Pandora Pandora multiplayer game Chrex


Jul 28, 2009
Västerås Sweden
Hello, I have started a game project for Linux, its written in SFML(I hope that it will be ported to GLES soon) and i will port it to the Pandora later if it turns out to be a fun game. The game idea is basically

eve online + minecraft + astroids = Chrex.

The game will not be a MMO, in the same way that minecraft is not a mmo.

It will not take months to get a good ship and good weapons.

The game will be brutal, when you die, you die. start from scratch again.

The game will have a heavy focus on player creations, it will be a sandbox game.

for more info and some pictures see:

There will be a YouTube video released together with the preview release.

Feedback anyone? ideas? I would love to hear them :)
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quick response as I'm on the move.

Sounds great! I'm in!

Will check the blog and keep tabs on this project. Big Eve fan, not so big in time to play hours and hours every night. Seems that you came up with the answer.
At first, I thought "popular game + popular game? One person's not going to make that."

But then I looked at the blog, and this actually looks feasible and also cool! I also see a good chunk of Captain Forever in it, what with the spaceship building. I look forward to playing it, so good luck, and let us know how it goes.
At first, I thought "popular game + popular game? One person's not going to make that."

Well making a MMO by your self is.. not recommended? and making a 3d game is so much more work then a 2d game.

The greatest challenge is the networking part, but i know how to do it now. This will be my fourth attempt to make a multiplayer game, and i know what have gone wrong before. I have also taken some networking courses on the university since then. The course "distributed systems" was the most giving. I will probably rewrite the network code in the old games when i get the networking to work in Chrex.

The second greatest challenge is to make it fun to play for more then a short period of time.

Now i will see what i can do about that ship building code...
I am in Shanghai now and the development have resumed. I have now rewritten most of the previous code and implemented wiring and placement of "functionalities" on the ship.

I will now focus on cleaning up the code and get finished with all the things that is "partly implemented", When this is done will i add Sound then release the "preview" release, to get some feedback. then its time for the network code...

updates will come to my blog.
"I'm still a bit confused as to how this game is played."

Vell the actual game is not implemented yet, just the ship building system and crafting system. But i will tell you what i have thought.

You build your ship of "structural materials" and then add "functional materials" and wires to bind the "functional materials" together.

One example is the Thruster/Booster, that will apply a force to the direction that it is placed. When you have binded a key to a output on the command center, and then pulled a wire to the thruster, the truster will fire off when the key is pressed as long as the wire is intact. You also have reactors that can be used to increase the signal and thereby increase the output of the functionality. When for example a booster is fired the game will make some physics calculations to determine the torque based on the current forces on the ship and the placement of the Booster.

Its a good idea to design your ship so that the wiring and functionalities are hard to reach. It will be easy to get a booster blown away, and that will result in a ship thats very hard/impossible to control, depending on design. Then you will have to be fast and do the repairs in on the battle field before you are destroyed.

I know that this is a bit of a massive project for 1 person, but i think i will pull it off. But it will take its time.

I already got a key-binding system that supports keyboard, mouse and joystick. The next thing i will do is to implement a key-binding GUI, this will be shown when the command center is left-clicked in the building window.

Something that i really want to add, but wont have time (should not prioritize) for a while is basic logic and timers.

I want to add basic logic, timers, sensors and actuators. This is to allow the user to build smart missiles and automatic turrets.

I have also some thoughts on allowing several players join together and build a Space-station.

but this is so far off in the future so i try not to think to much about it and focus on the current problems and solutions.
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I look forward to battling other giant space penises.

Seriously though. You'd better go though with this. I will be crushed if this doesn't get finished...
Are you looking for people to help out in the project? This game sounds incredible and I would love to help out in some way, I have a some programming experience and I think that this could be a great way to learn more about game programming.
This is a quite complex game.. not too easy to begin with :P

I am currently making a Real Time Chess game that i will release in the Ubuntu software center and on

will just need to get my pandora..

The RTChess is a project that evolved from my stress test of the Chrex network engine.

I have also spent some time on a application called Kinglo that helps you learn Mandarin. but i class that as school work.

My Game development goes a bit slow now because i have started a Robotics project in school where we implement Visual SLAM and AI on a robot platform.

Learning mandarin 08:00 - 12:00, Robotics Programming 13:00 - 18:00 then homework.. but i manage to get about 1h of work done / day on my programming projects..

if you want to learn how to program games take a look at SFML, or SDL