What Was Wrong With The Old Forum Format


Still Fresh
Jul 6, 2010
I know that by me making this post the mods aren't gonna change the forum back to it's original format but does anyone else dislike all the new categories or is it just me?

Don't get me wrong I do like how they tried to make it easier to find exactly what you're looking for by searching in a category thats specially made for the topic you wanted but now there are just way to many choices and I liked it better when I could just click on Developers corner and be pleasantly surprised whenever I saw something that looked cool. But now I have to check every category and it just doesn't feel the same.........

If you agree leave a post below if not tell me why.

I understand everyone has a different opinion but that doesn't mean that you should try to flame be because of it.
I don't have anything much to say about it - it has made it easier to locate things, I think, and that's all I can ask for. :P

Also, I think you ought to know that moderators have no such power anyway (the sort of stuff we can do is edit stuff, move stuff, remove stuff, change the names of stuff, flag spammers, and lock stuff) - only administrators can change a board like that. ;)
Also can someone change the title from "What Was Wrong With The Wrong Forum Format?" to "What Was Wrong With The Old Forum Format?"
Kordman916 said:
Also can someone change the title from "What Was Wrong With The Wrong Forum Format?" to "What Was Wrong With The Old Forum Format?"
Your wish is my command, in other words, DONE! :)

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And while we're at it.

What is the purpose of the Hacking subsection. There is nothing in there, you can't post anything in there, and at least there isn't a message that it is private or something. But that is what the Software and Hardware section stand for, isn't it?

And what "old" format? The one with the subcategories? The one before the subcategories? Which one? Honestly, I dislike the subcategories as it is usually an other click you have to do and the features like last post, newest thread and the like are not visible when buried under a category.
This layout works for me.
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Blue Ion said:
What is the purpose of the Hacking subsection. There is nothing in there, you can't post anything in there, and at least there isn't a message that it is private or something. But that is what the Software and Hardware section stand for, isn't it?
That's weird. For a brief time the software and hardware forums were actually subforums of the hacking forum. I think ED was experimenting and part of the experiment got left behind.
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Blue Ion said:
What is the purpose of the Hacking subsection. There is nothing in there, you can't post anything in there, and at least there isn't a message that it is private or something. But that is what the Software and Hardware section stand for, isn't it?

It's the hacking section...You really thought you can open it by just clicking the link? If you can't see anything you obviously look at it the wrong way. ;) j/k
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