Corrupt A Wish

Edit: Ninja'd (didn't see there was another page when I refreshed)

You do find some, but they end up being illegal in the place you find them, and you get caught and go to jail for life.

I wish I wouldn't procrastinate all the time.
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Edit: Ninja'd (didn't see there was another page when I refreshed)

You do find some, but they end up being illegal in the place you find them, and you get caught and go to jail for life.

I wish I wouldn't procrastinate all the time.

You now procrastinate most of the time.

I wish my pandora would get here and it would arrive in perfect condition.
Edit: Ninja'd (didn't see there was another page when I refreshed)

You do find some, but they end up being illegal in the place you find them, and you get caught and go to jail for life.

I wish I wouldn't procrastinate all the time.

You now procrastinate most of the time.

I wish my pandora would get here and it would arrive in perfect condition.
Granted. But you trip on your shoe laces, and it the lid breaks off.

I wish I could get my Sega Saturn before April 3rd.
You do get your Sega Saturn before April 3rd. Of 2060.

I wish GLES would stop crashing on me for using more than 6 VBO's.

It no longer does, but your computer randomly crashes and you have to get a new one. this new computer crashes every VBO.

WOOT! my pandora just shipped!

oh and on a side note, i wish that i hadnt chosen the slow shipping.
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You do get your Sega Saturn before April 3rd. Of 2060.

I wish GLES would stop crashing on me for using more than 6 VBO's.

It no longer does, but your computer randomly crashes and you have to get a new one. this new computer crashes every VBO.

WOOT! my pandora just shipped!

oh and on a side note, i wish that i hadnt chosen the slow shipping.

Granted, you didn't, and your Pandora winds up lost in the mail.

I wish I knew if my dream meant something.

I dreamt that I was in China shortly after the T-Mobile/AT&T Merger, and I was watching a celebratory fireworks display when one of the fireworks that went up was the Windows 95 logo. Good sign or a bad one?!
Granted. You learn that your dream does mean something. But you are not told what. You go insane and shoot yourself.

I wish that Linux had a different name, but everything else was unchanged.
Granted. You learn that your dream does mean something. But you are not told what. You go insane and shoot yourself.

I wish that Linux had a different name, but everything else was unchanged.
Granted. It's now called Linus.

I wish I worded my wishes better.
Granted, but your wishes become very weird because you use words no one knows.

I wish I had more DVD-R discs.
^ Your wish is granted by Lucifer in exchange for your soul. You live a largely uneventful life and, at the end of Time, you assume your place in Hell.

I wish I had two hundred dollars.
You do. In Monopoly money.

I wish for a candy floss stand to pop up, because they're rather fun to watch.
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Granted - a little 5 year old girl sets up shop and charges a quarter(or whatever your currency is) for some, it tastes awful and she uses a cheap make-at-home candy floss machine which isnt fun to watch at all.

I wish i was more sure what candy floss is, i had to image google it and have come to the conclusion that it is cotton candy as we call it here in the center of the universe.
You are more sure, but now that you know, your brain turns into it and you forget.

I wish that I had more storage boxes.

(And yes, cotton candy would be the term used in North America for the same stuff. :p )
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Granted, but they're only big enough to hold a shot glass.

I wish bosbeetle's username was boscricket instead.
Granted. He eventually grows bored of typing in "Boscricket" instead of "BosBeetle" because it's just not the name he wanted.

I wish my internet connection was faster.
Granted. Now it's too fast, and no matter how fast you run, you can't catch it.

I wish for a robot army.
Wish granted... But now it's turned against you! It now follows Blue Protoman... World domination soon ensues...

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses on top of my glasses to watch a 3D TV.
Granted, now they're committing crime. Real crime. The kind that gets people hurt.

I wish that my school would use Linux.