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Still Fresh
Aug 31, 2006
A land before time
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Didn't find as much time as I hoped I'd find to continue the model and renderings of the Pandora, but here is another small sneak peak :)

I guess you will like it, as it solves the mystery about the LEDs.
Again, click on the thumbnail to increase the picture size a bit.

Also, the FDM case did arrive at Michael Weston's home and he has successfully assembled a Pandora using the LCD, the board, the prototype battery and the prototype keymat. EVERYTHING FITS! :D
I hope he finds some time to make some nice pictures soon!
That's cool, especially along with the email confirmation that Openpandora got my preorder check in the mail today. 94 cent and it got there over the weekend!

YAY! About time that something worked despite there being a chance for problems :p
I like the LED bar. But I still worry about the D-pad. I hope it doesn't constantly tip onto diagonals when you're trying to press a single direction, like most circle-type D-pads do.
Also, the FDM case did arrive at Michael Weston's home and he has successfully assembled a Pandora using the LCD, the board, the prototype battery and the prototype keymat. EVERYTHING FITS!
mali said:
Also, the FDM case did arrive at Michael Weston's home and he has successfully assembled a Pandora using the LCD, the board, the prototype battery and the prototype keymat. EVERYTHING FITS!

Oh, it brings a tear to my eye.

Do want.
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Alpha2 said:
That's cool, especially along with the email confirmation that Openpandora got my preorder check in the mail today. 94 cent and it got there over the weekend!
Im curious how do you mail it? Are you from the US using basic us mail? What type of check? standard bank check, COD, etc?
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looks better and better the more I look at it

For those of you who don't like the Dpad - rest assured someone in the community will probably do some modded versions so you can always change it at a later date

I guess it will be a personal taste kind of affair as is usually with all new consoles, some will love it while others will loath it - hey its whats normally happens with such things
Pickle said:
Alpha2 said:
That's cool, especially along with the email confirmation that Openpandora got my preorder check in the mail today. 94 cent and it got there over the weekend!
Im curious how do you mail it? Are you from the US using basic us mail? What type of check? standard bank check, COD, etc?

I'm with Pickle, I want to know if you shipped from the US and all the non-personal info please!
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I wants photos of the FDM!

That updated render looks wonderful. Have the reflections been toned down a bit?

I wonder what's on the other side of the case, LED-wise? On the previous render, there was space for two sets of LEDs.
I thought he was waiting for the final keymat to arrive before taking pictures
Phawx said:
Pickle said:
Im curious how do you mail it? Are you from the US using basic us mail? What type of check? standard bank check, COD, etc?
I'm with Pickle, I want to know if you shipped from the US and all the non-personal info please!Just stick a personal check or money order in an envelope, address the envelope, apply proper postage, and stick it in a mailbox. It's that simple.

Yigguth said:
I thought he was waiting for the final keymat to arrive before taking pictures
Final (prototype) keypad has already arrived.
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Jeez, mailing the check/money order seems to be the easiest solution, why doesn't everyone do it?
Chip said:
Phawx said:
Pickle said:
Im curious how do you mail it? Are you from the US using basic us mail? What type of check? standard bank check, COD, etc?
I'm with Pickle, I want to know if you shipped from the US and all the non-personal info please!Just stick a personal check or money order in an envelope, address the envelope, apply proper postage, and stick it in a mailbox. It's that simple.

The biggest risk is it being lost, stolen. But im starting to think it might be the most secure method as compared to giving out your account number in a direct transfer.
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I was wondering, since the leds will be software programmable, will those letters be printed on there? personally would keep bluetooth and wifi, but might change the sd1 and sd2 settings
Pickle said:
The biggest risk is it being lost, stolen. But im starting to think it might be the most secure method as compared to giving out your account number in a direct transfer.

Money orders, yes, but cheques typically have the sort code and account number on the bottom of the cheque, so are no more secure than giving out your account number in a direct transfer. The other problem with a cheque is that that also have your name and your signature, so they can create fake cheques that you have apparently signed. Banks don't check signatures very well from experience*, and so will only check up on things when you report fraud.

* - I signed a couple of cheques with a signature nothing like that which I opened the account with, or any previous cheque. It was still cashed however. I didn't go as far as some people who sign there CC receipts "M. Mouse" however.
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