Okay, I was working on a new skin and here's a list of bugs that I've encountered. Some of these have been brought up before, but I hope to see them fixed so I can be a happy panda.
- The small font in the application list does not honor the highlight color when selected.
- The icons in the application list start out at the default 32px, even when you specify a different max or min size in the skin.cfg
- Because of bug 2 - You can't specify a icon size of 0 (no icons in app list) because on first load the list displays an icon on the first entry anyways.
- The media list runs off the right side - it does not honor the width specified for the application list.
- The skin preview image does not honor the maximum width for the preview area. It does not scale to match the area requested. If you make the preview area any smaller or larger than the default, the skin preview image does not look right at all.
- The confirm box's confirm_box_x and confirm_box_y attributes are ambiguous. Do they specify the height and width of the confirm box area? Or do they specify the position the confirm box should center on? Either way, they don't appear to affect anything.
Not really a bugs, but featurettes that I hope to see soon:
- The confirm box should have it's own font settings, or at the very least it's own color.
- If bug 6 specifies height and width. The confirm box should be placeable. I can fudge it by adding blank pixels to the margins, but this is less than ideal.
That's all I've run into recently. Thanks!