Contacting Developers...

Wow... Never though I'd hear DaveC give someone advice about Positive Messages!

Sorry man I couldn't help that one, No offense intended, Greatful for your effort.
Alpha2 posted on Sep 20 2005 at 04:29 AM said:
Wow... Never though I'd hear DaveC give someone advice about Positive Messages!

Sorry man I couldn't help that one, No offense intended, Greatful for your effort.

I was thinking exactly the same :lol:
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DaveC posted on Sep 20 2005 at 01:18 AM said:
OrR posted on Sep 19 2005 at 10:37 PM said:
57 now. I've got to do another batch tomorrow... Will try to make them a little more personal, perhaps that'll get me more answers.

And maybe follow my advice and take out the "commercial disaster" and "cracked wide open" phrase. I mean who wants to develop for a system that is based on one that was "a disaster".

Try to keep it as positive as possible, and keep in mind your target and their interests.
Haha, if even you say it I might just do that... :P
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I've now contacted 60 developers, more to come. However, I could use a hand. Developer groups not covered, yet, that I can think of:
-Quake (& Doom) engine developers and modders
-Linux developers (both, commercial & open source)
-Legendary developers that have left the industry but might be willing to return for another indie game
-Your favourite developer that I don't know about
Come on, fire off some emails and post about it!
I would help but the only developers I know are the ones who develop for the gp32 and the ones that make giant commercial games such as doom, half-life, and final fantasy. I used to think john romero was the backbone of id but now he just seems like a jackass. Carmac probably did all of the work in the first place.
Hey guys, Ive been watching these forums and Im expressing interest in making some standalone commercial games for this console using the Quake engine. I dont know if I can be considered a developer, but I have 5+ years experience as a level designer for the Transfusion Project and successfully adapted an early version of it to Dreamcast a number of years ago. I would like to adapt a version for the GP2X as well. Ive preordered one from GBAX in the hopes of getting one ASAP so I can familiarise myself with it as soon a I can.
Ironhell posted on Sep 22 2005 at 04:25 AM said:
Hey guys, Ive been watching these forums and Im expressing interest in making some standalone commercial games for this console using the Quake engine. I dont know if I can be considered a developer, but I have 5+ years experience as a level designer for the Transfusion Project and successfully adapted an early version of it to Dreamcast a number of years ago. I would like to adapt a version for the GP2X as well. Ive preordered one from GBAX in the hopes of getting one ASAP so I can familiarise myself with it as soon a I can.
You are welcome! :) I'd suggest to contact Craig at or +44 1207 580 555 (phone).

68 now. :)
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Best of luck Or2 and thanks for having such a big dev-contacting spree - its one of the things we missed out on the potential of doing throughout the GP32's life, really (I emailed about 5, maybe, and got lukewarm responses from some, although some fairly positive stuff from Introversion - they said they'd love to but they thought the screen was too small for uplink. Darwinia, on the other hand, has yet to be suggested to them...).

With a bit of luck (actually, quite a lot), this sort of thing might, almost ironically, make the GP2x more of a commercial success than the GP32, despite the fact that the former was supposed to be and the latter is designed to be resilient to not being so!

So yeah. Thanks :)
Well, Darwinia has quite comlex controls... Uplink would be easier I guess but it would need a complete redesign. Maybe they could make a small but sweet original game set in the Darwinia world. That would rock. I haven't heard back from Introversion, yet, maybe you could contact them, too, since you have already done so in the past.
Good luck with this guys, I did it for Game Park Europe a few years ago, had +250 contacts, a few game proposals from them, and finally, nothing happened thanks to Game Park... Hope things will go better this time.
OrR posted on Sep 21 2005 at 04:37 PM said:
I've now contacted 60 developers, more to come. However, I could use a hand. Developer groups not covered, yet, that I can think of:
-Quake (& Doom) engine developers and modders
-Linux developers (both, commercial & open source)
-Legendary developers that have left the industry but might be willing to return for another indie game
-Your favourite developer that I don't know about
Come on, fire off some emails and post about it!

Just try to contact the great Jeff Minter from Llamasoft, he touched the GP32 a little bit in the past :)
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OrR posted on Sep 23 2005 at 05:48 PM said:
Well, Darwinia has quite comlex controls... Uplink would be easier I guess but it would need a complete redesign. Maybe they could make a small but sweet original game set in the Darwinia world. That would rock. I haven't heard back from Introversion, yet, maybe you could contact them, too, since you have already done so in the past.

Well, if you integrated edgewrite for the gestures, and used the abxy buttons for camera movement and L/R as mouse button equivalents... could play quite nicely, I suspect :).

I might give them an email, just in case they're interested. Essentially, I imagine it'd come down to how straightforward it would be to bring it across. If the original program is in DirectX then what we'd be asking them would be essentially to recreate the game on a completely different engine (the word port isn't even remotely applicable, in all liklhood). Quite a bit of work involved. On the other hand, if it was done in SDL for cross-platform goodness, then that's another matter; it'd essentially come down to how well the GL extensions to SDL perform on the system presumably.

You have to admit, though, for a 3D game, it'd be almost ideal for the system - i.e. it doesn't use extremely complex 3D; most of the units are a single polygon, and I'm certain terrain could me made less complex if necessary. There'd be a good chance of it working decently well, I imagine, suitably adapted :).
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Darwinia's graphics are very likely too heavy for the GP2X. Don't know how easily they could be simplified but a lot of work would certainly be involved. Playability would still be crappy, to make it fun you'd have to completely redo the controlls system. I don't think it'd work very well even then.
As I said, maybe they can up with a quick original game set in the Darwinia world? I think that would be ideal.