Ok, so I downloaded Dosbox74.pnd from Pandora Apps.
I had been using Dosbox.pnd from the File Archive
Neither is ideal. With Dosbox74.pnd I can use the nubs + shoulder buttons successfully - the mouse cursor doesn't get stuck in a random section of the screen. My only complaint with the nubs is that the mouse cursor *moves too slowly* - playing a rts like WarCraft 2 isn't really going to be feasible with a snail paced mouse. Any ideas on how to speed it up? :mellow:
Also, I haven't tested any other games that use right click, but in WarCraft 2 both shoulder buttons register as left click... eventhough I set them with the keymapper. Any idea why?
The touchscreen with Dosbox74.pnd is *COMPLETELY* off - the mouse cursor is significantly displaced from wherever you're clicking.
Now onto Dosbox.pnd : the touchscreen is much better. Clicks are no longer displaced. However, in a game like WarCraft 2 I click one place, then click somewhere else and 8 times out of 10 it thinks I'm dragging a selection box!!! Terribly annoying! Also, on a fairly regular basis the mouse cursor gets restricted to a section of the screen - for instance in WarCraft 2 it sometimes gets stuck in the game window and I have to click all over the place before it decides to unstick allowing me to click on the action buttons or the menu.
Using the nubs Dosbox.pnd is impossible - as I said, the mouse cursor gets stuck in a random quarter of the screen (and I have to wiggle it and the other nub about like crazy to break it free... only to instantly get stuck in another quarter of the screen).
So... where is this wonderful 'latest' version you speak of?

I hope you're not referring to the one on the File Archive...
If so, then a usb mouse (and hub) may be my only solution... <_<