How About Ddr For The Gp?


Still Fresh
Mar 10, 2004
anyone ever heard of ddr?? dance dance revolution, well dont some1 make one for the gp32?? its a fun game with lots of supporters, I'm sure that most people would enjoy playin it on the go or waiting/practicing while in line to play(well not anymore, not that super popular anymore lol) it seems easy enough to do and the hey playing it on a playstation with controller is decent ynot on the gp32? as for the two steps just use the triggers, a,b, or diagonols, There was ddr for the gameboy and it was pretty good(at times hard to play though and cheap low qual sound) so ynot someone make one for the gp32 with mp3 music!! (or whatever format you prefer) It should be fairly simple since my friend programmed a cheap ddr clone in less than a week in visual basic!! (though incomplete, not perfect timmings or cool animations but had stickman dance and high scores!!)
I already posted something like this awhile back. I too would love a DDR clone for the gp32, like a ported stepmania or DWI, but I think it would just be no fun without more buttons (the controls you mentioned would be really bad for harder songs). What we would need is four external keys, all in a line, like on a keyboard. Then we could play like zx,. and it would be a lot more fun because this way we could actually play songs like MaxX Extermination and get an A-AA.
Yes, but many people also play with their fingers in DDR simulators, such as stepmania or DWI. Even though it might sound stupid to play with your fingers, it's actually very fun (especially when you play zx,. and play 11 footers) and challenging. BTW, it's DDR

EDIT: Here's a video of somebody playing with their fingers zx,. style in stepmania: Video. Once you get into stepmania, it becomes very addicting.
true true but anyways its still fun for a quickie, buttons are a problem if only the gp had some more buttons (like an x,y, so we all could it and play snes!) i havent really been on these forums for a long time (today being the first day i just registered) so i didnt catch your post and oh well its still is an good idea though, (playing ddr on gb emu is tough lol plus the music) yeah it would be tough super tough to try maniac stages or even another on just one 4way and two buttons with triggers(they tend to get in the way)
Who'd send their GP32 AND their valuable (well, most people have good dance pads. I have a CF, which costs $299) dance pad? :)
There is DDR and Drummania for Game Boy Color, and as always we have FGB for that need.

There is also that horse master game that was offered a month ago, there is a mini DDR game on it, not too shabby, but needs better music, and it is only a minigame with one track and bad speeds, like the tones are a bit off.

I think tobi drummaster with flashing drums that have to be played, like a simon pattern game or something, would be it. Follow the drummer!!!

mth411 posted on Mar 10 2004 at 03:26 AM said:
I think tobi drummaster with flashing drums that have to be played, like a simon pattern game or something, would be it. Follow the drummer!!!

That would be so good! I always put TobiDrummer on fora bit of a mess around, but cant actually make it sound good.
TobiDrummer is so good, it deserves to be made into a game of some sort.
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You could make a really simple version of it that played mods or midi or soemthing simple and link the songs timing to the scrolling buttons... dosent have to be up dawn left and right it could just use the A,B,L,R buttons... like Parapa the Rapper or somthing...

seems do-able, Wish I knew how to code. :(
It would be sweet if some one would make just a really simple program that would scroll the arrow/buttons across the screen and have some sort of swirling cool background for it which would use stepmainia files. Stepmainia files can be found at most of the usual places on the net. They often include a small dance sheet which is just a list that tells the program when to ask you to hit what button and an mp3. It would be awesome if it could be done because there are already a ton of songs out there for it. So it would beasicly be an mp3 player that would read a file and tell you when to hit a button I'm not sure how much system resources an mp3 player takes up so I'm not sure if you would have the cpu power to read a step chart scroll some images and handel the key presses.
Exactly... We need someone to mod their GP32 to use DDR RAM :P

If DDR lets you use your own songs (I think?) then it might be too much for the processor, but mabye you could "precompile" the key presses you need on your computer or something? Or do I just absolutly no idea what DDR does?
there's one of those games emulated well on the gb...pop something, i think it's called, it's not a dancing game it's a 'play along with the tune' game and the controls are set up nicely... hope this helps. :)
You would have to code that from ground up as StepMania (search for it on SourceForge) is the only public source available and it needs a PC at around 500MHz to be fully functional (It works _okay_ as an xbox-port).

In addition you would have to make it play mods or midis as mp3 decoding would probably take to much resources/space on the SMC... posted on Mar 10 2004 at 02:56 PM said:
You would have to code that from ground up as StepMania (search for it on SourceForge) is the only public source available and it needs a PC at around 500MHz to be fully functional (It works _okay_ as an xbox-port).

In addition you would have to make it play mods or midis as mp3 decoding would probably take to much resources/space on the SMC...
Stepmania does sound like the way to go. Here are the observations...
  • It's open source;
  • It depends on SDL and there is a port of SDL to GP32 already in progress;
  • Running at 320x240 might actually help with the amount of processor power required.
I'm just guessing here, with the 320x240 rendering being faster. It makes sense, but then you remember that normally SDL on a PC has the ability to use all sorts of acceleration as it draws. I'm not sure how efficient the GP32 port is yet, it's at beta3 at present.
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