fact that your statement simply is true :)

im obviously not an artist (besides being a bs artist, mind you), but heres my "twist":

its got it all: female figurine, classical pose, fire... balls :)

i actually like it so much, i will use it on my pandora.

i hope it aint sexist...

I think you missed what Ziz was commenting on. Let me try to help:

IF devs go for a splash screen and IF they need to display a recognizable female character i would advise them to go for either arty and sexy or arty and cute.
Yes. Beside more pyra only software we clearly need more sexist splash screens!
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Thanks to everyone being constructively critical (though I'd be the first to admit I'm not much good at drawing humans.)

Bear in mind that I don't really have any idea where I'm going with this, and that I enjoy drawing, so it really doesn't matter what, if anything gets done with it.

Here are a few more tweaks:

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