Android gingerbread in a pnd?

hm.. strange. I just started messing with r5 and it seems that wifi is not work. It disbles itself after few seconds.. even if i set wifi on in options, it will auto-turn-off in a little while. Whats going on?

btw. i didnt tested previous [r1-r4] versions..

btw. v2 there's some info in the background terminal debug while loading andoroid that "wifi is not whitelisted" [ore something similiar]

have u tried using driver posted here?
hm.. strange. I just started messing with r5 and it seems that wifi is not work. It disbles itself after few seconds.. even if i set wifi on in options, it will auto-turn-off in a little while. Whats going on?

btw. i didnt tested previous [r1-r4] versions..

btw. v2 there's some info in the background terminal debug while loading andoroid that "wifi is not whitelisted" [ore something similiar]

wifi is working for me just fine ( r5 ) - been seaching online for over 30 minutes with no problems...
Works without issues with the GameKeyboard App which is available on the appstore.

You can map touchscreen presses to your DPad and buttons.

Works like a charm :)

actually it appears I dont need this anymore, notaz did something it seems and I can now choose the game buttons by default in the emulators
Well, you'll need it in case you want to play a game only supporting touchscreen controls :)
hm.. strange. I just started messing with r5 and it seems that wifi is not work. It disbles itself after few seconds.. even if i set wifi on in options, it will auto-turn-off in a little while. Whats going on?

btw. i didnt tested previous [r1-r4] versions..

btw. v2 there's some info in the background terminal debug while loading andoroid that "wifi is not whitelisted" [ore something similiar]

have u tried using driver posted here? http://boards.openpa...240#entry156005

just finished installing it.. now to test android...
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one more tip :) put this into airoplane mode (then turn wifi back on) untill notaz fixes the not phone part as cell standbye uses loads of power (even without the cell hardware :p )
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fuck.. android still keeps disabling wifi every few seconds..

[after first disabling red wifi lights turns off, theres no way to light it up again by turinig on the wifi from android..]

anyway.. i'll try to wipe android prefs from sd card.. and check again..

edit: after re-creating android fs it seems to work..
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That won't install error semms not only mame4droid rl related. Have some other apps, that aboard with the can't install on sd message.

Shadowgun runs smooth out of the box. There is a short video in a previous post of me.

With r5 and synced audio, GTA III seems to run without freeze, if you set all graphic settings to low in the app menue. But that could be only pure coincidence.

Anyway, r5 looks much better and in Cyanogen menu, we have the option to over and underclock without an extra app.

Could be needfull to save power on Android.

I've recognized the continuous wifi reconnect too.

Here is a logcat, If it helps.
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Just tried this out for the first time with v5. Very cool! I downloaded a couple of apps from the google store successfully. It seems a little hit and miss on apps other people have working though. What are the tweaks to get 'Angry Bird Space' and 'World of Goo' to run? Also the loading is very slow - can anyone confirm a faster SD card actually helps with that?
I found that some apps from google store don't work, but if you install them manually wirh apks thy work.

But I newer was able to get Google Earth to run. It loads, but when it should display the globe, it crashes.

The loadingtimes are long, yes. I have a U1 card, that should be faster as class 10 and it doesn't help much.

Could be related to the 256 mb of ram I have, too. Do you have a 512mb Pandora?
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I've got a 256MB Pandora - until I get a 1GHz one:) The SD card is a 32GB class 10, though the cheapest one courtesy of 7 day shop - so may not be great!

Strange that they work when installed manually - wonder why. Perhaps they write a log file somewhere on loading so we can find out why they're failing.
Just for record:

- Opera Mini - Works

- WinAmp - Works

- quickOffice - Works

- DailyMotion - Works [little lagggggy on standard OC]

- Heavy Gunner - Works

- Game Dev Story - Works

- MiniCraft - Starting , but takes ages to run [i eventually reset android and fucks my SZ firmware :/]

- Asphalt 5 - loading.. and loading.. and nothing..

- Droid800 - Works

- Droid2800 - Works

- Google Maps - Works

- Google Places - works

- RSSDemon - works

- Twitter - works

- Youtube App - works
Have been playing with r5 today. Milkshake's excellent instructions got me Google Play installed, and it seems to be working well.

I tried the voice recorder app, it crashes as soon as you hit record.

Sound effects don't work but I assume you need DSP working for that.

Other than that all seemed fine and dandy until I thought to suspend the system.

It seemed to suspend ok, but when I tried to wake it up the back-light and the wifi LED came on but the screen was blank, and I was unable to actually do anything with it.

I ended up having to hard reset the system.

- Neelix
I just updated to r5 but I had to clean the appdata, as without that it was stuck in an endless bootloop.

It is nice to have all the cyanogenapps preinstalled imho, but some games that ran before like plants vs zombies crash now after the loadingscreen.

I guess that is because of higher ram consumption...

I'd like to compare the experience to a 512mb ram unit, so are the loadingtimes better with more ram? Do programs crash less?