Cps2emu Test Version 5

humm, i'm still having trouble with these multi sets games :angry:
Here's what you do:

1. Get the large 10mb+ zip file, and extract its cache file. Put the cache file in the cache folder.
2. Put the large zip file in your roms folder.
3. Get a smaller zip file of the same game, but make sure that it has the same number in parentheses as the larger one; put the small file in the roms folder.
4. Launch the small zip file, and it'll work.

- Alex
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You can also delete the files in the rom zip that have been now copied to the cache file. This will save SD space. The files safe to delete are listed when you make the dump using romcnv.

EDIT: for clarity
Just tried slaanesh's version. Runs very smooth with his recommended stettings and I found no bugs. All my games are loading without problems.

Thanks slaanesh for the link! :-)
And kudos for ell for his excellent work.

Just compiled a new version with RAM timings and Gamma set to 1.5... Much nicer viewing angle now with the gamma correction... and its very fast...
Don't know why some games aren't working for some people as everything I have tried works great.

Thank you man, but i can´t ask you your version, your PM is full i think.
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oops double post


this cps2emu is almost too good to be true.
it's amazing to see how flawlessy games run on what's supposed to be a "test" version.

congratulation Ell for this masterpiece (not to mention Slaanesh fot his wonderful custom version) ! :D
Coming in file archive (I've asked ED if he can add it for me) the beta 2 of capex:
-chg SDL lib.
-fix some surface initialisation pb
-chg capex speed from 100MHz to 80MHz
-add rom analysis from rominfo.cps2
-add save options (capex.cfg)
-add missing roms filter
-add available roms filter
-add playable roms filter
-add 3 capex options (clock, delay, repeat)
-add Parent rom info (useful for clone)
-add more font color for analysis
-del external picture for no preview
-chg internal background picture
-add all preview (execpt choco & hsf2a & rckmanj)
... probably forget many things ... :)
I'm very surprise by the analysis speed of rominfo.cps2 file
It kill not the boot :)

a new screen

To be continued ...
Coming in file archive (I've asked ED if he can add it for me) the beta 2 of capex:
-chg SDL lib.
-fix some surface initialisation pb
-chg capex speed from 100MHz to 80MHz
-add rom analysis from rominfo.cps2
-add save options (capex.cfg)
-add missing roms filter
-add available roms filter
-add playable roms filter
-add 3 capex options (clock, delay, repeat)
-add Parent rom info (useful for clone)
-add more font color for analysis
-del external picture for no preview
-chg internal background picture
-add all preview (execpt choco & hsf2a & rckmanj)
... probably forget many things ... :)
I'm very surprise by the analysis speed of rominfo.cps2 file
It kill not the boot :)

a new screen

To be continued ...

WOW, I cant wait for this. The PERFECT companion for cps2emu! Thank you very much
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For some reason, this emulator simply refuses to run on my GP2x. Running from sterm or logging the output using gmenu2x gives me segmentation faults right after loading /lib/modules/2.4.25/kernel/drivers/input/joydev.o (which loads with a bunch of unresolved symbols). Even running cps2emu --help fails on a segfault. This is on firmware 2.1.1, and I never had a similar problem. Any thoughts?