Dance Dance Revolution On The Gp32...

gatso posted on Aug 4 2004 at 08:10 PM said:
No you all need to relax a little. Im not saying that if you enjoy DDR that its gay, that being homosexual, that being 2 guys enjoying each others sensual company. NOT AT ALL. All im saying is that the concept know....faggy. Im sure its aa hell of a lot of fun. But really lets not make up lies about 2 hot chicks trying to pick you up for playing DDR.....thats really just sad. In reality if 2 hot chicks talk to you that doesnt nessecarily mean thay are trying to pick u up. So lets just forget that concept or you will have gp32 people queing at DDR acrcades scratching their heads wondering why they arent getting poon. But look if DDR floats your boat by all means go for ir. Im just viewing my opinion in the matter whcich is what these boards are for. If you dont like what I say then voice your opinion, thats the beauty of forums. And telling some one to
SO basically if you have nothing constructive to say KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
is not an opinion its a directive. Im sorry if ive offended anyone.

Oh by the way I was thinking of porting barbies dream house does anyone have any ideas??
Um...that post didn't help at all. Please refrain from using terms like "faggy." Some people find those kinds of words offensive, and they shouldn't be used to describe a video game (Unless you use the word gay or homosexual to describe a hentai or other kind of adult game that actually is a homosexual game).
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You know, on other message boards, his post would have been deleted for "sexual preference insult" .... Just an observation, is all :lol:
gatso posted on Aug 4 2004 at 09:10 PM said:
No you all need to relax a little. Im not saying that if you enjoy DDR that its gay, that being homosexual, that being 2 guys enjoying each others sensual company. NOT AT ALL. All im saying is that the concept know....faggy. Im sure its aa hell of a lot of fun. But really lets not make up lies about 2 hot chicks trying to pick you up for playing DDR.....thats really just sad. In reality if 2 hot chicks talk to you that doesnt nessecarily mean thay are trying to pick u up. So lets just forget that concept or you will have gp32 people queing at DDR acrcades scratching their heads wondering why they arent getting poon. But look if DDR floats your boat by all means go for ir. Im just viewing my opinion in the matter whcich is what these boards are for. If you dont like what I say then voice your opinion, thats the beauty of forums. And telling some one to
SO basically if you have nothing constructive to say KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
is not an opinion its a directive. Im sorry if ive offended anyone.

Oh by the way I was thinking of porting barbies dream house does anyone have any ideas??
FINE...they weren't THAT friend actually went home with a phone # tho...i thought it was really funny... :lol:
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Oh I understand these posts now! its not ok to use words like faggy but is fine to use words like these
OK WTF is your problem!!! Huh dont you know guys like these make the gp32 what it is so pay a little respect muthafuka in this day and age shit like this shouldn't be tolerated especially on the global community that is the internet.
I get it now.
Well heres my apology to everyone for using such nasty hurtful words:

Im so fucking sorry I used that fucking nasty word. I have been such a muthafucker(whatever that means) and I promise that I will never use that sort of shit again. Fuck me im so sorry. Well havent I just stirred up a whole lot of bullshit!
I have just been suspended from fucking uni and im a little angry and I fucking apologise.

By the way I never told anyone not to try their ideas. Good luck to them. I hope it goes well.
FINE...they weren't THAT friend actually went home with a phone # tho...i thought it was really funny...

I salute anyone who picks up playing DDR wether they are hot or not. Congratualtions are in order and just because they aint that hot doesnt make a difference. Glad you got their phone numbers and not the other way around.
gatso posted on Aug 4 2004 at 10:01 PM said:
Oh I understand these posts now! its not ok to use words like faggy but is fine to use words like these
OK WTF is your problem!!! Huh dont you know guys like these make the gp32 what it is so pay a little respect muthafuka in this day and age shit like this shouldn't be tolerated especially on the global community that is the internet.
I get it now.
Well heres my apology to everyone for using such nasty hurtful words:

Im so fucking sorry I used that fucking nasty word. I have been such a muthafucker(whatever that means) and I promise that I will never use that sort of shit again. Fuck me im so sorry. Well havent I just stirred up a whole lot of bullshit!
I have just been suspended from fucking uni and im a little angry and I fucking apologise.

