Commercial Games

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I think we will be happy if they release the Pandora, not to mention any commercial game ports...

But, if I could choose, I would prefer a Dreamcast game port like Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur, Space channel 5, Chu chu rocket or something. I don't it's possible though. Sega will not sell it's game to such a tiny group like Pandora.
^^ Well, Eso Rimmer, consider yourself lucky because the DC emulator is in the works so you will most likely be able to play them. Maybe not at full speed, but it seems like they getting close to it...

I still say that OpenMW, a open source port of Morrowind, could be possible. The guy that's heading up the project says he will work with someone with a Pandora once it's released. I dunno what I'd do if I could have the Final Fantasy series, Zelda series, Shenmue, AND Morrowind in my pocket at one given time!! The Pandora's a dream machine! ;)
Loonie said:
Oh man, a Morrowind engine would make my decade.
Yeah, check out his project. It's turning out quite nicely and it's open source!! Woohoo!

Hey, he told me personally he would help optimize. However, I'm not a coder so someone that has coding knowledge will have to go in on it with him.
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Some awesome indy games that might draw some attention and show the potential of the Pandora, like Braid, Aquaria(check this game out, it seems no ones ever played the damn game), Audiosurf. World of Goo, Castlecrashers, N+, The Maw and Cave story. I think those games have the potential of being ported on the Pandora.

Although it would be nice if you created a unique new 3D game for the Pandora with added awesomeness.

...and sticky balls
Whatever happened with that guy who had the source code to a dreamcast game that he was planning to port?
Pleng said:
Whatever happened with that guy who had the source code to a dreamcast game that he was planning to port?
He's still around. The project itself hasn't been mentioned for a while, but he has asked some questions in the dev forum that suggest it's in progress.
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MrBlais said:
^^ Well, Eso Rimmer, consider yourself lucky because the DC emulator is in the works so you will most likely be able to play them. Maybe not at full speed, but it seems like they getting close to it...

To be honest, I don't believe DC games will be playable on Pandora. It think it will be similar like PS1 on GP2X - too slow, no sound.
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Age of Empires :P We would never get it from the fists of Microsoft.
Maybe Chrono Trigger/Cross if Enix is friendly.
Or Earthworm Jim, it's an old favorite of mine, I have the feeling we could get a port with ease. Maybe.
I believe we may reach 90%+ speeds, although with no sounds.
Which for me is very cool, because since it is a portable device, there won't be many chances to do things with sound on...
Sound feature seems convenient at home, but hardly usable outside...
Unless you don't bother bothering people around you.
Jourdy288 said:
Or Earthworm Jim, it's an old favorite of mine, I have the feeling we could get a port with ease. Maybe.
Why do you have this feeling, if I may ask?
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Grench said:
Call it dead thread revival or necro-posting if you want. I recalled this thread and was curious where we're at 7 months later.

I will call it gravedigging, because it is blatantly so. You should have just started a new topic.

-God Ginrai
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God Ginrai said:
Grench said:
Call it dead thread revival or necro-posting if you want. I recalled this thread and was curious where we're at 7 months later.

I will call it gravedigging, because it is blatantly so. You should have just started a new topic.

-God Ginrai

Obviously, since I did it, I disagree. I am asking if the OpenPandora team has any followup information for a topic that was opened by the team leader. Yes, I revived the original subject matter thread to do so. It places the question in the appropriate context.

Side note...
These forums have some of the most difficult to work with unwritten flame-enforced rules I have ever seen.
-New topics about status updates of any kind tend to get closed before any official response can be made. Most of them rightly so.
-Posting a new thread to update, ask about or address a previously addressed topic gets flamed for asking about a topic that already has a thread. Regardless of if it is a new take on it or the age of the previous thread.
-Retrieving an on-subject thread to request additional information gets flamed if it is over X days old where X is an indeterminate value.
-Posting off topic drivel, profanity and pointless flame posts seems to be OK.
The above are a bit annoying for anyone who wants to ask a legitimate question that might expand or update a previously discussed topic.

Back on topic...
So, Craig asked several months ago what commercial games we would like to see on the Pandora. We all answered. Time has elapsed that should have allowed at least a few cursory inquiries to the game manufacturers. Was this effort done? Was it shut down out of hand due to the limited number of OpenPandora consoles that will be out in the next year? Were there any nibbles?

No to any of the above is an acceptable answer - or the team could choose not to answer. Their choice - I'm just voicing my question of, "Hey, what ever happened to this idea?"

Thank you.
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Grench said:
God Ginrai said:
Grench said:
Call it dead thread revival or necro-posting if you want. I recalled this thread and was curious where we're at 7 months later.

I will call it gravedigging, because it is blatantly so. You should have just started a new topic.

-God Ginrai

Obviously, since I did it, I disagree. I am asking if the OpenPandora team has any followup information for a topic that was opened by the team leader. Yes, I revived the original subject matter thread to do so. It places the question in the appropriate context.

Side note...
These forums have some of the most difficult to work with unwritten flame-enforced rules I have ever seen.
-New topics about status updates of any kind tend to get closed before any official response can be made. Most of them rightly so.
-Posting a new thread to update, ask about or address a previously addressed topic gets flamed for asking about a topic that already has a thread. Regardless of if it is a new take on it or the age of the previous thread.
-Retrieving an on-subject thread to request additional information gets flamed if it is over X days old where X is an indeterminate value.
-Posting off topic drivel, profanity and pointless flame posts seems to be OK.
The above are a bit annoying for anyone who wants to ask a legitimate question that might expand or update a previously discussed topic.

Back on topic...
So, Craig asked several months ago what commercial games we would like to see on the Pandora. We all answered. Time has elapsed that should have allowed at least a few cursory inquiries to the game manufacturers. Was this effort done? Was it shut down out of hand due to the limited number of OpenPandora consoles that will be out in the next year? Were there any nibbles?

No to any of the above is an acceptable answer - or the team could choose not to answer. Their choice - I'm just voicing my question of, "Hey, what ever happened to this idea?"

Thank you.
I agree 100% with you.
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Grench said:
God Ginrai said:
Grench said:
Call it dead thread revival or necro-posting if you want. I recalled this thread and was curious where we're at 7 months later.

I will call it gravedigging, because it is blatantly so. You should have just started a new topic.

-God Ginrai

Obviously, since I did it, I disagree. I am asking if the OpenPandora team has any followup information for a topic that was opened by the team leader. Yes, I revived the original subject matter thread to do so. It places the question in the appropriate context.

Side note...
These forums have some of the most difficult to work with unwritten flame-enforced rules I have ever seen.
-New topics about status updates of any kind tend to get closed before any official response can be made. Most of them rightly so.
-Posting a new thread to update, ask about or address a previously addressed topic gets flamed for asking about a topic that already has a thread. Regardless of if it is a new take on it or the age of the previous thread.
-Retrieving an on-subject thread to request additional information gets flamed if it is over X days old where X is an indeterminate value.
-Posting off topic drivel, profanity and pointless flame posts seems to be OK.
The above are a bit annoying for anyone who wants to ask a legitimate question that might expand or update a previously discussed topic.

Posting a new thread about something that has been previously mentioned is fine as long as the user wants additional knowledge or feels that his question wasn't fully answered and as long as they link to the previous topic to show that they understand it exists and that they have read it. This is also assuming that the topic they are linking to is old enough that it would be considered gravedigging to revive. (Your X as you call it, which is a number >= 1 month)

It is never okay to gravedig a topic, no matter what your question is.

-God Ginrai
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