Yes, but you have a much higher chance of getting me to try if you upload the files somewhere that doesn't puke all over my browsers
no, gimp here, but it opens psds fine...@binky, its getting there, but could you use the logo in the banner above? Are you using photoshop?
Yes, but you have a much higher chance of getting me to try if you upload the files somewhere that doesn't puke all over my browsers
(I'm not being sarcastic/nasty here.) Could you clarify that picture at all? I actually can't make out most of the things in the room. Whats going on in the bottom left?Some insane splash screen!
(I'm not being sarcastic/nasty here.) Could you clarify that picture at all? I actually can't make out most of the things in the room. Whats going on in the bottom left?
Entered into:
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