Craigix Gp2x Cap, Wow.


Oct 10, 2005
I'm the owner of a GP2X mkII value pack, so I have the 'grainy' stick that everyones been raving about. I complained a few days ago about down being unresponsive, with equal unresponsiveness from the community XD but that's not what matters.

The Craigix stick just shipped in to me about 10 minutes ago and I figured I'd give it a shot. It doesn't look much different, the part that goes onto the stick seems to be the same width. I figure 'eh, its not gonna be much different, seems like they adapted all the perks of this cap into the mkII one..'

I give it a shot, launch zelda for a bit. Down seems a bit more responsive but I figure its probably just placebo.

I then decide to launch street fighter alpha 3. This is when I knew it wasn't just my imagination. I was lobbing hadokens and hurricane kicks as well as I would on a PS2 controller.. well, I wouldn't give it that much credit. But I'd say it was about an 80% increase in responsiveness from what it was before. Its not perfect, but its much better than the cap it came with.

Yeah, rock... now my gp2x is actually going to be useful as a gaming handheld :S
Is this the one with gp2x printed sideways? Can you give me a link? I looked around the uk gp2x site and didn't see it.
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Is this the one with gp2x printed sideways? Can you give me a link? I looked around the uk gp2x site and didn't see it.

Its this one.

To further prove things to myself I gave Gradius II a go.

Got to level four. For someone of my skill(or lack thereof) that's more than enough proof.

Yep that cap is amazing (imo) i tried playing tetris attack with the other cap (plus added paper so it was taller) and couldnt move the stick at all, when i switched back it was so easy :P
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Is this the one with gp2x printed sideways? Can you give me a link? I looked around the uk gp2x site and didn't see it.

Its this one.

To further prove things to myself I gave Gradius II a go.

Got to level four. For someone of my skill(or lack thereof) that's more than enough proof.

Yep that cap is amazing (imo) i tried playing tetris attack with the other cap (plus added paper so it was taller) and couldnt move the stick at all, when i switched back it was so easy :P

....You've gotten panel de pon working at a good framerate? Please tell me how.

Im still waiting for it to play well on Squidge, or for a decent port to be made. Unfortunately its slim pickings as far as foundation to work with. Block Attack is horrible, unfortunately..

I can't get my x11 chains when the physics are off, Tetris attack is just one of those games that has to be done right or it may as well not have been done at all. Its not that I'm picky, I wish it weren't the case but it is.

It's a very precise game indeed.

To answer the other question: It was that one, the one that comes with a MkII model. It's not as good as the craigix one imo.
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Just tried this cap out, it came with my gp2x but I never bothered to put it on until now. Tested it out using Darkstalkers and Giga Wing in cps2emu. It's definitely more responsive, although it did seem to get stuck on the edge or to one side a couple times. Hopefully as it breaks in this will stop, otherwise I may try using a small file on the outside edge of the bottom to smooth it out.
Just tried this cap out, it came with my gp2x but I never bothered to put it on until now. Tested it out using Darkstalkers and Giga Wing in cps2emu. It's definitely more responsive, although it did seem to get stuck on the edge or to one side a couple times. Hopefully as it breaks in this will stop, otherwise I may try using a small file on the outside edge of the bottom to smooth it out.

Hmm, I haven't had it getting stuck on the edge yet, I'ma see if I can cause it to happen deliberately.

nopers... ah well. I think that the problem you might be having is that the joystick popped out of alignment, this happens to me sometimes. Usually a few twists of the stick will snap it back into place. Of course you could be talking about something totally different.
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Hmm, I haven't had it getting stuck on the edge yet, I'ma see if I can cause it to happen deliberately.

nopers... ah well. I think that the problem you might be having is that the joystick popped out of alignment, this happens to me sometimes. Usually a few twists of the stick will snap it back into place. Of course you could be talking about something totally different.

Well, just tried it again with Metal Slug and Darkstalkers. Seems to have stopped now. It might have been the alignment thing, as the stick tends to rotate a bit.
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That alternate cap is definitely an improvement in the feel of how it works.

