Wanna Be Programmer
I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say Boggi *would* make a better pres than any of the candidates 
Clinton sucks. I thought the same as you until I heard more and more from her in this campaign. She is a win at all costs DLC Bilderburg politician. Look up the DLC and see what they stand for, you wouldn't like it. She would ruin the party just for any shot at the nomination. I used to think Bubba was the best president too. That was until I looked further into his policies. He wasn't terrible but he did some very damaging things. Some of these things include NAFTA and the telecommunications act that forever gave the US media a right-wing corporate slant (Faux news, Limbaugh etc).daclassicgamingmaster said:Obama isn't qualified. When he comes back in 8 years, he'll have my vote.
I'm not too fond of Clinton, but I'm in support of having Bill back for a 3rd term at least. The economy is a mess from this imbecile that half of America voted in. One thing we can be sure of with Clinton is a better economy and a strengthening dollar
The Fed is doing what it can in a very dire situation. Bernanke is a smart man; I trust that he knows what he's doing.
Ron Paul is a nutjob.christo930 said:I guess if you don't mind a racist president who's also a liar, then right on!
RON PAUL is the best candidate, but he is pretty much out. Nobody worth voting for this year.
DaveC said:Clinton sucks. I thought the same as you until I heard more and more from her in this campaign. She is a win at all costs DLC Bilderburg politician. Look up the DLC and see what they stand for, you wouldn't like it. She would ruin the party just for any shot at the nomination. I used to think Bubba was the best president too. That was until I looked further into his policies. He wasn't terrible but he did some very damaging things. Some of these things include NAFTA and the telecommunications act that forever gave the US media a right-wing corporate slant (Faux news, Limbaugh etc).daclassicgamingmaster said:Obama isn't qualified. When he comes back in 8 years, he'll have my vote.
I'm not too fond of Clinton, but I'm in support of having Bill back for a 3rd term at least. The economy is a mess from this imbecile that half of America voted in. One thing we can be sure of with Clinton is a better economy and a strengthening dollar
The Fed is doing what it can in a very dire situation. Bernanke is a smart man; I trust that he knows what he's doing.
Obama isn't qualified? Well I wouldn't be so sure. Hillary hasn't had much more experience in actuality if you remove all of the fake experience that she lies about. You have to remember that a president is just a figure head. The president is one who goes around making speeches. They all have a huge stable of advisors. This is where I think Obama is best. I think Obama would assemble a great cabinet, much better than the others. He is one that can talk to all parties and come out of it with a solution. He is willing to work with Republicans, and he is willing to negotiate with "enemies" (Iran etc) to work things out PEACEFULLY (sorry Haliburton). He has already done just that in the past. Can you imagine if we took the Bush rule and refused to negotiate with the Russians during the Cuban missile crisis? Well you wouldn't have to imagine, you wouldn't be here. Hillary is too divisive and polarizing. The Clintons are Republican-lite. There was a time in the Clinton admin where they shut down the government because both sides wouldn't talk. I don't think we would have the same problem with Obama. None of these candidates are perfect but I think Obama is the "least of the evils".
McPain is just an extension of Bush. If you liked Bush, you'l love McPain. If you love war, you will love McPain. He is just itching to nuke Iran. And for him sure why not, he is a fossil and won't live to see the collapse of the country anyway. The thought of him making supreme court appointments makes me shudder.
Ron Paul is an idiot. His libertarian "privatize everything" views are awful and very destructive. Yeah just get rid of government and just make it "everyone for themselves". This is ok if you are a rich white male. Everyone else can go blow, in his views.
Ron Paul is a nutjob.christo930 said:I guess if you don't mind a racist president who's also a liar, then right on!
RON PAUL is the best candidate, but he is pretty much out. Nobody worth voting for this year.
I don't know why you say Obama is a liar. I suppose he may have lied about something but that is not unlike most others. He isn't as bad as Hillary who lies about almost everything. He doesn't seem overly racist to me either. Obama could have taken the safe route and made a safe speech about the pastor thing. Instead he made a very politically risky but honest and intelligent speech about race. It has been said by many that that speech will be used in schools many years to come. He wrote it himself as well unlike most other politicians like Bush that has someone do it for them. He said what needed to be said about the subject even though it may have damaged his chances at the nomination. To me that showed dignity and that he cared, and he put the truth above politics. That was worth something to me, none of the other candidates would have done that. All of these guys have flaws. Some are just worse than others.
