Wake me when it's over.
In America, one of the most famous things ever said was by John F. Kennedy during his inaugural address. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” I am not sure exactly sure how well this quote is known outside of America where most of you guys are located. I only bring this up, not to be political especially since I don’t really trust any of the crap that my government tells me, especially these days, but mainly to bring up new initiative. Pandora faces a really tough time ahead. Gadgets like these come and go like the wind and even though the guys responsible for Pandora seem to be doing everything right, you never know if it’ll be enough. It takes a lot of things to go right for something like this to succeed. Now I’m not delusional. I know Pandora isn’t going to sell like the DS or PSP but I would like it to sell as well as the GP2X (Actually I’d like it blow it away). So I say to all of the early adopters of Pandora out there, “Ask not what your handheld can do for you... “, well you get the point. What can you do to help make Pandora successful? Advertising budgets are sure to be limited. How can you help get the word out and do your part to make sure that we have great support for Pandora for a long time and hopefully a new, even better, version of Pandora four or five years from now? I am a web developer (among other things) and will do whatever I can to let people know that Pandora exists and is capable of. I'm sure that the devs will be hard at work making awesome games and aps. What can you do?