Craigix Discloses Information On New Gp2x?

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sixela said:
I hope it isn't going to be much bigger than the GP2x, which I think is the perfect size for handheld gaming.
As well, I hope it isnt going to be much heavier either.

I would sacrifice having a keyboard if it meant keeping the size down.
Shut up. Want keyboard. Want adventure games and web browsing, want 128 ram for that! More people will buy it.

Me want keyboard. Wifi. Touchscreen. Me can pay.
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Keyboard... are you making a handheld computer or a handheld gaming device? And can you fit a keyboard into it without turning it into a big brick? Why not make the keyboard an add-on for those who really want it...
craigix said:

Those high res screens are not so big really...
Who else thought for at least 1 second that that was the new GP2X.
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Eolair said:
Keyboard... are you making a handheld computer or a handheld gaming device? And can you fit a keyboard into it without turning it into a big brick? Why not make the keyboard an add-on for those who want it...
Maybe because they want to appeal to more people this time? The GP2X did not sell well, less than 40K which shows they need to aim it at more than just a couple of people here. An open source handheld video game machine clearly doesn't sell, but an open source handheld video game machine and PDA may well do much better. Lots of mobile phones have them now without being huge.
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Orkie said:
Eolair said:
Keyboard... are you making a handheld computer or a handheld gaming device? And can you fit a keyboard into it without turning it into a big brick? Why not make the keyboard an add-on for those who want it...
Maybe because they want to appeal to more people this time? The GP2X did not sell well, less than 40K which shows they need to aim it at more than just a couple of people here. An open source handheld video game machine clearly doesn't sell, but an open source handheld video game machine and PDA may well do much better. Lots of mobile phones have them now without being huge.

Yes. Me wants that thing! So shut up and give me it.
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I'd love a built in keyboard .. dozens of text adventures to play!
I'm real jazzed about this new hand held, just keep the price down, no more then a Ipod, or PSP, and I'd kinda like to have it fit in my pocket. All so It be cool if it had fpga, to emulate any give chip on the fly, It would make parts of software emulation obsolete.
Why do people love to post/repost big giant pics... Wait... my screen is only 1024x768 - wait isn't that what most people have?

Anyway, I reckon if it is a slide out keyboard it won't add too much bulk. You have roughly three flat rectangular pieces to begin with; screen, motherboard and battery. Pairing those up for each half of the case won't add a whole lot to the thickness, whether you choose clamshell, slider or brick. Is 3mm really going to mean it won't fit in your pocket - heck it'll probably be thinner than the current GP2x. Incidentally, that doesn't fit in my pocket anyway.

So... next question, I wonder what GPH are up to... :ph34r:
Eolair said:
Keyboard... are you making a handheld computer or a handheld gaming device? And can you fit a keyboard into it without turning it into a big brick? Why not make the keyboard an add-on for those who really want it...
It makes it difficult for the developers to support non-standard stuff, If it built-in, It has a MUCH better chance of being supported, As a developer will know everyone will have one as standard. Add-on`s tend to make things more bulky, Thus turning a portable handheld into a non-portable handheld. We`ve only got to look at the support for add-on`s on the GP2x for an example of chaos where support is concerned, "My joystick doesn`t work", "Why doesn`t X program work with my keyboard" etc.

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Maybe because they want to appeal to more people this time? The GP2X did not sell well, less than 40K which shows they need to aim it at more than just a couple of people here. An open source handheld video game machine clearly doesn't sell, but an open source handheld video game machine and PDA may well do much better. Lots of mobile phones have them now without being huge.

I think an open source gaming device with a good screen, wifi, bitchin 3d graphics, proper marketing and a few good titles from a major gaming labels or two will be more than enough to get people's attention.

If Craigix is aiming for X'mas, it will be the only new handheld gaming console out, so the timing is pretty good too.

They really shouldnt advertise this as a PDA though, whether it has a keyboard or not...

The PDA/mobile phone market is oversaturated. There's a new phone/pda/mp3/video doohickey out every day.

And Lubidog...ok,ok, you can have your keyboard if it means that much to you!
trooper said:
Eolair said:
Keyboard... are you making a handheld computer or a handheld gaming device? And can you fit a keyboard into it without turning it into a big brick? Why not make the keyboard an add-on for those who really want it...
It makes it difficult for the developers to support non-standard stuff, If it built-in, It has a MUCH better chance of being supported, As a developer will know everyone will have one as standard. Add-on`s tend to make things more bulky, Thus turning a portable handheld into a non-portable handheld. We`ve only got to look at the support for add-on`s on the GP2x for an example of chaos where support is concerned, "My joystick doesn`t work", "Why doesn`t X program work with my keyboard" etc.


