Anyone Received Their New Mk2 Gp2x Yet?


Still Fresh
May 9, 2006
Hitchin, England
Visit site
Just wondered if anyone has received their Mk2 GP2X this week. I ordered mine last week from and the web site is currently stating that "consoles are on the way from Korea and will be shipping out all this week".

If anyone has received it I am interested in knowing what the differences are to the older releases. IE is it a better build quality / more stable / easier to use etc?

From what I have read it is a different colour (white), the screen is different (do you still have to fit this yourself?) and the firmware has been upgraded to 2.0.

Finally, it states that it comes with a CD with games & utilites and has Movie Samples/ Game Ports included - what are these like?

Soz for all the questions, im sure I will find out for myself when it arrives!!
They are black, there isn't a white one (yet).

They are on the way from Korea at the moment, we are waitinf for them to arrive, all the packages are being made up at the moment.
craigix posted on May 16 2006 at 04:39 PM said:
They are black, there isn't a white one (yet).

They are on the way from Korea at the moment, we are waitinf for them to arrive, all the packages are being made up at the moment.

Ok - thanks. I prefer the black anyway and was a little disapointed when the picture on the buy page of the site had a white version.

Am fairly new to the scene - are you the same craig from the GP2X web site which wrote the recent review? I found it very useful and informative - just want mine to arrive now!!!!

Can you shed any light on my other questions (if they are not covered in the review)?
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If you click on the link again - it's been updated to mention that the state of the page is bad - that there are four editions. So far, no one has edited it for correctness.

I can't because I don't know. :huh:
David Beoulve posted on May 22 2006 at 08:52 PM said:
If you click on the link again - it's been updated to mention that the state of the page is bad - that there are four editions. So far, no one has edited it for correctness.

I can't because I don't know. :huh:
in fact its more about 5 or 6 different "versions"
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Yes. I am now officially obsessed with this system. I never had any of the old hardware versions, just got an MKII. the screen is incredibly bright (somewhere between DS and DS lite) as far as I can tell the joystick is excellent, it supports really fast 2GB sd (150X, anyone know about 4 gig support?) and all the USB stuff works perfectly. the system is a dream I have basically stopped playing with my DS Lite (I know, the shame! but I already beat new super mario bros). movie support is excellent and easy. I am so glad I didn't buy a 4gb player for the DS for the same price as the GP2x. MAME is rocking my world. DRMDX is rocking my world. I give the MKII a 12/10. Not one problem encountered yet.
To elaborate, (seems redundant given the number of threads I've spammed)

My GP2x arrived last week after being on back order with Play Asia for a couple of weeks, and a slight f*#karound with Lik-Sang before that,though LS were very helpful and polite and I'm not in any way trying to impact on their sales.

Unfortunately I'm just nearing the end of a uni semester, so I've been limited in the time I've had to play around with my GP2x.

DrMDX is sweet. Some of the homebrew stuff doesn't work on the new firmware. (BoR for example)

The most awesome thing is having a fully functioning Linux handheld. Loading up Sterm and browsing the filesystem, and making changes to the scripts with vi blows my mind.

I finally got my toolchain compiled a couple of days ago, SDL functioning yesterday, and my own homebrew test code running last night. Development for this thing is so easy. I've never tried to homebrew for any proprietory systems, but I can't see why anyone would buy a PSP or DS over one of these if they're interested in free games, emulation and hacking.

Hang in there, I know what that wait is like, but it's worth it.
I'd like to buy a GP2x and was wondering if they are now available in white? as the white version appears on the buy page.


Sure looks pretty :)
OK. I'm new around here and got my new GPX2 which was loaded with 2.0 firmware but I'm trying to figure out how to confirm if I've got the newer MK7 hardware or not. Since I don't have an older version with which to compare, I'm simply not sure how to tell whether I've got an older version that had a FW update or the newer version.

Can anyone who has both or some knowledge of how to tell please advise?


Using my keen new skill of transtelekineticgp2xreading I can see into the soul of your machine.... and it is...... a MkII. (I think you did a typo, there isn't a MK7, MKII is the new one).

If you want proof of my amazing abilities look at the sticker on the back of your unit. If on the bottom left it has the code: GPX-GP2X-F100(B) Then you know my powers are true, and all should bow down to me :)