Bump! Thread is back, now with 78% less hackers. Back to the topic, a summary of some of the suggestions:
> Maybe a category for Hacks (hardware and software)
I think this would fall under the Projects category. Projects will include hardware mods, custom peripherals, specialised software applications etc.
> tutorials
Definitely. rabidpoobear is on the list to write some tutorials, and I'll happily accept consequence_9's offer too (I'll get back to you guys soon). In terms of site navigation I'll set it up so that there's a tutorials index page, so they don't get lost in the noise.
> reviews
Of course! When I'm a bit more organised I'll put the call out for reviewers too.
> category for UMPC/productivity
Very good idea. This is one area that has seen very little coverage on the blog (because there hasn't been much to report) but I know there is a lot of interest in it.
> a section for firmware and OS updates
Yep, good idea.
> links to related resources in articles (eg. legal Amiga downloads)
I like this. If only we had a precompiled list of such resources. Oh, we do. Thanks Prometheus.
> link to buying a pandora
It's really only two clicks to this information (Official Site -> Where To Buy) but yeah, a lot of people just ask instead of clicking. Maybe it's a matter of adding more information to the same link, eg. "Official site, incl. purchase information."
> dflemster's suggestions (improved web technologies, SEO, RSS optimisation etc)
As always, valuable advice and I'm taking it all on board. Obviously though, this is a whole other level of blog changes and something I'll have to put on the backburner for now. My primary goal here is usability of the site itself, and that comes down to categorisation and navigation.
Trevsweb also mentioned SEO. Is this something I really should worry about? (serious question). I'm not interested in playing the traffic game for the sake of hits. If we're talking about bringing realistic benefits to the project (more outside developers?) then it's a discussion we should have and I'll take it all in. I just don't want to turn Pandorapress into some sort of marketing exercise, which is what I think when I think SEO.
FYI our headlines are already going out on this Twitter account:
http://twitter.com/openpandora (set up by DJWillis).