I wasn't around for the gp32, which had an accessory keyboard. Was it a big problem? Did people dislike the machine for not having the keyboard built in?

I don't mean "was it popular"? I imagine it wasn't that popular, since a keyboard on a device like this is like a steering wheel on a horse.

And, speaking of steering wheels, there are lots of driving games so it should really have a steering wheel built in too! :)
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jmetal88 said:
DaveC said:
That is just it, you can't do integer scaling and centered. It will have to be fractionally scaled (320 doesn't go into 480 evenly you know) plus the image will be like 1.5" across. Not too great.
Don't be stupid Dave, you're trying to fit the 320 horizontal resolution into the 480 vertical resolution, which the 240 vertical resolution should be fit to. Perfect doubling.

I was talking for vertical games such as Donpachi, Ms.Pacman etc. With those which are 320 high or close to it you do have to stretch to 480.
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DaveC said:
jmetal88 said:
DaveC said:
That is just it, you can't do integer scaling and centered. It will have to be fractionally scaled (320 doesn't go into 480 evenly you know) plus the image will be like 1.5" across. Not too great.
Don't be stupid Dave, you're trying to fit the 320 horizontal resolution into the 480 vertical resolution, which the 240 vertical resolution should be fit to. Perfect doubling.

I was talking for vertical games such as Donpachi, Ms.Pacman etc. With those which are 320 high or close to it you do have to stretch to 480.

aren't those the ones that you flip the handheld for??
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DaveC said:
jmetal88 said:
DaveC said:
That is just it, you can't do integer scaling and centered. It will have to be fractionally scaled (320 doesn't go into 480 evenly you know) plus the image will be like 1.5" across. Not too great.
Don't be stupid Dave, you're trying to fit the 320 horizontal resolution into the 480 vertical resolution, which the 240 vertical resolution should be fit to. Perfect doubling.

I was talking for vertical games such as Donpachi, Ms.Pacman etc. With those which are 320 high or close to it you do have to stretch to 480.

So what vertical screen resolution would you prefer? 320?
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I would also be in favour of a keyboard of some kind. Thing is, if you want to play sierra agi games, amiga stuff, text adventures it's pretty much a must. Also it would add functionality to the new device as a pda of sorts. You could also use it to chat with peope over wifi, check and answer to email blablabla yaddayaddayadda. Imagine writing code on the go and being able to run it directly (for example in fenix... don't know if there is a good compiler on arm platforms for cpp).
I think that it should have a circular screen that isn't good for anything so everyone is equally unhappy :P

Seriously though, you can't have everything. I'd be happy flipping it 90 degrees to play those games if the controls were alright on it. Most of those games will only need the dpad and one button anyway...
Does GPH know about this? If they found out now, they would think that the distributors screwed them over. ;)
sam fisher said:
They screwed the distributors over by going incognito!
And by not caring about their own product enough to listen to the community, thereby slowing growth of the platform
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Dzz said:
trooper said:
Eolair said:
Keyboard... are you making a handheld computer or a handheld gaming device? And can you fit a keyboard into it without turning it into a big brick? Why not make the keyboard an add-on for those who really want it...
It makes it difficult for the developers to support non-standard stuff, If it built-in, It has a MUCH better chance of being supported, As a developer will know everyone will have one as standard. Add-on`s tend to make things more bulky, Thus turning a portable handheld into a non-portable handheld. We`ve only got to look at the support for add-on`s on the GP2x for an example of chaos where support is concerned, "My joystick doesn`t work", "Why doesn`t X program work with my keyboard" etc.


I wasn't around for the gp32, which had an accessory keyboard. Was it a big problem? Did people dislike the machine for not having the keyboard built in?

I don't mean "was it popular"? I imagine it wasn't that popular, since a keyboard on a device like this is like a steering wheel on a horse.

Well the GP32 keyboard was not an official keyboard (introduced a few years into the life of the GP32), It was a hacked ericsson chatboard. Not a great deal of people were able to perform the modification, Source the chatboards or the EXT connector, So a lot of programs, Emulators etc never really ended up fully supporting it, If at all. A sad fact, Though it would have been a really great and useful add-on.

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