Release [DEV]Pandora's Safe Box


ha, i actually do that in order to find jscript capable browsers.

hmm, dunno, i guess i kinda wanted to stay true to ekianjo's initial concept.

valid point.
I use that also to automount runtime pnd, like mono or wxpython. I think it's a more robust way to discover PNDs than to browse /media,  and you are indepedant of the PND name.
the problem with this is, that quite a few devs append the version number to the pnd name. if the games list does not get updated accordingly, the app won't work as expected.
Actually not so many do. A minority - check out in the whole list, not many change but there are notable exceptions like PCSXReArmed
yeah, probably notaz' stuff for the most part.

so crawling /usr/share/applications doesnt really help a lot there...

it may even make things worse, as the same .pnd may throw out different .desktop files (in case of duke3d-eduke32 there's three of them).

anyways: i think the easiest way will be something like this:


crawl /usr/share/applications into "appslist" <- to have an idea what's properly installed

read games.json

for each_entry (in games.json) check if it's in appslist <- prolly will use .startswith(each_entry) as a wildcard for appslist, to avoid version numbering and file name issues

return corresponding folders/files


should not be too much of additional work.