I don't know why you would say Ron Paul is a nut job. He wants to look to the constitution and the founding fathers for guidance in all political matters. The US federal government has turned into a monstrosity, removing our personal liberties and lets not forget that the country worked quite well before our federal government got so big. Let see he opposes:
The CIA. Not all functions of the CIA, but a secret government within a government that is accountable to nobody.
The FED - A semi private company (semi-private because they have extra protections that private companies don't have)that makes all monetary decisions and policy without being accountable to anyone, including the congress.
Department of Homeland Security - Gigantic bureaucracy that tramples individual rights, has been given illegal and unprecedented powers, utterly destroyed FEMA (They performed pretty well before they were absorbed)
FIAT money: Wants the US dollar backed by something real. Non backed paper money systems have a very very poor track record (they always fail eventually).
Corporate handouts: Just look at the disaster with corn based ethanol. We are paying to have the price of food go up by leaps and bounds.
Personal welfare - I oppose Ron's view here, but OTOH, Ron does not want to chop this safety net. He has stated that he realizes that people are on it and rely on it.
Large federal government- Most things can and should be handled at the state level.
Someone stated that they were worried that if the US stayed out of things that WW3 would start, I got news for you:Nobody elected the US to police the world and decide which regimes are good and which are bad. The US government has a responsibility to protect it's people and borders and that is it. Our government wants to be in everything including our bedrooms, our health, our reproduction, our morals... The government is too big, involved in too much shit and needs to be reigned in. We can't afford to police the world, let regions work out their own problems. We go over in someone else's back yard and get mad when they fight back. Now we have a war on terrorism and like all other wars we start (crime, poverty, drugs...)it never ends, gets more and more expensive, gives the feds more power, takes away more rights and Americans just go along like the sheep we are, watching reality TV and talking for weeks on end about every stupid celebrity that does something stupid. Anna Nicole Smith's death got months of daily coverage on network news. We have American boys and girls being killed and maimed every day and were watching Anna Nicole Smith and her parade of lovers?
If you listen to sound bites of Ron Paul, you probably would think he is an idiot, but when you see the whole interview you start to realize that you let the constitution be your guide.
I try not to flame people and become personally mean, and mostly everyone in this thread has been mostly level headed. But most Americans are tired of the way things are going on right now. They want us out of Iraq, and the gov wants to start more wars with Iran, although that has seemed to slow down in the media. Were going into or are already in a recession and people are looking at what this damn war is costing us, the fall of the dollar and the ever widening gap between the haves and the have nots. We have a president who was quoted as saying "stop throwing the constitution in my face, it's just a damn piece of paper". The American voters voted out the republicans from the congress under the promise of ending the war and congress went and gave Bush all the time and money he wanted to keep it going. Most people who have any idea of what the Patriot act really is want it overturned. According to Fahrenheit 911, not one single congressman read the act before passing it. We are becoming hated by foreign governments and people, and who can blame them (for hating our government, not the people)? The US gov thinks it has a right to impose it's way of life and standards and will on any people they feel like, even against the United Nations. What good is the UN when the US won't abide by it? What happens when China says "its our turn, we want Taiwan" and the UN says no and they do it anyway? I just really hope that whoever our next president is, that they are much better than Bush. I was born in 69 and in my life, I would say he is by far the worst president and should be impeached. I just hope the dollar holds out the damage of GWB.daclassicgamingmaster said:This thread is hilarious. Have fun torching each other![]()
christo930 said:I try not to flame people and become personally mean, and mostly everyone in this thread has been mostly level headed. But most Americans are tired of the way things are going on right now. They want us out of Iraq, and the gov wants to start more wars with Iran, although that has seemed to slow down in the media. Were going into or are already in a recession and people are looking at what this damn war is costing us, the fall of the dollar and the ever widening gap between the haves and the have nots. We have a president who was quoted as saying "stop throwing the constitution in my face, it's just a damn piece of paper". The American voters voted out the republicans from the congress under the promise of ending the war and congress went and gave Bush all the time and money he wanted to keep it going. Most people who have any idea of what the Patriot act really is want it overturned. According to Fahrenheit 911, not one single congressman read the act before passing it. We are becoming hated by foreign governments and people, and who can blame them (for hating our government, not the people)? The US gov thinks it has a right to impose it's way of life and standards and will on any people they feel like, even against the United Nations. What good is the UN when the US won't abide by it? What happens when China says "its our turn, we want Taiwan" and the UN says no and they do it anyway? I just really hope that whoever our next president is, that they are much better than Bush. I was born in 69 and in my life, I would say he is by far the worst president and should be impeached. I just hope the dollar holds out the damage of GWB.daclassicgamingmaster said:This thread is hilarious. Have fun torching each other![]()
I totally agree with you. I find it strange how the US does whatever it wants, yet gets upset when China does just that. You can't force freedom on people.
