Community Mmo


Still Fresh
Mar 5, 2007
The Netherlands
Note: This is just an idea, tell me your thoughts about it.

In reply (a bit) to this topic:

Pandora needs games ASAP to assure its success! :)

Although I believe javaJake does have a point (about that it needs games), Pandora does already have a succesful concept (and the developers behind it already set up two similiar handhelds), plus a strong community behind it.

My idea is, why not utulize the 'new' Wi-Fi and 3d functionality? Lets start concepting a MMO game (like, an RPG) for Pandora together (everyone plotting ideas in this/a new thread, and then everyone voting), and set up a strong community-driven team to build it? Like, a 'mascotte game' for Pandora (like Mario is for Nintendo, Sonic is for Sega, etc). A good game is also good reputation, which in turn can attract more people to buy a Pandora. Plus it can be shipped with the actual thing once it's playable.
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You do realise how much effort and upkeep is needed for a MMO? If you are just thinking about a standard RPG then that is something completely different.
yaustar said:
You do realise how much effort and upkeep is needed for a MMO? If you are just thinking about a standard RPG then that is something completely different.
This is a great idea, ecspesially about "Wi-Fi and 3d functionality"

If all developers are so lazy, pandora box will only hurt your fingers :)
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quasist said:
If all developers are so lazy, pandora box will only hurt your fingers :)
You're kidding I hope? It has more to do with what's humanely possible than laziness. Besides as I pointed out before the community is too small for anyone to be interested in making online multiplayer games just for the Pandora.
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Pandora needs games ASAP to assure its success!

A MMO is too large development. The concept of Feudalism: Open Battle at the begining was MMORPG. But it is needed to make milestones before this. Our first milestone is "Open Battle" like mediaval BattleField 2 ( more or less... )

It is needed many graphical resources like models, textures, normal map textures ( if you want... ) etc. Before of this to make the concept of the game, design... engine, tool set...

It is too large and complicated. But with clean step (milestones) it is possible.

You have an Engine for to do that easily? tools? a team?

If any people want to help me in my development of my Engine and Game Editor for to make adventure, RPG, MMOPRG, multiplayer games are welcome. Link

And if I can help to you in any question about your game development I will do it.
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Prompt said:
Pandora needs games ASAP to assure its success!
A MMO is too large development. The concept of Feudalism: Open Battle at the begining was MMORPG. But it is needed to make milestones before this. Our first milestone is "Open Battle" like mediaval BattleField 2 ( more or less... )

It is needed many graphical resources like models, textures, normal map textures ( if you want... ) etc. Before of this to make the concept of the game, design... engine, tool set...

It is too large and complicated. But with clean step (milestones) it is possible.
Agreed. Lots of resources have to be made from the ground up, even for a 2d MMORPG (sprites, tilesets, sounds, music, interaction scripts, storyline, environmental (towns, NPCs, monsters), the whole concept about RolePlaying (leveling, tradeskills), etc etc etc).

You have an Engine for to do that easily? tools? a team?

Engine? Custom-made from the ground up. Tools? Notepad and GCC. Team? Community & contributors.

If any people want to help me in my development of my Engine and Game Editor for to make adventure, RPG, MMOPRG, multiplayer games are welcome. Link

And if I can help to you in any question about your game development I will do it.

Awesome. I appreciate that. :) Thanks.
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How about just some sort of 2D chat environment to start with?

Like visual IRC combined with the visual method of Zelda 3.

Online, MMO collaboration tool...

atomicthumbs said:
How about just some sort of 2D chat environment to start with?

Like visual IRC combined with the visual method of Zelda 3.

Online, MMO collaboration tool...

Could you somehow link it in with this forum? Like users can go around with thier little avatars, find other users and chat, and could go into the 'post room' and explore threads. Cheesy I know but so is Cheddar and that's very popular!

