Ask Not What Your Handheld Can Do For You...


Wake me when it's over.
Oct 29, 2007
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In America, one of the most famous things ever said was by John F. Kennedy during his inaugural address. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” I am not sure exactly sure how well this quote is known outside of America where most of you guys are located. I only bring this up, not to be political especially since I don’t really trust any of the crap that my government tells me, especially these days, but mainly to bring up new initiative. Pandora faces a really tough time ahead. Gadgets like these come and go like the wind and even though the guys responsible for Pandora seem to be doing everything right, you never know if it’ll be enough. It takes a lot of things to go right for something like this to succeed. Now I’m not delusional. I know Pandora isn’t going to sell like the DS or PSP but I would like it to sell as well as the GP2X (Actually I’d like it blow it away). So I say to all of the early adopters of Pandora out there, “Ask not what your handheld can do for you... “, well you get the point. What can you do to help make Pandora successful? Advertising budgets are sure to be limited. How can you help get the word out and do your part to make sure that we have great support for Pandora for a long time and hopefully a new, even better, version of Pandora four or five years from now? I am a web developer (among other things) and will do whatever I can to let people know that Pandora exists and is capable of. I'm sure that the devs will be hard at work making awesome games and aps. What can you do?
Well, I don't mean to bring on hate, but I've always been aware of the GP2X since it came out, and I've never really wanted to buy one. Though now I'm pretty impressed at what it can do, it just isn't worth the money to me. The Pandora should reverse that, but as you said, it's all about software. The biggest difference, I think, is access to Debian ARM libraries. That will set us up very well off the bat. From what I read, porting x86 software will usually mean just recompiling, though of course all libraries need to be available. We also have the entire GP2X library, which I'm guessing will be easily ported, many of which will be by their original developers.

In case I'm wrong, could you answer me if something like Snes9x (just an example, Mame and such would be an equal example) would compile directly onto the Pandora?

Personally, I plan on developing for the Pandora, though I'm having enough trouble on PC :) I'm not much of a programmer, but I'll be able to get by, and I'm sure we'll get some team projects going as well. I think the most important thing we can do is set up a library of software for the Pandora. A wiki would do it, but we should go even farther than that. Any time you compile something (or modify it) and it works on the Pandora, post it. Don't post that it works, post the binary. If you need to creator's permission, post that it works then get permission and post the binary. Compiling the source, even if it works without modifying any code, will still put off potential users. If we make it just a "download and play" system, I believe the Pandora will get much bigger than the GP2X.

Another thought: Will the Pandora be able to transfer files to and from via WiFi? I guess if it has Samba, problem solved. If not, is it possible to FTP transfer completely locally (just through the router)? I don't see why not. I don't have an SD card reader (though I could get one for cheap), and WiFi is so fast even if I had one it'd be easier to just transfer it wirelessly, no?
meh, I am up for a bumper sticker.

Ooh, something I could actually do would be make GOOD Youtube videos of the Pandora (obviously not nearly as important as writing the cool stuff that the video will showcase.)

I think the major downfall of the regular Youtube video is that it is really improperly lit and out of focus, I can set up a tripod and some lights, and properly focus my camera.

Seriously the number one thing we could do is NOT post lousy out-of-focus videos with your hand covering the lens and the camera flying up to look crazily at the roof.

Perhaps a turntable to smoothly show off the ports and controls, instead of a blurry millisecond as an over-excited and over-caffeinated user shows off their prize (I completely understand of course.)

Best of all a comparison between a can of cola, a regular laptop, and the "EeePC", just to show the relative sizes (most knee-jerk bloggers/forum posters seem to lump all of these together, strange considering the cola is mostly liquid by volume, whereas laptops and portables aren't)
nubie said:
meh, I am up for a bumper sticker.

Ooh, something I could actually do would be make GOOD Youtube videos of the Pandora (obviously not nearly as important as writing the cool stuff that the video will showcase.)

I think the major downfall of the regular Youtube video is that it is really improperly lit and out of focus, I can set up a tripod and some lights, and properly focus my camera.

Seriously the number one thing we could do is NOT post lousy out-of-focus videos with your hand covering the lens and the camera flying up to look crazily at the roof.

Perhaps a turntable to smoothly show off the ports and controls, instead of a blurry millisecond as an over-excited and over-caffeinated user shows off their prize (I completely understand of course.)

Best of all a comparison between a can of cola, a regular laptop, and the "EeePC", just to show the relative sizes (most knee-jerk bloggers/forum posters seem to lump all of these together, strange considering the cola is mostly liquid by volume, whereas laptops and portables aren't)
Hahahaha I hear you. You don't need to "set up some lights", just go near a f*cking lamp :-P Of course, if you do, yay! I can't stand youtube videos that are out of focus... It's so annoying. The only excuse is using a camera phone if that was your only option (meaning you only have a camera phone or that was the only thing available).
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squeakypants said:
Hahahaha I hear you. You don't need to "set up some lights", just go near a f*cking lamp :-P Of course, if you do, yay!

