(Bad)Joke Appreciation Corner

What sweet does a sheep like best? A chocolate baaar

Why are pirates called pirates? Because they just arrrr

Patient: Doctor doctor, can I get a second opinion?

Doctor: Sure, come back again tomorrow!
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A young blind boy is being tucked into bed by his mother. The mom says "Now Billy, pray really hard tonight and tomorrow, your wish will come true!". Billy says, "Ok mommy." and goes to sleep. The next morning, Billy wakes up and screams "MOMMY! I'm still blind, my wish didn't come true!", the mom answered, "I know - April Fools!"
What does the Ice Cream salesman say when his business is going really well?

"I'm creaming it!"
Sorry, I don't get this.  I think I understand why it is supposed to work (pun?), but I have never actually heard anyone say something like this.
What does the Ice Cream salesman say when his business is going really well?

"I'm creaming it!"
Sorry, I don't get this. I think I understand why it is supposed to work (pun?), but I have never actually heard anyone say something like this.
Well I don't know how common or localized the term is, and I can't even remember the last time I heard someone else say it...

But it basically means that whatever you are earning is now the cream on top... or, I.e extra, or added bonus,

Heard the term 'cream of the crop'?

I believe they are related, as cream of the crop means the best of what's gathered.

Creaming it financially means that you are doing so well you don't have to worry about any other considerations. All your costs have already been covered. Hoped for profit levels and contingency funds have already been reached and exceeded.

You now have no need to make any more, but the money keeps on flowing in.

That's creaming it. :3

=~. O =
What does the Ice Cream salesman say when his business is going really well?

"I'm creaming it!"
Sorry, I don't get this. I think I understand why it is supposed to work (pun?), but I have never actually heard anyone say something like this.
Well I don't know how common or localized the term is, and I can't even remember the last time I heard someone else say it...

But it basically means that whatever you are earning is now the cream on top... or, I.e extra, or added bonus,

Heard the term 'cream of the crop'?

I believe they are related, as cream of the crop means the best of what's gathered.

Creaming it financially means that you are doing so well you don't have to worry about any other considerations. All your costs have already been covered. Hoped for profit levels and contingency funds have already been reached and exceeded.

You now have no need to make any more, but the money keeps on flowing in.

That's creaming it. :3

=~. O =
Ok, thanks.

My understanding of the word has a different background and meaning but could be used in the same way, but it sounded wrong and not funny (kinda like #37 from UD, but I thought it meant "beat severely", or even simply "punch in the face"):

"I am not sure where I got this from , but I think another meaning for cream is like when you want to kill somebody.

Jack stole my pizza , I'm so going to cream him."


I don't really like UD, though.  They rejected a couple of widely used terms I submitted that are found in some subcultures, as well as easily found on the internet, yet they will allow people to add stuff that is obviously not widely used and was submitted simply to bully others. 

Again, sorry for ruining your joke.
^ you didn't ruin anything. The joke already happened. Also, it was simply a statement of fact that coincidently had context within this thread. Regardless of whether I had said it or not, or what reaction was generated...

I still creamed it. ;3

Let's combine your take on it with mine:

Those apparent obstacles / challenges to my success...

They got creamed man!

Oh oh oh!

What happens when you make a bucket of money!

You're killing it!

Hey Frank, how go the sales?

I'm killing it.

Making a killing huh?

You bet. :3

=~. O =
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The doctor asked me if I ever got lonely, I said "No, don't be silly".

After that I got bored playing hospital, and put my dolls away...
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Two bananas are lying on a riverbank when a turd goes floating by.

The turd yells to the bananas, "hey guys, come on in, the water feels great!"

One banana looks at the other banana and says, "do you believe that shit?"
How does a musician know what to buy?

He looks at his Chopin Lizt!


What did one (not very bright) music student say to the other?

Its all Greig to me!


Why was one musician looking for the other?

They were playing Haydn seek!