Are there any high resolution pics of the MK1 device?


Still Fresh
Oct 3, 2008
I’m wondering why almost all pictures of the Pandora are artistic illustrations? Should there be working MK1 devices around by now? All videos in youtube are also from developer board. There are some videos of the MK0 board, but that’s not the current model.

Call me skeptical, but the reality is that these videos would be extremely easy to fake. You would only need standard linux pc and with some small display. And if you think that we have paid about 3000 x 249 EUR = 747000 EUR -> $1051000 in advance, I think you should give us more proof, that the device exists.

There are some small pictures of the MK1 device (the one with soda can). These pictures are so tiny and bad quality, that these are almost useless.
A Mk1 device hasn't been fully built yet. Craig has been saying that the first ones will be built and showable around the 12th of this month.
The photos are of prototype cases. There aren't any final cases yet, not until the first batch is manufactured. The guys chose not to spend tens of thousands on glossy, "final" looking prototypes. Instead their time and money has gone into R&D, PCB & component design, and software.

From the horse's mouth:

craigix said:
We will be showing you complete, working, playable, cased Pandora machines this month.

Previously it was just too expensive to prototype ALL the parts, instead we put the money towards perfecting the PCB and having things like the custom analogue nubs made.

It might seem crazy, but those nubs alone cost $30,000 in R&D - they HAD to be done first.

It all seems a bit backwards but we knew this way it would succeed - too many start ups go bust doing it the other way around - ie flashy promo videos with $20,000 prototype units, expensive flash based websites, huge HQ and cars etc.

We have no debts and everything is going very smooth and under control (well, apart from getting WAY more orders than expected in the first 6 hours!)


And some wise words from a prophet:

Prophet said:
To any and all newcomers to Pandora,

Please keep in mind there's a reason why this project has such a following already. The developers of the Pandora have been around for many years and part of the independent handheld dev scene (i.e. GP32, GP2X, Zodiac etc.). These guys are not just a bunch of fast talking businessmen looking to throw together a fast buck. They're hobbysists themselves, and that makes all the difference in the world.

This is really an historic project, and if the first shipment is successful (i.e. no major factory foul-ups etc.) think we'll all be part of something really amazing and significant for the hobby Pandora addresses.
Thanks for the answers. I’m not really so worried about my 249€. I still felt like I had to ask this question. :) I guess that because there haven’t been any projects like this before, I got this feeling that this project is practically impossible. Raising the product count from 3000 to 4000 made me also little suspicious. I thought that it would not be possible to order more components etc. before start of the 2009.

Well I’m truly happy that we have these great open source and Pandora communities. I hardly can wait to get my own Pandora.
San2 said:
Thanks for the answers. I’m not really so worried about my 249€. I still felt like I had to ask this question. :) I guess that because there haven’t been any projects like this before, I got this feeling that this project is practically impossible. Raising the product count from 3000 to 4000 made me also little suspicious. I thought that it would not be possible to order more components etc. before start of the 2009.

Well I’m truly happy that we have these great open source and Pandora communities. I hardly can wait to get my own Pandora.

No, they were just wary about overestimating demand.

-God Ginrai
barnesy said:
A Mk1 device hasn't been fully built yet.

This is the first time I have ever purchased a device that does not exist (quite) yet. It is so exciting, and also amazing that so many others have enough faith or interest to invest in this first batch. I have been an early adopter of technology before, but this is by far the earliest I have got involved. My only worry is will I have this odd feeling for 2 whole months, or will the excitement fade...?

I'm sure all the other pre-orderers know what I mean, I'm starting to chew on things already....
I'm actually a little confused as to what the different board revisions are.

MK0 is the developer board (that's been shown in the YouTube videos)

Craig said something along the lines of "We're done with the MK1 board, the MK2 board should begin production soon", implying that the MK2 will be the board in the final retail Pandoras...

... So what was the MK1 board?
daveski said:
This is the first time I have ever purchased a device that does not exist (quite) yet.
Me too.

daveski said:
It is so exciting, and also amazing that so many others have enough faith or interest to invest in this first batch. I have been an early adopter of technology before, but this is by far the earliest I have got involved.
By far, yes. I wasn't even any early adopter before. But I had so much fun hacking my linux-based router (by my own; it's not openwrt-supported) that now i'm searching for my next personal big project :-)

daveski said:
My only worry is will I have this odd feeling for 2 whole months, or will the excitement fade...?
I'm sure all the other pre-orderers know what I mean, I'm starting to chew on things already....
The Future will show us...
benjymous said:
... So what was the MK1 board?

As I understand it, the MK0 board was the very first set sent to developers.

Then the MK1 board was based on some revisions that the early developers had to the MK0 one - this still got sent out to some of the developers who got theirs a bit later. I would guess these arrived at about the same time as the WiFi chip changed or the custom nubs were implemented.

And the MK2 boards are the ones that have had two lots of revisions, and are basically ready for us as far as the team can tell.

Either that, or Craig just got mixed up momentarily :)
just wondering,
there was a comment saying, we prefer to spend money another way rather than on glossy material

i take it this only imply's to prototypes
cause i like my sleek glossy looking material (doesnt have to be glossy, but cant be cheap material)
San2 said:
Thanks for the answers. I’m not really so worried about my 249€. I still felt like I had to ask this question. :) I guess that because there haven’t been any projects like this before, I got this feeling that this project is practically impossible. Raising the product count from 3000 to 4000 made me also little suspicious. I thought that it would not be possible to order more components etc. before start of the 2009.

Well I’m truly happy that we have these great open source and Pandora communities. I hardly can wait to get my own Pandora.

Thanks for asking, I was wondering the same things... :lol: