Changes To Pandorapress

وألى جميع اعضاء العناكب ومع الأصرار راح يكون فيه دعس ثاني وثالث والخخير
نسفته خخخخخخخخ على العموم اهدي الأختراق معلمن
And to all members of spiders with a determination where Saad claimed the second and third, etc. Good Kkkkkkkk blown up on the whole Dedicate Alochtrac our teacher

I thought this change rather interesting. VolC4nO must be the new guy on the staff.
Xian Long said:
some sort of middle eastern terrorist attack

Or maybe google pulling the plug because it has been hacked by chinese hackers? *

* sarcasm
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Ok, so Firefox at work & at home I get a blank page. (I had to view page source to see what Sphinxter was talking about). IE8 at work displayed the site normally. IE8 at home is displaying the little animation that I guess is intended. This is a little sucky. I guess Atomicthumbs is in bed right now.

Google results for "Alochtrac" are pretty bloody shady.
I'm on Safari, and i see what looks like Atomicthumbs rabbit inside the address bar :lol: The page is completely blank.
Wow that is really odd. But fixable I think. Let's hassle atomicthumbs' mum and see if he can come out.
shunun said:
I'm on Safari, and i see what looks like Atomicthumbs rabbit inside the address bar :lol: The page is completely blank.
Same, on both fronts. Now the rabbit is in my FF bookmark bar, glaring at me. Freaking me out.
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So I did a bit of googling.. I was curious to find out what 'Alochtrac' meant.. It lead me too this site which I think you guy's will find most interesting ;)

check it out

Note the word "hacker" and one of the email addresses k_k_k_k_2008@HoTmAiL.CoM.

Hmm.. Maybe also some link to Vbhacker

Fuck that's a scary site..
I googled a lot. - Translating the second text passage in the source of tells 'and to all the members of spiders...' - Isolate the word spiders, googled it, came up with this site. Not a good thing.

Edit: Oh look, It's Volc4n0 (from the source passage)
shunun said:
So I did a bit of googling.. I was curious to find out what 'Alochtrac' meant.. It lead me too this site which I think you guy's will find most interesting ;)

check it out

Note the word "hacker" and one of the email addresses k_k_k_k_2008@HoTmAiL.CoM.
Also note that they completely fail at writing HTML code (it might follow some ancient HTML 3 standard)

BTW, that site is hosted in USA, California, San Jose. Doesn't tell us anything but whatever.

Seems like this guy is a normal script kiddie or something, since he pasted in JS code he got from some random JS service into the hacked page... not much finesse.
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I think if there's going to be any vigilante justice, the openXile boys are going to execute it. The wordpress-based news thing? Yeah that's just a front. It's like Fat Sam's speakeasy back here.

Seriously this is nothing to worry about. Atomicthumbs is a smart guy, he'll have kept backups, it's just a matter of whacking them back on his hosting (if they're even gone). And also I think some new security options may need to be considered.