Can't go on GP32X, so here are my Pandora Panic ideas.


Still Fresh
Oct 30, 2008
I'm sorry if I'm doing something wrong by posting this here, but I can't fall asleep until I get these ideas out of my head and into the public forum, and I can't manage to remember anything about my GP32X account, so here's my ideas.

Typing: Type a 3-4 letter word or phrase on the keyboard. I thought that "LOL", "OMG" and "WTF" would be good examples.

Run Away!: Run away from Lou Dobbs/Charles Barkley/Pedobear/??? by pressing A button really fast! !!

Tetris: Boss game. Either clear X number of lines, or do a few special clears (see the mission mode(Zelda) from Tetris DS.) to pass. Played with D-pad.

Draw It: Draw an object outlined on the touch screen. Simple shapes or letters are recommended. It'd be cool if one of them was the asteroids ship, and tehn it flew away after you finished.

Rock Out!: Touch the slightly Guitar Hero-ish notes as they come rolling down the screen to make your character play a simple guitar part. Finish with a message saying "You Rock!" and showing the rock devil horns. (Keep it simple.)

Barrel Roll: Do a barrel roll! I'd be a good inside joke to have Optimus Prime do it. I don't know what controls would be used, but it could work.

Pac-Man: Grab the Power Pellet, then munch those ghosts! (make ghost paths random, but easily followed. Increase # of ghosts as difficulty progresses. Give plenty of time. Make maze small and simple (fits on screen).

Cross-Town Traffic: dodge the slow-moving freeway traffic to get to <important destination> on time!

Start your Engines!: Wind the motor on your ancient crank-start motor vehicle. Either analog stick or touch screen will suffice.

Special Move!: Make your fighting game character defeat his opponent with a series of button presses! (I recommend using characters from a good, homebrew, Pandora-compatible fighter, so as to give said game publicity. Pandora Panic has excellent potential as an open-source advertising Omnibus.)

Grade the Term Paper!: Give that kid an A!

Password: Boss Game. Guess what word your partner is thinking of by typing it into the keyboard. 30 seconds, don't make it too hard, but have lots of potential puzzles.

Sing!: Sing the well-known song into the microphone.

Connect the Dots: Exactly what is says.

Dodge the mountains: You're flying a plane. Don't crash! Use D-pad.

Draw a funny 'stache!: Exactly as it says. Would also make a fun Minigame outside of the main game, where you could draw funny faces on people from pics on your SD cards and share them with others.

Swing to Safety: You're on a swinging vine over a big snake pit. Jump to the other side safely!

Berzerk: The classic arcade game. Reach the exit before Evil Otto can get you!

Flash cards: Do basic math. 2+2=4, etc.

Pillow fluffing: Fluff that pillow up nice and soft by mashing an as-of-yet undetermined button.

Destroy the Robot: Launch missiles with the proper command on your keyboard.

Voltron puzzle: Put Voltron (or an uncannily similar looking bot) together by dragging them into place with the touch screen.

Transform!: (lol robot theme) Transform your bot into an object with a button of some description. (make the object that it transforms into increasingly hilarious.)

Dragonball Z: Power up by yelling into the microphone!

Legos: Build something with touch screen drag and drop.

Signature: put your name on that dotted line. Touch screen.

Match the letter: match a word with the letter it starts with. You only see the word for about a second; then, you have to press the corresponding key on the keyboard.

Tank!: Boss Game. Move your tank with left analog, aim with right analog, and fire with L/R button. Destroy the other tanks! 3D tanks, like battlewhatever it was on the N64.

If anything doesn't make sense here, tis probably because I'm really tired. I'll bold those game titels wehnever I figure out how. Argh, I can't do this anymore...tomorrow... *falls asleep on keoybrd*
kingkholera said:
Barrel Roll: Do a barrel roll! I'd be a good inside joke to have Optimus Prime do it. I don't know what controls would be used, but it could work.