PlopperZ said:I totally agree with you. I find it strange how the US does whatever it wants, yet gets upset when China does just that. You can't force freedom on people.christo930 said:The US gov thinks it has a right to impose it's way of life and standards and will on any people they feel like, even against the United Nations. What good is the UN when the US won't abide by it? What happens when China says "its our turn, we want Taiwan" and the UN says no and they do it anyway? I just really hope that whoever our next president is, that they are much better than Bush. I was born in 69 and in my life, I would say he is by far the worst president and should be impeached. I just hope the dollar holds out the damage of GWB.
Sorry but are you comparing the horrible regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq to Taiwan under freely elected officials? No we should not have gone to war the way that we did but Hussein was a murderer and a madman who had experimented with things that could have killed millions upon millions of Americans. China attacking Taiwan for peaceful democracy would be very different from the US attacking a terrible dictatorship, yes... too many innocent people were killed in the war on Iraq, it should have been waged differently if at all but don't compare it to the attacking of free peaceful people. And to say that we can't force freedom on people... pleeeeeeassse... do you really think there are people who are angry at us for trying to give them freedom? Also Christo930 the dollars loss in value cannot be blamed solely on the presidency of GWB, read up on the current lending crisis.
Uh, yeah I do. Why do you think Iraqis are so pissed off with Americans. Saddam's government may have been bad, but it's a lot better than the anarchy it is now.Jackd said:do you really think there are people who are angry at us for trying to give them freedom?
You just need to replace "the US" with "the Bush administration". I think most Americans think Bush is awful. Some were slow on the uptake but now even dumb Americans realize how bad Bush is.PlopperZ said:I totally agree with you. I find it strange how the US does whatever it wants, yet gets upset when China does just that. You can't force freedom on people.
PlopperZ said:Uh, yeah I do. Why do you think Iraqis are so pissed off with Americans. Saddam's government may have been bad, but it's a lot better than the anarchy it is now.Jackd said:do you really think there are people who are angry at us for trying to give them freedom?
you misunderstand, i was saying that they aren't angry at us because they don't want freedom, there only angry at the method we used to try to free them.
Jackd said:PlopperZ said:Uh, yeah I do. Why do you think Iraqis are so pissed off with Americans. Saddam's government may have been bad, but it's a lot better than the anarchy it is now.Jackd said:do you really think there are people who are angry at us for trying to give them freedom?
you misunderstand, i was saying that they aren't angry at us because they don't want freedom, there only angry at the method we used to try to free them.
Meh, they're pissed for a lot of reasons, not least of which is the ongoing fighting from ethnic strife, which has lead to a lot of innocents getting killed--and the typical response is to blame us for staying there. Besides, most people don't like being occupied...
I do think there were legitimate reasons to go to war in Iraq (an oppressed people that wanted to be freed--er, or just wanted the power themselves... and enforcing the treaties we made with a threatening dictator. Actually, maybe some of you will recall that Clinton reacted very strongly when Hussein refused the inspectors and suggested ground troops himself. Problem is... he became caught up in the Lewinsky trial and it all kind of blew over as Kosovo took precedence.).
