Blog Post.. China New Years? I Thought Made In Us?

EvilDragon said:
Holy crap, if every blog post I do starts turning into a "oooh, will that delay everything more" or "April? March? February?"-Thread, I shouldn't do more blog posting...

You are finally coming to realize that which I've been saying for months now.
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saboteur said:
From my experience with chinese manufactures - New Year introduces a minimum of two weeks into any time scale - workers like to go home for the new year and with a country the size of china, that can take some time.

This is not a dig, i'm sure I read somewhere on the forum that the Pandora team took this into account.

Yeah, it must take them longer to get home, because they've been drinking. But i doubt it will take 2 extra weeks to get home
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PoisonedV said:
WoD said:
Welcome to the thread for racist bigots and/or idiots.

Because if you have the common conception that products produced in China are generally not of quality, you are a racist bigot AND an idiot!

warmi said:
I cannot emphasize enough that this sort of idiocy needs to be pointed out as often as possible because if we let these brainwashed children of a Politically Correct Age have their way, pretty soon nobody will be able to discuss anything without being accused of some sort of racism/sexism/xxxism.
oh and look... someone whining about political correctness. you're no better.

WoD said:
warmi said:
You need to chill out … big time.

"chill out" is a politically incorrect term to which I take offense on behalf of the Inuit people.

The term "politically correct" is now also unacceptable, you should use "socially aware."

I cannot emphasize enough that this sort of idiocy needs to be pointed out as soon as possible. How can we exist in harmony and form the basis for a utopian society if people from the socially ignorant generations of past refuse to acknowledge a need for increased social awareness. Pretty soon, these people will have crushed our tolerance of others so finally that we will descend once again into a feudal society of tribal warfare.

HILARIOUS dry wit bro :rolleyes:

WoD said:
and 1 of which came preinstalled with vista, need i say more

Amen to that. Even Microsoft categorically concede that Vista is a steaming pile of tepid donkey feces.

Windows 7 is actually based on Ubuntu and uses a virtualization layer to support non-native applications. They've finally managed to rip off every feature of OSX including a complete removal of native backwards compatibility.

now you're just failtrolling

You are missing the point ... but that's your problem, not mine.
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WizardStan said:
EvilDragon said:
Holy crap, if every blog post I do starts turning into a "oooh, will that delay everything more" or "April? March? February?"-Thread, I shouldn't do more blog posting...

You are finally coming to realize that which I've been saying for months now.
That post alone must have delayed the Pandora by at least a day - and that's ignoring the idea that ED might be reading the responses - which will be causing more delays! Oh wailie wailie!!
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EvilDragon said:
Holy crap, if every blog post I do starts turning into a "oooh, will that delay everything more" or "April? March? February?"-Thread, I shouldn't do more blog posting...

Final date should NOT be delayed by the chinese new year, as the mass production of the boards will probably take longer than the cases anyways.
To be fair most of us probably just smile and feel complacent when you do blog posts, it's probably only the vocal paranoid minority that feels the need to go splurge their delay-angst all over the forums every time you update us.
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Eniko said:
EvilDragon said:
Holy crap, if every blog post I do starts turning into a "oooh, will that delay everything more" or "April? March? February?"-Thread, I shouldn't do more blog posting...

Final date should NOT be delayed by the chinese new year, as the mass production of the boards will probably take longer than the cases anyways.
To be fair most of us probably just smile and feel complacent when you do blog posts, it's probably only the vocal paranoid minority that feels the need to go splurge their delay-angst all over the forums every time you update us.

Yes indeed, you speak the truth!

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EvilDragon said:
Final date should NOT be delayed by the chinese new year, as the mass production of the boards will probably take longer than the cases anyways.
Fair enough! I hope everyone will stop complaining now...

"we won't use chinese factories, cheap parts etc. almost everything (inc the pcb) is made in north America."

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rutto said:
EvilDragon said:
Final date should NOT be delayed by the chinese new year, as the mass production of the boards will probably take longer than the cases anyways.
Fair enough! I hope everyone will stop complaining now...

"we won't use chinese factories, cheap parts etc. almost everything (inc the pcb) is made in north America."


That's the truth, but we're talking about the PROTOTYPE CASE here, not the massproduced one :)
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Eternalodyssey said:
The only missing link between OS X and Linux in many respects is X11 or the X window system. Which to me, says that OSX is Linux. I wonder which existed first and who ripped off what once a certain company realized they were charging way too much money for a rebranded PC with rebranded Linux OS.

let's say that you are really, really off the ground here. hint: google for bsd and next step.

craigix said:
We are probably looking at saying it's made and designed in multiple places, just like Apple.

How about 'Made in Texas, Designed on the Internets!'

i'd hit that! oh, wait.. : )
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joa said:
saboteur said:
From my experience with chinese manufactures - New Year introduces a minimum of two weeks into any time scale - workers like to go home for the new year and with a country the size of china, that can take some time.

This is not a dig, i'm sure I read somewhere on the forum that the Pandora team took this into account.

Yeah, it must take them longer to get home, because they've been drinking. But i doubt it will take 2 extra weeks to get home

Seriously - a couple of the factories we deal with in Shenzen shut for nearly 2 weeks because it takes a good portion of their workforce 4 days to get home and another 4 days for the return journey.
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'EvilDragon' said:
Holy crap, if every blog post I do starts turning into a "oooh, will that delay everything more" or "April? March? February?"-Thread, I shouldn't do more blog posting...

Final date should NOT be delayed by the chinese new year, as the mass production of the boards will probably take longer than the cases anyways.
So... did the Chinese New Year delay :pandora1: or not, then?
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'craigix' said:
Aside from the Case it's all USA.
I would have much preferred "Made in Blighty" embossed on the bottom of my machine but I guess I can live with "Made in the Land of the Cheese Burger" embossed on the bottom instead :P
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Alas British companies just seemed too lazy/over priced to do anything, we did try.

Probably the unions :ph34r:
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'craigix' said:
Not too much, well, the speakers maybe, I'm not sure yet.
I ask because elsewhere we have EvilDragon being quoted as having said (well, translated as having said):

Right now we are trying to hurry on the Chinese producers of the CNC case, because some work has been slowed down by the Chinese New Year;)

which, well, it LOOKs like Ed was getting frustrated that posters were assuming CNY would cause a delay and chastising us for doing so, then later admitting (slightly quitely, elsewhere) that it did, in fact, cause delays. Me, I just wanna play some games but the disparities between what we're told one week and what we're told another week are mounting up in frustrating manner. IMHO. YMMV. PCMCIA.

There seems to be very little "Made in Great Britain" nowadays, though I'm not *sure* it's because our horses are too high. Maybe if we stopped giving them grass all the time?


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Errare humanum est ;)
And taking things literally is no good, as has been proven. Add an "I assume" or "I suppose" when needed ;)
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