Review Of The 'mark Ii' Cap

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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I like it.

It's about 1cmm smaller than DaveC's cap and the little raised nub in the center helps provide a nice tactile feel to the cap. The smaller size allows me to have tighter control than DaveC's cap ... it feels as though I have to push less in a particular direction for the stick to register.

*note: My Wife's '2X also has a DaveC cap, but hers is a bit smaller than mine; more close to the MK II cap in circumference, so these comparasins are based only on my cap.

That aside, I was pleased to get a cool sticker for some lame game whose title escapes me ATM, and a $5 off any $50 purchase coupon :D No candy, but the coupon was nice :P

compared to my first edition is rockin. My first edition cap was painful at times and made gameplay somewhat limited. If you still have a first edition cap..ditch it, get a mkII cap its worth atleast double what you pay.
The first edition didn't have a cap ... 'twas more like a barstool seat.
My main gripe with daveC's cap was the slightly larger size than what I preferred; not to say it was too big, but I always felt like my thumb was rolling around in the dish too much.

I was using craig's cap up until last month when it apparantly popped off at the airport. Im so pleased with it, that when I get the new one I ordered I'm crazy glueing it on :lol:

...come to think if it, where IS my cap?

*emails craig*

I'll probably order a mark II cap before glueing anything now. Thanks for the review, very helpful.
Sorry for the bump, but just had add this:

I just now beat my all-time high score for Time Pilot - 141,400 ... this cap rocks hard!

All that's missing to make it perfect is a slight rubbery surface, to give it that RetroCon grip.

* Thinks *
TelcoLou posted on Aug 3 2006 at 05:30 AM said:
Sorry for the bump, but just had add this:

I just now beat my all-time high score for Time Pilot - 141,400 ... this cap rocks hard!

All that's missing to make it perfect is a slight rubbery surface, to give it that RetroCon grip.

* Thinks *

OK, you have made me order it from Play-Asia too, looking forward to trying it ;)
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oneandoneis2 posted on Aug 3 2006 at 05:59 AM said:
I just ordered one as well. Do they take long to arrive?

You can get liquid rubberizer to give it a rubber coating if you really want. .

Not long at all! Less than a full week, maybe 5 or 6 days? I may try some of that rubberizer crap during my next trek to Homeless Depot.
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