Humble Introversion Bundle Source Available

I felt like I was tripping on landmines rewriting some of that stuff.
I've had to solve some really obscure problems with the port and there's GL code everywhere. definitely the most complicated one I've worked on thus far.
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I just bought those games too! In anticipation I installed them also on my wife's ubuntu. She admires darwinia's intros. But she hates games that involve "killing". Argument that these are just programs that get deleted, doesn't convince her :)
Its nice that you guys are bothering to take the time to port it for us mortals (understanding ofc that you'd like to play them your selves)
I felt like I was tripping on landmines rewriting some of that stuff.
I've had to solve some really obscure problems with the port and there's GL code everywhere. definitely the most complicated one I've worked on thus far.

If theres anything you think you could use help on post the code and some of us can opine.

Ive seen code like that too where immediate mode code is used everywhere and sometimes its the same patten. Annoying to convert, and I think why couldnt they write a function.
Defcon is better in that respect, there's still quite a lot of loose GL code (but most of it is triangles,) and only in a few places is there local GL-code used instead of the perfectly fine functions they already have.
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I felt like I was tripping on landmines rewriting some of that stuff.
I've had to solve some really obscure problems with the port and there's GL code everywhere. definitely the most complicated one I've worked on thus far.

If theres anything you think you could use help on post the code and some of us can opine.

Ive seen code like that too where immediate mode code is used everywhere and sometimes its the same patten. Annoying to convert, and I think why couldnt they write a function.
The immediate-mode gl is super easy to convert. I have two issues right now: ftgles and image loading.
* ftgles was completely breaking the gles state. I've mostly worked around that and right now I'm setting the x, y coordinate of the ftgles pen when it renders to position fonts. This (or something else with the render state) makes fonts render upside down. I flipped the glyph textures in ftgles itself but the vertical alignment is broken for upside down glyphs :) an example of how to position and render using a ftgles texture font would help for me to compare my code and see if I missed something.

* image loading: The game is using glWritePixels to draw arbitrary images on the screen. Without this, we have no graphical buttons :) I need to port this code to use textures. Using raw RGBA pixel data, we need code to draw it to a texture and render that texture. It's already in a class and only has a blend argument (which will work with a texture the same way), so integrating the code will be easy once it's done.

Upload a beta to the repo! :D
we still have some game-breaking graphical bugs :P I'll link a beta and start a beta thread when it's playable.
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* ftgles was completely breaking the gles state. I've mostly worked around that and right now I'm setting the x, y coordinate of the ftgles pen when it renders to position fonts. This (or something else with the render state) makes fonts render upside down. I flipped the glyph textures in ftgles itself but the vertical alignment is broken for upside down glyphs :) an example of how to position and render using a ftgles texture font would help for me to compare my code and see if I missed something.
ftgles have been a drop in remplacement for ftgl for me : no code change requiered. I'm actualy surprised it's not the same for you

Feel free to poke me on irc/pm ;)

hoping to have a beta release with totally fixed rendering before I sleep tonight.
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video coming, then beta pnd :) it runs quite well, will just need a few interface tweaks. I'd also recommend using the stylus.
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Well done man, one of the fastest port job's Iv'e seen! Then again this is the only one Iv'e seen, but I'm sure it's fast!

Can't wait for the ol' video. You are deserving of that bounty! I'll just get it right now. From my car. *shifty eyes*
The way things are progressing here, i thought i'd get this humble bundle as well :) (purchased 2 before)

For those interested: One day remaining for the Bundle Deal!
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