Anyway, it was definitely not the right time, tactically. Saddam did not pose an immediate threat, and we were already tied up in Afghanistan (and still are). It was stupid to open up another front and not go with enough troops to secure the borders (Rumsfeld thought a light and mobile force would do it--he's a moron. You can defeat a central power structure that way, but you can't occupy and secure a nation with a small force. It doesn't work.). That blunder helped cause the internal problems to explode into the situation we have now. Who knew that a country in turmoil and without a government might be taken advantage of? Can't think of any situations where that has happened in history...
trooper said:
Nova said:trooper said:The current location of the US $.
Lol, but to be honest, I was expecting a rickroll.
lol, rickrolls are destroying our trust in the internet.
daclassicgamingmaster said:Nova said:trooper said:The current location of the US $.
Lol, but to be honest, I was expecting a rickroll.
lol, rickrolls are destroying our trust in the internet.
I've honestly never seen one (but don't send me one)
Jackd said:PlopperZ said:I totally agree with you. I find it strange how the US does whatever it wants, yet gets upset when China does just that. You can't force freedom on people.christo930 said:The US gov thinks it has a right to impose it's way of life and standards and will on any people they feel like, even against the United Nations. What good is the UN when the US won't abide by it? What happens when China says "its our turn, we want Taiwan" and the UN says no and they do it anyway? I just really hope that whoever our next president is, that they are much better than Bush. I was born in 69 and in my life, I would say he is by far the worst president and should be impeached. I just hope the dollar holds out the damage of GWB.
Sorry but are you comparing the horrible regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq to Taiwan under freely elected officials? No we should not have gone to war the way that we did but Hussein was a murderer and a madman who had experimented with things that could have killed millions upon millions of Americans. China attacking Taiwan for peaceful democracy would be very different from the US attacking a terrible dictatorship, yes... too many innocent people were killed in the war on Iraq, it should have been waged differently if at all but don't compare it to the attacking of free peaceful people. And to say that we can't force freedom on people... pleeeeeeassse... do you really think there are people who are angry at us for trying to give them freedom? Also Christo930 the dollars loss in value cannot be blamed solely on the presidency of GWB, read up on the current lending crisis.
Adding trillions of dollars in debt isn't doing much for the dollar, and that is GWB and his stupid war. This low interest lending scheme the fed has been using isn't much better, it creates a lot of new money ala the fractional reserve system. As far as us needing to invade the evil Saddam, who asked us to be the liberators? The Iraqi people? No. THe UN? No. Anyone? NO. Were there other evil dictators out there? YES! Hell, we can start right with Saudia Arabia! Our great friends who just happened to be the nationality of almost all of the High jackers. What about the genocide that was /is going on in africa in Darfur? Where are the WMDs? It's only been 5 years and none have been found. Means ether they are very clever at hiding things and we are really bad at finding things, or they were never there. And you can make the comparison between Taiwan and Iraq because both involve superpowers defying the UN. It doesn't really matter that one is seen as righteous and one isn't. The Chinese are going to say that it is their land and they want it back and they are likely to bring up that the Americans disregarded the decision of the UN for it's national sovereignty and that they are doing the same. If you want to be the world police, at least set the right example. Nuclear proliferation, the Bush's excuse for wanting to start a war with Iran. Lets not forget the the AMERICAN government is the ONLY government in history to explode a nuclear weapon over a foreign nation and destroyed 2 cities. Why don't we go in and destroy Israel's nuclear capability? Oh, yeah I remember now, Israel can do no wrong. The Israel army makes life miserable for the palestinians that live in the region. They are forced to strip in front of large crowds of men AND women, they can wait hours at checkpoints on their way to friends/ relatives houses, word, mosque... But we sit idly by and let the Israeli's do what they want.
PlopperZ said:daclassicgamingmaster said:Nova said:trooper said:The current location of the US $.
Lol, but to be honest, I was expecting a rickroll.
lol, rickrolls are destroying our trust in the internet.
I've honestly never seen one (but don't send me one)
I have taken care of this.