Where Are The Homebrew Games ?

iprice said:
So those that were looking forward to the likes of Zomb'd, well sorry but it's cancelled.

Dammit! :(

I was really looking forward to that...
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sebt3 said:
Unfathomable Depths said:
It's a pain in the arse to develop for. PNDs are messy.
I strongly disagree.
You develop for it like for any linux host... This one don't have GL acceleration but GLES. That's it.
If you're used to Visual Studio or eclipse, I can understand the gnu way disrupt your usage. But once used to it, it is as good as anything else.

How can you say PND are messy, do you have a pandora ? (I though yes, but your claim let me think otherwise...)

I develop on a Windows box, using Visual Studio, I just select Pandora from the target drop down box, and then click compile. The OpenGL based renderer is 100% generic between MAC/Win32/Pandora/Android/IPhone, and my OpenAL audio framework is 100% generic between everything except Android. What I am getting at is at least the compiling side of Pandora development isn't a problem for me, even as a Windows user. Of course I have had to do a lot of groundwork in my time to get things to such a nice state, but it is certainly possible.

With regards to PND's, I agree that making these on Windows is a bit messy; at least doing it from Windows 7. I found the instructions didn't work and I had to work out my own method, but once it was worked out it became quite a straight forward procedure that is now part of my build process.

Actually getting a working tool chain I found a bit odd. No real information how to do it, so I just had to get on with that myself. I more or less documented what I did in another thread. It wasn't crazily hard, but certainly it would be enough to put off quite a few people. It's an area I do think could do with some improving.

Last (but not least), debugging. Well, for me this is a huge problem, my Wifi connection is not fit for any proper use, it just drops out and ends up killing my connection, so I do not have a sensible way to even connect to my Pandora from my PC. I have used GDB on my Pandora, and it does work. I was able to fix up my initial crashes that way, once I got past that hurdle I haven't done any more debugging on my Pandora (I basically do all development on Win32, and as my code is cross platform it just works on other platforms). I can't really moan too much about debugging, as I'm sure GDB is good if you know how to use it, but I'm so used to visual debuggers that I find using GDB very unproductive.

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Well I'm attempting to set up shop as an indie dev so I've been extra busy. Also I was hoping Pandora to be one of the platforms I release paid content for, like dlc for paid games (like 50p-£1 for extra gameplay modes) and such (as well as free games), but when I emailed Craig asking about paid content on the appstore his reply was "So you are and Indie...Do you develop for Android?" so Pandora development is almost falling by the wayside as I was hoping to have a concurrent PC/Pandora/Netbook release. I will try and shift some games for Pandora but it's not at the very top of the list right now.
Rockthesmurf said:
Actually getting a working tool chain I found a bit odd. No real information how to do it, so I just had to get on with that myself. I more or less documented what I did in another thread. It wasn't crazily hard, but certainly it would be enough to put off quite a few people. It's an area I do think could do with some improving.
Could someone found that thread and wikify it, please ? (ESN ???)
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Cameleon said:
but when I emailed Craig asking about paid content on the appstore his reply was "So you are and Indie...Do you develop for Android?"

So the focus is going towards the ICP nowadays :blink:
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Bosbeetle said:
Where's mrGonzo anyway?

btw iprice sad to see you go, I was looking forward to playing your games on my pandora.

I will continue to develop for Wiz and GP2X (you can;t get rid of me that easily!), so with GINGE you can still play my games on the Pandora. I just can't develop for a machine I don't own; I did that in the early days of GP2X developing - never again.
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iprice said:
Bosbeetle said:
Where's mrGonzo anyway?

btw iprice sad to see you go, I was looking forward to playing your games on my pandora.

I will continue to develop for Wiz and GP2X (you can;t get rid of me that easily!), so with GINGE you can still play my games on the Pandora. I just can't develop for a machine I don't own; I did that in the early days of GP2X developing - never again.

I wish I could say "you can have mine" but sadly I am not that generous.
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Bosbeetle said:
iprice said:
Bosbeetle said:
Where's mrGonzo anyway?

btw iprice sad to see you go, I was looking forward to playing your games on my pandora.

I will continue to develop for Wiz and GP2X (you can;t get rid of me that easily!), so with GINGE you can still play my games on the Pandora. I just can't develop for a machine I don't own; I did that in the early days of GP2X developing - never again.

I wish I could say "you can have mine" but sadly I am not that generous.
LOL. Cheers Bosbeetle, but I wasn't after handouts, although... ;) :P
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Bosbeetle said:
Where's mrGonzo anyway?
He also wanted to make this nice Shooter-Game with the cockroach...
but I guess besides of some concept art, there never happend much. Damn, I hate this. Never ever announce things you don't finish or mean serious, NEVER! :(

I can slam some more words in
"Galactic Artifact"
"We come in Peace"
"Namelss 3D Zombie Shooter for Pandora discussed in a gigantic thread long time ago but results in absoluteley ZERO"

Where are all the great announced Games that made it through the Forums once? Is the gap between dreaming and reality that huge in Pandora Development Scene? I don't know. :(
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I have some projects that are nearly PoC stage.

