If you're into jokes like that, you might want to check out like 7-10 year-old kids telling dark/dirty jokes on Twitter.
WARNING: These jokes have offensive themes including (but not limited to): sexism, incest, rape, paedophilia, holocaust, catholic priests
If Bill Cosby molesting children isn't funny, who are we to molest less fortunate children.
After all these children got to meet Bill Cosby.
Disputing they met him is like pointing the finger at us for molesting him out of his ratings.
That makes Bill Cosby an ordinary citizen.
An ordinary citizen with a heart whos crime it is to think of the children.
If someone molested these children, and it wasn't Bill Cosby, we're all Bill Cosbys.
What would you do
if I sang autotuned?
Would you stand up and
walk out on me?
Lend me your ears
and I'll playback a song.
And I'll try not to sing out of key.