I thought thats what setting up lights was :o ;) Seriously I just planned to set a lamp that would cast a lot of indirect light on the unit. Oh, and SHUT MY CURTAINS, and not stand directly behind the screen with my face lit.

I can't stand youtube videos that are out of focus... It's so annoying. The only excuse is using a camera phone if that was your only option (meaning you only have a camera phone or that was the only thing available).

Yes, no excuse, Phone cameras are next to useless, ugh, and POSTING VIDEOS, unconscionable.
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Probably one of the best things you can do is to keep getting it featured on Engadget and other blogs like that (hackaday?) by making some cool stuff for it.
squeakypants said:
nubie said:
meh, I am up for a bumper sticker.

Ooh, something I could actually do would be make GOOD Youtube videos of the Pandora (obviously not nearly as important as writing the cool stuff that the video will showcase.)

I think the major downfall of the regular Youtube video is that it is really improperly lit and out of focus, I can set up a tripod and some lights, and properly focus my camera.

Seriously the number one thing we could do is NOT post lousy out-of-focus videos with your hand covering the lens and the camera flying up to look crazily at the roof.

Perhaps a turntable to smoothly show off the ports and controls, instead of a blurry millisecond as an over-excited and over-caffeinated user shows off their prize (I completely understand of course.)

Best of all a comparison between a can of cola, a regular laptop, and the "EeePC", just to show the relative sizes (most knee-jerk bloggers/forum posters seem to lump all of these together, strange considering the cola is mostly liquid by volume, whereas laptops and portables aren't)
Hahahaha I hear you. You don't need to "set up some lights", just go near a f*cking lamp :-P Of course, if you do, yay! I can't stand youtube videos that are out of focus... It's so annoying. The only excuse is using a camera phone if that was your only option (meaning you only have a camera phone or that was the only thing available).

I think sometimes the problem is that Youtube makes even professionally made videos look super-compressed and terrible.
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TyBO! said:
I think sometimes the problem is that Youtube makes even professionally made videos look super-compressed and terrible.
Is there a professionally made video from a webcam or camera phone? I personally like the series choose your own tube.
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Ok, apparently the humor was lost on this post. I guess I'll be a little more concise. I plan to dedicate some webspace to help promote Pandora. Hopefully Engadget and other sites will keep up to date on the latest big developments and I’m sure they will if we all let them know when things like that happen. There’s another thread here talking about making a new website which is pretty much what I’m talking about.

TV would ultimately be the greatest source of promotion. Pandora’s best shot over here would be to try to get reviewed on “Attack of the Show” on G4. I don’t realy know what you would have to do to get on a show like that or if they even review things that might be considered small market. It’s something that the guys might want to look into though.

Anyone else have any ideas especially in countries where Pandora isn’t being targeted right away?
Frogboy said:
Ok, apparently the humor was lost on this post. I guess I'll be a little more concise. I plan to dedicate some webspace to help promote Pandora. Hopefully Engadget and other sites will keep up to date on the latest big developments and I’m sure they will if we all let them know when things like that happen. There’s another thread here talking about making a new website which is pretty much what I’m talking about.

TV would ultimately be the greatest source of promotion. Pandora’s best shot over here would be to try to get reviewed on “Attack of the Show” on G4. I don’t realy know what you would have to do to get on a show like that or if they even review things that might be considered small market. It’s something that the guys might want to look into though.

Anyone else have any ideas especially in countries where Pandora isn’t being targeted right away?
The problem is that if we get a G4 review too soon (no software, hardware issues), then the first impression people will get will be a bad one. Actually if a video player and web browser are polished, and Quake III it might do well just on those three, if the hardware is perfect.
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Heh, as awful as Attack of the Show is, it'd be perfect to advertise the Pandora.

Of course, you should try to spring for X-Play :)
nubie said:
Frogboy said:
Ok, apparently the humor was lost on this post. I guess I'll be a little more concise. I plan to dedicate some webspace to help promote Pandora. Hopefully Engadget and other sites will keep up to date on the latest big developments and I’m sure they will if we all let them know when things like that happen. There’s another thread here talking about making a new website which is pretty much what I’m talking about.

TV would ultimately be the greatest source of promotion. Pandora’s best shot over here would be to try to get reviewed on “Attack of the Show” on G4. I don’t realy know what you would have to do to get on a show like that or if they even review things that might be considered small market. It’s something that the guys might want to look into though.

Anyone else have any ideas especially in countries where Pandora isn’t being targeted right away?
The problem is that if we get a G4 review too soon (no software, hardware issues), then the first impression people will get will be a bad one. Actually if a video player and web browser are polished, and Quake III it might do well just on those three, if the hardware is perfect.

I agree. It would be best to wait until the time is right for it to be reviewed properly.
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