We have few people here that will likely cut self in half to play in this game so i decided to give a shot at porting. Everything went fine apart of locking the game in random places on real pandora. Maybe some of you want to test the game more than me and maybe you will figure out what's going wrong under the hood. [a little hint] Starting game with switches [from terminal] -v adds a debug info in terminal [the more -v you add the more detailed debug will be.. so basically starting it '[appname] -v -v -v -v -v -v -v -v -v -v' gives you really detaoled debug.
I presume that there likely could be [maybe] something with ogg theora libs [missing in pandora default lib dir or sth]. BTW. There are some random lockups [not freezing , because game events works normally] in random places drives me crazy, so i dropped this game. Maybe You, hardcore BARIS fans will figure out something.
pnd from FB WALL
I presume that there likely could be [maybe] something with ogg theora libs [missing in pandora default lib dir or sth]. BTW. There are some random lockups [not freezing , because game events works normally] in random places drives me crazy, so i dropped this game. Maybe You, hardcore BARIS fans will figure out something.
pnd from FB WALL