

Nov 24, 2010
So I tried to run AudioRace on my Panda, and I only get to the choose song list, and it just goes right back to the menu..

I downloaded it from the pandora apps site.

Anyone else had this problem?
So I tried to run AudioRace on my Panda, and I only get to the choose song list, and it just goes right back to the menu..

I downloaded it from the pandora apps site.

Anyone else had this problem?
Same here...exactly.

Deleted it from game menu B) :angry:
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Installing the codec pack worked for me,

For a first release this is pretty good (coming from a huge Audiosurf fan) it would certainly benefit from some different gameplay modes though, like the Pointman mode in the aforementioned.. some different visualizer/track options would also be most welcome.

I don't know about anyone else but i found it impossible to avoid all the red icons, as they are quite often across all three lanes at the same time.

All in all a fun experience, i look forward to seeing how this develops.. for the record i threw some 8+ min (Mp3) tracks in there and didn't have any problems.
Only amongst the community itself. To outsiders, everything's fair game.
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I found it impossible to avoid all the red icons, as they are quite often across all three lanes at the same time.

The road shoulders (in yellow) have neither obstacles (red) nor bonuses (blue).

Thus if large obstacle colons arrive, evade to the shoulder of the road, and only come in when bonuses can be reached with less risk!
haha amazing one of the first thing recomended for first boots of the pandora is instaling the codec pack, i did the same thing myself and completely forgot to reinstall with the latest hotfix (didnt forget with 4,5) for some reason.

might want to head back to the new users thread and check there is no other installs and configs you might have missed to reduce further difficultys with other apps in the future.
Hi there,

I am the recent proud owner of a 1ghz Pandora for a week. Not easy to get everything working...

As far as audiorace is concerned, I  only get to the choose song list, and it just goes right back to the menu..

I read here I was supposed to download a codec pack but the link is no longer accurate. I am running Super Zaxxon 1.72.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.