Release Arx Libertatis - Arx Fatalis port

Sory, same answer as for RtCW. I can think of something, some global var, but for now, the redifinition is hardcoded. I guess you'd kike that for all fps :) ?
Yes indeed, please pander to my every whim. :P
Having some trouble getting this to run. Probably missed a trick somewhere :/ Anyhow.

Have copied *.pak and the misc directory to my sdcard/pandora/appdata/arxlibertatis directory. On running the game, I am presented with a large dialog, stating that it "Could not load required files", etc. "data.pak", "loc.pak" (or "loc_default.pak")", etc, followed by a list of unix-y directory locations. 


Any idea what I might be doing wrong? My copy of Arx came from Steam, does that matter?
Having some trouble getting this to run. Probably missed a trick somewhere :/ Anyhow.

Have copied *.pak and the misc directory to my sdcard/pandora/appdata/arxlibertatis directory. On running the game, I am presented with a large dialog, stating that it "Could not load required files", etc. "data.pak", "loc.pak" (or "loc_default.pak")", etc, followed by a list of unix-y directory locations. 


Any idea what I might be doing wrong? My copy of Arx came from Steam, does that matter?
Mine came from steam too, so it shouldn't matter.. I'm at work without my Pandora.. but if no one else chimes in before then, I'll tell you how my data files are put on the SD card once I get home.
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This is the contents of my appdata folder.. you most likely don't need the exe files.. but I dumped everything from the steam directory into the arxlibertatis folder it seems.


-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg        77 Nov  5 21:25 arxlibertatis.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg         6 Nov  5 21:31 right_nub
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg         9 Nov  5 21:31 left_nub
drwx------ 3 trashymg trashymg     16384 Nov  5 21:32 home
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg      7784 Nov 10 09:29 ARX FAQ.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg      2120 Nov 10 09:29 cfg_default.ini
-rwxr-xr-x 1 trashymg trashymg   2117120 Nov 10 09:29 arx.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg    315392 Nov 10 09:29 Athena.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg    524288 Nov 10 09:29 ARX_SCRIPT_DEBUGGER.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg    175136 Nov 10 09:30 map.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg    974519 Nov 10 09:30 manual.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg      1132 Nov 10 09:31 MD5_MIT_license.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg      5694 Nov 10 09:31 game.ico
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg    209865 Nov 10 09:31 LOC_default.pak
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg      8525 Nov 10 09:31 readme_r1.21.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg      5405 Nov 10 09:31 readme.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg 244011475 Nov 10 09:31 data.pak
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg   2215016 Nov 10 09:31 data2.pak
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg  45192372 Nov 10 09:32 SFX.pak
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg    246424 Nov 10 09:32 unicows.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 trashymg trashymg 350412913 Nov 10 09:33 SPEECH_default.pak
drwx------ 2 trashymg trashymg     16384 Nov 10 09:41 misc
drwx------ 4 trashymg trashymg     16384 Nov 10 09:41 Graph
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Looks like it was just a bit of file system corruption. A quick scandisk and a fresh copy of the data and it all works fine. Thanks for the assist all the same :)
New release on the repo.

I'm catching up with all my FPS release to put them on the same functionnality level (deactivable shoulder as mouse button, lastest SGX driver compatibility with smooth pageflip, etc...).

Build 02


  • Compatible with latest SGX Video Drivers
  • moved the left_nub and right_nub files from appdata/arxlibertatis/home to appdata/arxlibertatis
  • Mouse buttons on Shoulder buttons (deactivable by putting a file named .noshouldermb inside appdata/arxlibertatis)
Tried the Demo version of this update (did not try the old one). Runs, but graphics glitch badly. Using my (new!) 1GHz - anyone else have the same trouble?
Yes, I confirm, on Gigahertz model, if you use default driver, you will get artefacts (not only with Arx, but with many 3D Games).
Hi, I've searching the forums for help with this but unfortunately I've got no where :( when attempting to play Arx, it fails to play giving the following warning screen, 

Error, your memory is too low, you have only 83mb, minimum is 150mb, recommended is 200

the version of Arx is GOG updated running on a CC pandora from a 16gb SD with approx 7.5gb free. On the repo it makes mention of a swapfile, which I've also tried to research, but not being too bright with the pandora and being in hospital currently I don't have much internet time, so if someone could help it would greatly ease my aching hours on this ward :)  