By the way I never told anyone not to try their ideas. Good luck to them. I hope it goes well.
and i hope YOU get a good kick in the nuts... :rolleyes:

EDIT: ok...lets all just calm down... i got a little upset when people called it "gay"...i can't stand gets me pissed...

all is forgiven, lets just stop the flame war and continue talking about music games on the gp32...we don't want this topic closed...
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and i hope YOU get a good kick in the nuts...

No its not right to chastise the use of a playful word like faggy but ignore blatant swearing. Im only playing around. I didnt want to raise such contraversy. Good luck to you I hope you get it running. Im just poo-pooing DDR thats all!
Gatso stop being such a poopheadt and grow up. I was at the beach with my friends and we played DDR as a joke and these girls our age saw us and hung out with us the rest of the day, if you don't call that picking up chicks from playing DDR than your a homosapien that can't get a girl and can't get off your lazy butt and actually try DDR.
"Fag," "Faggot," and "Faggy" are a lot stronger and more offensive right now (And I think they should always be more offensive) than words like "Fuck," and "Motherfucker."

I'm sorry if I offended anybody by using these words in my post. I tried to lighten it up by putting quotes around them.

EDIT: mastaboog749 - Please don't use a phrase like "XXXX stop being such a fucking faggot."
That "stop" was on the same level as that "faggot."
So, if you guys could please not use those kinds of words, I would appreciate it ;)
mastaboog749 posted on Aug 4 2004 at 10:12 PM said:
Gatso stop being such a fucking faggot and grow up. I was at the beach with my friends and we played DDR as a joke and these girls our age saw us and hung out with us the rest of the day, if you don't call that picking up chicks from playing DDR than your a homo that can't get a girl and can't get off your lazy ass and actually try DDR.
not directed at you per say....

STOP HIJACKING THE DAMNED THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111

i forgave him, and the rest of us ddr players and people pissed at him need to forgive him too!

i might work on my own pop n music or beatmania sim...but it more than likely won't get finished...
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Gatso stop being such a fucking faggot and grow up. I was at the beach with my friends and we played DDR as a joke and these girls our age saw us and hung out with us the rest of the day, if you don't call that picking up chicks from playing DDR than your a homo that can't get a girl and can't get off your lazy ass and actually try DDR.

When It comes to replies like the one above that is when reason and logic have been flushed down the toilet. I withdraw from placing anymore posts on this topic and wish nerd of the nerds the best of luck with his project. I sincerely apologise if I have offended the more PC of you and want you to know that it was never my intention.

My last words I say to mastaboog for his above post- Well done on picking up while playing DDR. You must be very talented and clever. Your right I cant pick up girls because im too lazy to get off my ass and play ddr. Thats whats missing in my life. You should be some sort of dating consultant. Oh just one little thing that bothers me about it though- picking up little girls with the lure of DDR might be your bag but the authorities might think differently.....better get yourself a different coloured trench coat now mate!
IntenseWage posted on Aug 4 2004 at 10:34 PM said:
This is the dumbest fucking argument I've ever seen.
i agree... <_<

what a bunch of immature tards...

someone (i!) had an idea of another use for the gp32 and several people decide to shit all over it...THEN people start calling it "gay" and then everyone is calling everyone else a fag... :rolleyes:

good goo...
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Ahh ya sorry about that. I saw a flame war starting so I joined in the fun. I edited my topic to be more kind. I suggest people who quoted me change it to, so we can all be nice. Uhhh I guess I could try being a dating instructer.
DDR is GAY...

So are Bub n Bob from bubble bobble and that guy from combo racer on the back of bike. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Vega from SF2 takes it in the butt.

those games are still fun though...

btw if this place becomes "Politically Correct" I'm outa here...

Seriously some of you people need to chill...

I guess we have different opinions about being politically correct. Let's just wait for a mod's opinion about what's going on in here (About the words used, not us going off topic about all this stuff).
Well, those people are entitled to their own opinion, but I (And others) would appreciate if they wouldn't bring that kind of language onto these boards.

Board Rules for GP32Xtreme Boards said:
Bad Language

We allow bad language to a degree. Please do not use any swear words except "damn" in your post titles. In the post itself, try to refrain from overly cussing. Sentences such as "The emulator is fucking gay because of its shitty compatibility" may be edited. Once again, the exception is the Official Spam Thread and less so for the Off-Topic Discussion Board. However, we do NOT allow racist remarks of any kind.
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