Compatibility List For New Drmd

The megadrive supported a few resolutions, you are playing games which are in the lower res, just like the PCengine, there is no way to nicely make that full screen.

Sonic2 is one of the few games to support the higher res - try watching the demo of 2 player.

Reesy posted on Dec 15 2004 at 11:54 AM said:
Jarska333 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 09:46 AM said:
As far as I'm concerned, only thing missing is "SEEEEGAAAA!"  :P

Yes I have played around with DAC support, Currently its too slow. But I think this is the way I implemented it. To get it working right will involve re-writing the sound rendering engine, because the current system does not allow for adhoc rendering of sound during the frame. This is required in order to get the DAC working perfectly. ( I think :) )

Just a thought, I think MP3's would be too costly MHZ-vise, but could SEGA-CD support also be implemented?
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evilmind posted on Dec 15 2004 at 10:15 AM said:
nice work with suport of BLU+, thanks! finally GOOD reason for not to return my new pet back to liksang... :-)

short compatibility test
works fine:

Hi :)

Very great news to see a new release of your already excellent emu Reesy :))

Is there anybody who can test Sensible Soccer for me coz I'm currently at work & I won't be able to try it before tonight :( and I can't wait to know if it can bring this to me :))

Many thanks if somebody will try it & repport here :)
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Tidus posted on Dec 15 2004 at 10:26 AM said:
evilmind posted on Dec 15 2004 at 10:15 AM said:
nice work with suport of BLU+, thanks! finally GOOD reason for not to return my new pet back to liksang... :-)

short compatibility test
works fine:

Hi :)

Very great news to see a new release of your already excellent emu Reesy :))

Is there anybody who can test Sensible Soccer for me coz I'm currently at work & I won't be able to try it before tonight :( and I can't wait to know if it can bring this to me :))

Many thanks if somebody will try it & repport here :)

Sensible Soccer does not work :(. The menus work fine but when you got to play a game of footy it just locks up. Its on my list to fix though, cause I love that game. :)
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Reesy posted on Dec 15 2004 at 10:39 AM said:
Sensible Soccer does not work :(. The menus work fine but when you got to play a game of footy it just locks up. Its on my list to fix though, cause I love that game. :)

Arghhh :(

barf, that's nothing, I'm happy to know that it's on your fix list :) Yeah the MD version is particulary great coz it's the one which is the most close from the Amiga 'perfect' version ;p and not to mention that you can edit the teams data ;p

Many many thanks to have answer me so fast Reesy :)
Thanks for this release too and keep up the good work :)
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These are the games I have tried so far:

Sonic 1 & 2
Shinobi 3
Shadow Dancer
Risk - has a little background grumbling noise
Powerdrive - missing engine sound fx
Paperboy2 - Sound is funny
King of Monsters
Jungle Strike
Golden Axe
Flashback - works but no in-game sound fx

All games tested @144mHz, 8 bit, PSG & FM and run fine except king of monsters which I noticed drops to under 15fps (but overclocking would fix that)

Awesome release Reesy, thanks very much. :D gp32_console :D
With this version Story of Thor/Beyond Oasis seems to NO locks up anymore! Nice!
Does the new DrMD have a variable/setable overclock?

Or is it different versions for different speeds like last version?
bast525 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 01:33 PM said:
Does the new DrMD have a variable/setable overclock?

Or is it different versions for different speeds like last version?

In game menu selector!
For 22/33/40/50/66/100133/144/156160/164/166/168/172/176/180/184/188/192/196/
200/204/208/212/216/220/224/228/232/236/240/244/248/252/256/ MHZ CPU Clock!

This is a real test for CPU's!
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bast525 posted on Dec 15 2004 at 01:33 PM said:
Does the new DrMD have a variable/setable overclock?

Or is it different versions for different speeds like last version?

It has selectable clock rate from 22mHz all the way to 256mHz. :D

edit: too slow Hokutoy got there first :)
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Posted this in the speed related it is again though.

Dino Dini's soccer works :)

Thanks Reesy I bought a gp32 to play portable kick off2 on castaway but its too slow for me.

Dino Dini's soccer on genesis is the next best thing.


Is there autoframeskip built into this emu.

I noticed that depending on the clock speed setting the animation jumps rather than slows?
i've noticed as well that some games run to fast, especially Gunstar heroes at 156mhz. Is there a frameskip option? I'm sure if the auto can be turned off and be a steady frameskip 2 that all the speed issues would be cleared up.
BeaR posted on Dec 15 2004 at 09:34 AM said:
My nglish really sux (sorry)

This emu looks great  :P  but... there is not FULLSCREEN with this version ?

I see the games too small  :blink:  [like Worms]

Thnx for this new release :)

Stretching when it is this close always looks like shite because of the LCD fixed pixels. It is not bad as is now.
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Games are fullscreen (320x224 I believe).

Are you sure guyz to play in 8bit mode?! :rolleyes:

And yes some games are in low res but you couldn't stretch them anyway keeping the resolution ratio (and fuck it, it's the original Genesis res anyway! :)). ;)
Reesy - two questions

#1 - i thought you said you weren't working on the emulation at all for this update? I swear some games run better and/or sound better this time around. Revenge of Shinobi is the first one where I notice it... the music seems much more accurate, and game runs much smoother

#2 - I dont know if this is a bug or not, but holding down select does not allow you to turn the backlight on and off anymore... I have a feeling you did this on purpose for those who want to use select as "A" button or whatever.
Some things I found:

Roms over 128 don't show. A good way around this is to have the emu support directory browsing. This way you could separate ROMs into subdirectories such as ABC, DEF, etc. That would also make getting to the last game faster as you wouldn't need to scroll down as much.

This is a small improvement and not a big deal. In the menu it would be nice if it supported "scroll wrap". In other words if you are at the top of the menu and wanted to get to the last option you could press "up" and it would wrap to the last item and scroll up. Right now it stops at the first item so you need to press down a bunch of times to get to the lower items. Not a big deal though.

A few games that I have tried so far:

Sonic 2 - music is slow, bottom two scanlines are out of sync. (Samsung LCD). In the level with the purple water the whole screen flashes purple. When you get completely under the purple stuff the flashing stops. I think it has to do with the pallette being switched after a certain scanline, some kind of raster interrupt issue?

Sonic 1 - everything seems perfect.
Thunderforce III - everything is sped up (game , music), but is still frame skipping.
Gods - gets through title and resets GP32 when going into game (Cyclone bug?).
Ghouls and ghosts - Seems to run perfect.
Vectorman series - sound is not working. Sometimes you get seemingly random noises.
Battle squadron - seems to run perfect (Man this game is hard).
Legend of oasis - seems to run fine.

Again thanks Reesy it is an awesome piece of work :) I hope some of this info helps.
In the next version the rom limit will be 512, I never thought anybody would have more than 128 roms on their cards but it appears many do :)

You do know that in the rom selection screen, if you press L or R it scrolls the roms a page at a time. I have about 100 roms on my card and it only takes a couple of seconds to get all the way down the list.

I'm not going to add sub directory support but I will make the rom list wrap around. I don't like sub directorys they are a pain in the ass.

The pallette problems in Sonic 2 are not fixable, without making the emulator crawl to a stand still. In Sonic 1,2,3 the water effect is achieved by changing the pallette halfway through the frame. Because of the way the GP32 LCD updates, ie vertical line by vertical rather than by horizontal line by horizontal line you can not just update the pallette on every line, you would have to update it every pixel :o. This is where 16bit rendering mode is best, because each pixel holds the colour value rather than a index to a colour in the pallette.
