Here are my comments on
Super is a modifier so it should not have an Fn label, otherwise things like Super+F-keys become impossible.
Suggested fix: put Esc somewhere else
ScrollLock and Break are not important.
Suggested fix: drop them.
I think that Backspace on the extra action button is not a bad idea at all (and I like the symmetry with Delete), but if the key to the right of 0 is available, then I would use it for dash/hyphen/minus instead of slash, for two reasons: 1) it's like that in US-QWERTY, and 2) dash/hyphen/minus is more important than slash (for all use cases).
Suggested fix: swap /? and -_ (that is, make /? Fn-keys and -_ primary/shift keys)
All those hardware toggles: does that really make sense? E.g. if the USB ports do power-saving automatically, then nobody needs a special button to toggle them because you can just keep it activated all the time. I am more in favor of having just one hardware button, which pops up a menu which shows you the status of everything and lets you toggle everything. By doing this in software, we can be sure that nothing is forgotten (e.g. what about a toggle for rumble? gps? hdmi?) and no unnecessary things are labeled.
Suggested fix: only one hardware toggle button, the other button can become Pause+PrintScreen (can be useful in games, so putting them up there makes sense)
Shoulder buttons: perhaps better to make it backwards compatible with Pandora: L1=RShift, R1=RCtrl.
Suggested fix: Make L1,R1 RShift and RCtrl
There are dead diacritics for acute, grave and diaeresis/umlaut, but not for circumflex? Shift+6 is not supposed to be a dead key. Also backtick and tilde should be available as ASCII symbols, so it looks like grave and tilde-diacritic are also missing.
Suggested fix: make Fn+6 dead circumflex (needed for âêîôû in a.o. French). Let ~ be the ascii symbol by default (can be made dead tilde in software for Spanish/Portuguese), perhaps make ` a dead grave by default (so to get the ascii symbol you have to type it twice or follow it with a space). Dead umlaut is not crucial, it can be hidden at Fn+" for those who need ëï.
French uses a lot of éèà (more than ç), so it makes sense to have those letters easily available.
Suggested fix: put éèà on Fn+270 like on an AZERTY keyboard.
The keys comma/period are not like on US-QWERTY or like on the Pandora: they should have < and > as Shift-labels and ; : as Fn-labels if you want it like on the Pandora.
Suggested fix: either do it like on the Pandora, or do what I am proposing below.
"DOSBox compatibility" (i.e. US-QWERTY symbol shift-pairs) is impossible if you don't want Fn+Shift combinations. However, the next best thing is possible: have the shift-pairs either like they should be (e.g. on the number row), or in a systematic layout.
Suggested fix: in my modification of ED's proposal, all the symbols that are not on a dedicated key are on the bottom row: ; / = [ ] \ and their US-QWERTY shift-value is on the row just above, in a systematic way: ; ? + { } |
(This makes it easy to remember how to type

+{}| in DOSBox: the keymat is basically a cheat sheet)
Here is a modification of ED's original layout that takes all of the above into account: