Cannot Resolve Hostname...


Apr 12, 2010
Hi :lol:

Just got internet working , but it occured to me that Firefox and Midori are still not working on both of my pandoras , It keeps giving me this error > Cannot Resolve Hostname ...

It doesn't matter what website i enter , always the same error. :mellow:
go to a terminal and type 'ping' (or any other hostname, the one you're trying to reach might be good :P )

that'll at least tell you if it's systemwide

if it can't resolve it there, try pinging by ip, if that fails your network doesn't work at all :)
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In a terminal, can you "ping"? What about "ping"?

If you can't ping, but can ping their IP address, then there's a DNS issue. There's a temporary fix where you force your Pandora to use a different DNS server (it probably defaults to using your router and your router is not behaving in an expected way for some reason) but I can't remember how to do that off the top of my head. There's a more permanent fix where you tell your router to use and as your DNS servers instead of whatever dhcp tells it to use, but that depends on your router.

You may want to just try rebooting your router, sometimes connections get all messed up for some reason and a quick reboot fixes it.

edit: partial ninja. :P
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Okay , will try all those things.

But the strange thing is , all other browsers work perfectly

Chronium , Arora etc... :blink:

EDIT : Pinging works , ip adresses work too.
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that is rather odd, check the network settings in the offending programs

then try re-installing them (make sure you wipe their appdata/whathaveyou folders)
Oh, well that's... an interesting predicament. Check for "work offline"? Pretty sure that would tell you it's working offline, not that it couldn't resolve host though.

Hmm... strange.
Well I tried almost everything now , I am REALLY connected to my router , because i can update my apps and use chronium just fine.

But Firefox and Midori just wont work :blink: , And they are not in offline mode , checked that too. :mellow:
I sometimes get this with Midori 0.3.6 (never tried Firefox), but the page always comes up after pressing refresh. Maybe there's a timeout setting that can be changed somewhere. If it doesn't work for you even after refreshing, then it's a strange error indeed ...