You could then, later on, maybe link it in with various Pandora games, so you could challange people you're chatting to a fight or race in your faviourate game.
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So pretty much you guys want to make a rip off of the Playstation 3's "Home" :p .Home is an free MMO designed by Sony for the Playstation 3 taht is basically like second life except it also ahs game lobby integration (Wnat to play COD4? go to the COD4 area in home and meet up with some people and launch the game straight from there.) Home is currently still in beta but it will be available failry soon (next couple months). I could see something like that working pretty well on Pandora...but we'd need to offer something that Sony won't...ideas?
Soulkiller said:
So pretty much you guys want to make a rip off of the Playstation 3's "Home" :p .Home is an free MMO designed by Sony for the Playstation 3 taht is basically like second life except it also ahs game lobby integration (Wnat to play COD4? go to the COD4 area in home and meet up with some people and launch the game straight from there.) Home is currently still in beta but it will be available failry soon (next couple months). I could see something like that working pretty well on Pandora...but we'd need to offer something that Sony won't...ideas?
TBH, I never heard of it (till now).
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SharQueDo said:
Soulkiller said:
So pretty much you guys want to make a rip off of the Playstation 3's "Home" :p .Home is an free MMO designed by Sony for the Playstation 3 taht is basically like second life except it also ahs game lobby integration (Wnat to play COD4? go to the COD4 area in home and meet up with some people and launch the game straight from there.) Home is currently still in beta but it will be available failry soon (next couple months). I could see something like that working pretty well on Pandora...but we'd need to offer something that Sony won't...ideas?
TBH, I never heard of it (till now).

It's not exactly a new idea, and I don't think Sony can call it theirs! I remember a feature on Gamesmaster where hey showed a 3d world as a front-end to a load of games. You would walk around and go in various 'rooms' and each room would start a different game. Of course this was before the internet had taken off so there was no multiplayer aspect and it was little more than a gimmik. Would have been cool as an interactive menu for magazine demo cds, though.

I still think 2D is the way to go, really. I don't want to spend too long wandering around trying to 'find' the game I want to play. Id rather select it from a pop-up menu when I tap on the person I'm taliking to "Say, Challenge > Racing, Fighting"
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Would it not make more sense to port an existing linux/opensource mmo? There arnt too many good ones about but there are a few in development which are looking pretty good. (click) (click), etc

And why would we want a Pandora only mmo? 3000 possible players to start? Probably 10% of those would actually play it, what a great mmo that would be :rolleyes:
MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
Would it not make more sense to port an existing linux/opensource mmo? There arnt too many good ones about but there are a few in development which are looking pretty good. (click) (click), etc

And why would we want a Pandora only mmo? 3000 possible players to start? Probably 10% of those would actually play it, what a great mmo that would be :rolleyes:

Well doesn't have to be a standard MMO and 300 players ain't that bad if you design the game to have 50-100 active players online or something, sure you can't do a WoW world but I don't think anyone was thinking that?
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Holokauston said:
MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
Would it not make more sense to port an existing linux/opensource mmo? There arnt too many good ones about but there are a few in development which are looking pretty good. (click) (click), etc

And why would we want a Pandora only mmo? 3000 possible players to start? Probably 10% of those would actually play it, what a great mmo that would be :rolleyes:

Well doesn't have to be a standard MMO and 300 players ain't that bad if you design the game to have 50-100 active players online or something, sure you can't do a WoW world but I don't think anyone was thinking that?

I wasn't. 50-100 players sounds good, for a RPG at least.
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A_SN said:
quasist said:
If all developers are so lazy, pandora box will only hurt your fingers :)
You're kidding I hope? It has more to do with what's humanely possible than laziness. Besides as I pointed out before the community is too small for anyone to be interested in making online multiplayer games just for the Pandora.

That is actually a concept I hope to try here soon. The online functionality is as important as almost everything else in the thing. The Pandora is a console driven by community demands, and WiFi was a big part of it. What do you think it was there for, to add another logo on the box?
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MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
Would it not make more sense to port an existing linux/opensource mmo? There arnt too many good ones about but there are a few in development which are looking pretty good. (click) (click), etc

And why would we want a Pandora only mmo? 3000 possible players to start? Probably 10% of those would actually play it, what a great mmo that would be :rolleyes:

The requirements for those games are way too high for the pandora (2ghz, 512RAM). I think if we would do this, a game with graphics similar to tibia would work better:

Also, maybe we should do a poll on this to see how much interest there is.

EDIT:fixed pic
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PlopperZ said:
MechsWillOneDayStepOnYou said:
Would it not make more sense to port an existing linux/opensource mmo? There arnt too many good ones about but there are a few in development which are looking pretty good. (click) (click), etc

And why would we want a Pandora only mmo? 3000 possible players to start? Probably 10% of those would actually play it, what a great mmo that would be :rolleyes:

The requirements for those games are way too high for the pandora (2ghz, 512RAM). I think if we would do this, a game with graphics similar to tibia would work better:

Also, maybe we should do a poll on this to see how much interest there is.

EDIT:fixed pic

You could probably use better graphics then Tibia, maybe not WoW style but for ex Everquest needed 32MB ram, 4MB graphic ram, 166Mhz CPU, recommended was 200Mhz and 64MB ram, so that (equal to that) with a few shaders etc and optimized would look good and run good I think
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