I was hoping someone would have taken the mantle to make PandoraPanic 2 since the framework is there and everything.

I have had a lot of real life stuff happen recently which has eaten away at dev time.

But... I still want to get my stuff out there, patience!
Pleng said:
The file archive also doesn't have everything; the most up-to-date lists are actually on the wiki:
You can sort them by date to see what has been released since you last visited.

Sorry for repeating this so often, but it seems that many people still aren't aware of how much useful stuff is on the wiki...

Wohoo yet another page to check for apps
Well, the goal is for those lists to be the only ones that you'll need to check - I'll be checking everywhere else where Pandora files can be found (File Archive, Appstore, sebt3's site, GP32x News, Gp32x Betatesting, Gp32x port requests, Pandora forum betatesting) and updating it every few days. (the top of the pages says when they were last updated)
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fusion_power said:
"Namelss 3D Zombie Shooter for Pandora discussed in a gigantic thread long time ago but results in absoluteley ZERO"
You'll have to be more specific. I seem to recall several zombie shooters being mentioned. Was the gigantic thread dedicated to that one game or was it one of those "What are you working on" threads?

P.S. I'm working on something, but I've been really busy IRL. Give me at least until January, and at most until April.
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Esn said:
Pleng said:
The file archive also doesn't have everything; the most up-to-date lists are actually on the wiki:
You can sort them by date to see what has been released since you last visited.

Sorry for repeating this so often, but it seems that many people still aren't aware of how much useful stuff is on the wiki...

Wohoo yet another page to check for apps
Well, the goal is for those lists to be the only ones that you'll need to check - I'll be checking everywhere else where Pandora files can be found (File Archive, Appstore, sebt3's site, GP32x News, Gp32x Betatesting, Gp32x port requests, Pandora forum betatesting) and updating it every few days. (the top of the pages says when they were last updated)

The trouble is that those pages have neither preview pics, nor details of when the apps were last updated.
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Pleng said:
The trouble is that those pages have neither preview pics, nor details of when the apps were last updated.
You can sort everything in order of release date by clicking on the little square in the "date" column.

It's true that they don't have pics (though it might be possible to add them "hidden" or as mouse-overs... Cheese might know, if he were still around. I'm thinking of something like navigation popups, but exclusively for images).

For now, you can simply Google to find out more about most of them.
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Esn said:
Pleng said:
The trouble is that those pages have neither preview pics, nor details of when the apps were last updated.
You can sort everything in order of release date by clicking on the little square in the "date" column.

It's true that they don't have pics (though it might be possible to add them "hidden" or as mouse-overs... Cheese might know, if he were still around. I'm thinking of something like navigation popups, but exclusively for images).

For now, you can simply Google to find out more about most of them.

Release date is not the same as last updated date. And I know that google will give me more information, that's a ridiculous work-around. Preview pics as mouseovers is a terrible idea. Adding an additional column so with the pics would be much better.
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I'm working on a few releases for the Pandora, but normal-life is keeping me pretty busy (we just had our second child here at torpor-HQ) ..

I've got:

a) a Synthesizer+Sequencer project in the works. I still have to finish getting the GUI sorted out so that it plays well with the Pandora - the last bit of work in this regard was to move things around and try to figure out a good physical compromise for some of the on-screen controls, using the nubs and so on. This'll be about a week worth of work (man-hours) at least, so lets figure I'll get back to it soon and try to have it released by Christmas .. this will be a free app, with donations - so I hope I can encourage some of you synth guys to donate to keep this project happening at some point.

B) a port of my SWAR game (2D shooter), which is also currently being targetted for Android and iPhone simultaneously. I'm focusing more on these platforms for now with this project, because I really want to make a *little* extra cash somehow and my iPhone dev status is staring at my bank account pretty hard right now .. its nice to have the connection, anyway, between the App store and my account, fully working. If I had that for Pandora, and if there were more Pandora's out there (with users who don't mind paying, and do so), then I'd be more encouraged to focus on Pandora too

c) a 3D game project (clone of Grid Wars) in the works - more interesting to me than the other two right now, but I've still gotta work out how to get it completed and into some sort of viable game .. and the time limit is crippling this a bit. At least, I can't really find the time to sit down and work out the 3D art->game engine pipeline so that its smooth and viable for now, but thats my next step anyway.

I haven't really been playing with the Pandora much - mostly only emu's and so on - but I've got to say that its sort of lost a bit of its lustre from the days of waiting and waiting .. and the scene just doesn't seem to have boot-strapped itself to be producing interesting titles, alas. I am still positive about the Pandora, but not as much as I used to be .. and that kind of sucks.
Looking forward to seeing those titles torpor, I will definitely use the donate button. And congratulations on the arrival of the second little one.
TorPor, I shall certainly be donating when they synth/sequencer arrives. :)

You were once talking about having a go at LMMS, has that been shelved for now?