You have a magic GP2X. Progear still bombs on your compile, and 1944 no longer works.
I am on FW 2.0 if that makes a difference.
Very odd. But there must be an explanation.
I have FW2.11. Running @ 250Mhz. Running from the standard GP2x menu. No utilties are running, nor is samba, ftpd or telnetd.
I've successfully used both the following options when running games.
--sound --hw-rescale --samplerate= 11025, --68kclock=-20, --z80clock=-20
--sound --sw-rescale --samplerate= 11025, --68kclock=-20, --z80clock=-20 --showfps
So far all game's i've tested work: ddtod, ddsom, 1944, progear, xmcota, gigawing, mmatrix.
Maybe it has to do with the FW? Or maybe it is that you underclocked the CPUs? I run at 100%
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