How are you going to use your Pandora?

mostly web browsing, watching video and listening to music on the go. i'm hoping to be able to get some kind of advance music player on it, that's a main priority.
I'll try to completely replace my computer with it (except for playing Team Fortress, maybe).
-Irc, Instant messaging, web browsing, Playing MUDs.
-Listening to music, Watching films and shows (Prison Break and Jericho at least :P)
-Playing emulators (Nes,Snes,PSX) ,homebrew games and last but definetly not the least, ports.
-Programming and word processing in general, Taking notes, Making graphics and music for my games.

Oh yeah, It will replace my computer.
somebody on page 1 said:
somebody else on page 3 said:
handheld stuff ...

Me? I'll be using mine by switching it on and pressing some buttons :P

Umm, okay, <_< to play emulators (C64, Amiga) and homebrew games
Depends what's released.
Heck! I may even purchase payback .. if it gets a release
Furthering on my porn powerhouse, I'm going to see what i can do about using it as an aux display. it will be my porn indexing, cataloging, and management tool.
an actually worthwhile more portable laptop, basically. it won't cost £500+, the battery life won't suck, and neither will the default OS. also it won't be proprietary and lock me in to expensive brand-only hardware (*cough*replacement battery*coughcough*)

i already use Linux on all my machines, no problem there! :D