The only thing is lobbing hadoukens at people can generally tend to screw the cap a little bit one way or the other, which makes the push click not operate anymore until it's screwed one way or the other until it pops back in to place, which is a tad frustrating.

One question about this cap though - the cap from my MkII (not the nobbly one from the value pack, but the nippled one from the normal MkII) fits snugly on the stick and takes a bit of effort to take off - the gp2x printed cap though just flops on and off, no matter what I do I can't make it 'fit' as well as the original cap ... anyone have any ideas? I don't mind butchering one to try and make it fit a little more snugly, as I got one with my gp2x from & an additional one with my copy of vektar.
That alternate cap is definitely an improvement in the feel of how it works.

The only thing is lobbing hadoukens at people can generally tend to screw the cap a little bit one way or the other, which makes the push click not operate anymore until it's screwed one way or the other until it pops back in to place, which is a tad frustrating.

One question about this cap though - the cap from my MkII (not the nobbly one from the value pack, but the nippled one from the normal MkII) fits snugly on the stick and takes a bit of effort to take off - the gp2x printed cap though just flops on and off, no matter what I do I can't make it 'fit' as well as the original cap ... anyone have any ideas? I don't mind butchering one to try and make it fit a little more snugly, as I got one with my gp2x from & an additional one with my copy of vektar.


Get a tiny (and I mean TINY - 2mm wide, length doesn't matter but about 2-3 cm) strip of paper, fold it once to add a bit of thickness and make it about 1mm thick. Put the paper into the GP2X cap on the flat side of the hole (about half way in) and then push the cap on - it should be a bit of a struggle. Once the cap is firmly on, you can tear whatever remaning paper is sticking out of the bottom and make it look nice.
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....You've gotten panel de pon working at a good framerate? Please tell me how.

hmm i didnt know there was an issue it runs at fullspeed for me on stock 2x settings (maybe a bit overclocked) i just start up squidgesnes and load up tetrisattack and its good (bit hard without a dpad but still good)
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....You've gotten panel de pon working at a good framerate? Please tell me how.

hmm i didnt know there was an issue it runs at fullspeed for me on stock 2x settings (maybe a bit overclocked) i just start up squidgesnes and load up tetrisattack and its good (bit hard without a dpad but still good)

With or without sound?

PanelDePon/Tetris attack have always been too slow to be enjoyable on any handheld emulator.

Edit/followup: I just loaded Tetris attack, 245 Mhz, No sound, 12 fps.
265 mhz, no sound, 15 fps.
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hi how did you safely remove your cap from your gp2x i just dont want to bust mine in the process :P thanks

....You've gotten panel de pon working at a good framerate? Please tell me how.

hmm i didnt know there was an issue it runs at fullspeed for me on stock 2x settings (maybe a bit overclocked) i just start up squidgesnes and load up tetrisattack and its good (bit hard without a dpad but still good)

With or without sound?

PanelDePon/Tetris attack have always been too slow to be enjoyable on any handheld emulator.

Edit/followup: I just loaded Tetris attack, 245 Mhz, No sound, 12 fps.
265 mhz, no sound, 15 fps.

hmm well it had sounds and ran fine :S il check the settings im sure it was more than 15fps though (i didnt notice any slowdown, i know frameskip was on though because mario doesnt run properly with the same settings its jumpy as hell)

hi how did you safely remove your cap from your gp2x i just dont want to bust mine in the process :P thanks


i just pull it off, works fine
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With or without sound?

PanelDePon/Tetris attack have always been too slow to be enjoyable on any handheld emulator.
It is full speed, including perfect sound on the DS, but there is a bug where the cursor doesn't move with the stack of blocks :( Not the end of the world though as there is a homebrew version for the DS which is fairly accurate and uses some ripped graphics and sounds.

To get it full speed on the GP2X, I had to overclock to 280MHz and set the frameskip to about 6 or 7.
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im just trying now and it runs ok for me at 250mhz with sound frameskip auto and craigs ram timings

how do i get to the squidgesnes menu ? ive tried lots of button combos and i just cant figure out how to get out of this game (plus why is there a border around the screen :S