Zodiac Emulating Game Cube???


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Is it True that the Zodiac can Emulate the Game Cube?? I was on IRC Last night on this Roms Channel and said "You all need to get a GP32" Then someone said "Dont get a GP32, Get a Zodiac it Emulates the Game Cube".... Is that true?

I realy Dont think it can but he wouldnt take "No it cant" for an answer... hhmmm
the zodiac has half the cpu speed of the game cube. the gp32 cant even emulate the snes full speed easily as it is and it had a clock speed just ove 3mhz. the gp32 at 166 is over 55 times more powerfull than the snes.
Zodaic emulating GameCube! That's is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time. The Zodiac has a 200 mhz ARM9 processor! I bet it can barely emulate GBA!
Zodaic emulating GameCube! That's is the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time. The Zodiac has a 200 mhz ARM9 processor! I bet it can barely emulate GBA!
Thats what I thought... But the guy on IRC Kept on saying that It could... And I was telling him it couldn't... Then he started P***ing me off so I ignored him after that...
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The Zodiac has about as much chance of emulating the gamecube as the GP32 does of emulating a playstation 3 when it's released
Sup? I'm guessing the douche meant SNES not gamecube. And just didn't know any better. Ex. You know Mario on X-box (you mean Gamecube...) Oh Yea it's on Gamecube...

.... confusion is everywhere and stops for no man..

-Matt (Post'er did u really think it could emulate it, honestly?)
Both the Zodiac and GP32 are capable of emulating the Gamecube. Here's what you would need:

- The EXACT specs of what makes the Gamecube tick hardware-wise
- The EXACT specs of what makes the Gamcube tick software-wise (not available)
- A team of dedicated, professional programmers (or rlyeh :D )
- About 2 years of furious programming (on the programmer's part) and lack of bathing (on the programmer's part as well as the Gamecube fanboys who want GP32 and Zodiac emulation)
- Code written from stratch in ARM9 (for GP32) AND whatever chip the Zodiac uses
- Code written from stratch to compress, then intelligently decompress, images from the Gamecube

And there you go - Gamecube emulation on the GP32 and Zodiac!

... <_<
Emulation of anything if possible, some emulations would never even run fast enough to get past the start screen on a game, and then you need to add everything such as bink video compatibility. Emulation of new hardware is very hard :P
The zodiac emulating a game cube? THAT will never happen!

There is a huge zodiac fan-boy base out there- And a zodiac fan-boy can be painfully difficult to deal with. Esp. in the realm of emulation discussion. Its like talking to a dumb jock..... or a rich prep.... with the conversation ending in flames and being called a geek or a nerd.- its not always like that, but way more frequent than what i've seen in all gp32 forums.

Theres something to be said about that ;)

The Zodiac will probably be able to emulate the SNES at a decent speed in quite a while, if someone dedicated decides to do it. But that is about it.
My Pentium 4 computer can't emulate the Game Cube at anything higher than 2 FPS, so there is no way the Zodiac would ever even get close.