We would still need to pay $45 to play it on our pandora if it's still on there SVN server and not public correct?Gurumeditation said:Hello Guys,
Introversion Software pay know the sourcecode (for round 45$) of the two rts games Darwinia and Multiwinia. So I wrote in their forum if we can port this games for the pandora and the give us an OK =)
I am not a coder but i hope somebody will do make a port for this two great games =)
I think the Pandora-Devs can pay the 45$ from the develop fundus, if anybody will do this job.
I hope my little information awaken interest =)
And sorry for my terrible english ^^
Ah here you find my question to the developer *click* and the answer *click*
A newssite with this topic and the IV-Store: , Introversion-Store
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