YES that would be epic win!

Starfox 64 said:
To barrel roll, press Z or R twice!
Cameleon was supposed to be doing a Barrelroll minigame...

There are some good ideas, some great ideas and some currently not possible ideas, but it's good you have got your thinking cap on.

Will you be able to do any of these ideas yourself? :)
yeah those are some good ideas. Barrel Roll Lol

just as a question though, why would we need a tetris game made when we have tetris for the GB emulator? same goes to frogger (cross town traffic i think you called it), and a few of the other ideas.
midtown said:
yeah those are some good ideas. Barrel Roll Lol

just as a question though, why would we need a tetris game made when we have tetris for the GB emulator? same goes to frogger (cross town traffic i think you called it), and a few of the other ideas.

PandoraPanic! is not going to be ported to the GB... These are minigame ideas. :)
midtown said:
yeah those are some good ideas. Barrel Roll Lol

just as a question though, why would we need a tetris game made when we have tetris for the GB emulator? same goes to frogger (cross town traffic i think you called it), and a few of the other ideas.

Tetris would be a boss game, which (at least when referring to WarioWare) is a fuller, more extended minigame, which lasts much longer than the regular games, and returns a life to the player when completed. Tetris would be longer than most minigames on Pandora Panic, but still be a minigame.

Cross Town Traffic was just a game where you avoid traffic in a car by swerving violently around vehicles. Frogger could also work as a minigame.

As for doing any of these myself, I would if I could, but I don't know the first thing about programming.
Yeah, this is coded in C? or what? I was gonna learn Python, and I started, but then I found that it was difficult with my schedule. ... 44652&st=0
Continued from Pandora Dev Forum. It seems like people are taking on the Base Engine posted by PokeParadox, this thread is here to clarify links to base code and what not...Currently the SDL path needs to be added to the compiler via Settings->Compiler...->GNU GCC Compiler-> Search Directories...
Add "C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\SDL",
also remove lib3ds from the Linker Settings in Project->Build Options->W32 Debug and W32 Release(if you are using Windows).

Pandora Panic Framework (Updated)

For the mean time minigames can be created as their own state.

Its seems a Wario-Ware style game is becoming the favoured option, so the games should be short and sweet. Don't wory about lives in the game, just keep track of whether it passes or fails.

If you get stuck just PM either me or PokeParadox.

Here is a preview build for Windows

I suggest if you can at all get access to gp32x then you do, because there is a lot of info contained in the thread there.
Like this:
HOWTO: Start developing a mini-game (in Linux)

This is my experience with Linux. The setup may not be helpful to anybody else.
This is pretty minimal, too: barely worth the post! But if there's someone
else out there as clueless as I am, here it is:

  • Install code blocks and SDL dev libraries
  • Download the latest framework
  • Extract framework into an empty directory.
  • Run codeblocks, opening an existing project, which is the .cbp file in the PandoraPanic directory you just created
  • Accept changing all the files to build with GNU GCC
  • In the toolbar at top, change your "Build Target" to "Lin Release"
  • If you're starting from scratch, you're ready to go to it! I started out by playing with the SpaceInvaders game to see how things worked, eventually changing pretty much all of it but appreciating the framework it provided. Thanks, pstudio!
Moving your source to a new framework

It seems to take about three steps:

1. Move all your files into the new framework. For me these were:
  • My State____.cpp file
  • My State____.h file
  • My images/_______ directory of pngs
2. Add your new files to the project! Use pull down menu "Project -> Add Files..."

3. Edit the following files to include your game. Just look for where they deal with SpaceInvaders and add your game in, too.
  • MiniGames.h
  • MyGame.cpp
  • userStates.h
Hint: while developing, it's nice to have the framework run only your game! I achieved this in MiniGames.h by setting MAX_GAMES=1 and then placing my game first in the list.
Hope this helps!

EDIT: player4: It is coded in c++ mainly.
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