... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

The preorders are shipped at a regular rate, statements are made about the delivers, trollers are trolling, all is normal.
Hasn't been any Pandoras shipped from Craig in almost a month. Or at least, few enough that noone's posted about it, and there's definitely been less than 15 premiums shipped, else I'd have mine...


As you probably know I'm #96 in that queue, so you can definitively say that less 3 or less have shipped in over a month.

So as for regular and reliable information about shipping, well that's like Rocking Horse Shit.
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The preorders are shipped at a regular rate, statements are made about the delivers, trollers are trolling, all is normal.

lolwat ?

If there were not people like elwing or Worldtripping, i'd feel very lonely here, between all the ghz and pandora 2 hype..

Some time ago i would have the "hope attitude", trying to rationalize everything. But after all this time, and moreover, paying an upgrade to "accelerate my preorder" many months ago, I'm just fed up.

So, you can pretty sh.. up you arse the troll comment for my part.

Sorry for being rude, but i'm not in a good mood right now.

You don't seriously expect all OP customers posting here "hey i received my OP from Craig's shop" don't you ?

Did you take the time to read any of the responses before frothing at the mouth and posting ?

#92 in the pre-order queue shipped over a month ago.

#96 Mine, not shipped

#97 Toby, not shipped

Please, get off your "waah, YES, units are being shipped" soapbox, the facts are making you look like a fool.
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You don't seriously expect all OP customers posting here "hey i received my OP from Craig's shop" don't you ?
As you probably know I'm #96 in that queue, so you can definitively say that less 3 or less have shipped in over a month.

So as for regular and reliable information about shipping, well that's like Rocking Horse Shit.

I agree not everyone's going to post, but we can see from order positions of who has posted how many have shipped.

4 years' wait and Craig's attitude is getting too much for me, I'll probably refund if they don't start shipping by the end of the month...

@WorldTripping: I'm actually #112 in the queue.
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The preorders are shipped at a regular rate, statements are made about the delivers, trollers are trolling, all is normal.

lolwat ?

If there were not people like elwing or Worldtripping, i'd feel very lonely here, between all the ghz and pandora 2 hype..

Some time ago i would have the "hope attitude", trying to rationalize everything. But after all this time, and moreover, paying an upgrade to "accelerate my preorder" many months ago, I'm just fed up.

So, you can pretty sh.. up you arse the troll comment for my part.

Sorry for being rude, but i'm not in a good mood right now.

Yeah, you should be more polite, but it's probably not your fault.

If you went premium, you should have been delivered.

You don't seriously expect all OP customers posting here "hey i received my OP from Craig's shop" don't you ?

Did you take the time to read any of the responses before frothing at the mouth and posting ?

#92 in the pre-order queue shipped over a month ago.

#96 Mine, not shipped

#97 Toby, not shipped

Please, get off your "waah, YES, units are being shipped" soapbox, the facts are making you look like a fool.
You should also be more polite, but it's also probably not your fault.
If there were not people like elwing or Worldtripping, i'd feel very lonely here, between all the ghz and pandora 2 hype..

Some time ago i would have the "hope attitude", trying to rationalize everything. But after all this time, and moreover, paying an upgrade to "accelerate my preorder" many months ago, I'm just fed up.

So, you can pretty sh.. up you arse the troll comment for my part.

Sorry for being rude, but i'm not in a good mood right now.


For a long time I was quietly and patiently waiting; whilst vans caught alight and volcanoes erupted. Then it dawned on me that if I didn't speak out about poor excuses, shoddy communication and the lack of *any* information about where my Pandora was, I might never receive it. Ever.

I have to agree with Linux-SWAT, politeness can only help...

Trust me, I was being polite.
If you went premium, you should have been delivered.

And there, ladies and gentlemen you have the whole sorry attitude summed up in one sentence.

The people who seed funded this project back in 2008 mean naught.

The people who have waited patiently while new and improved units ship are dismissed as second class malingerers with a "tough shit, you should have paid more" comment.

:) remember linux-SWAT as nothing to do with your pandora not being there :D

He has everything to do with his ill considered and misleading comments though.
:) remember linux-SWAT as nothing to do with your pandora not being there :D

He has everything to do with his ill considered and misleading comments though.

It's not like we knew everything too... there's so few information... through your upgrade queue number information are rather disturbing...
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If you went premium, you should have been delivered.

And there, ladies and gentlemen you have the whole sorry attitude summed up in one sentence.

The people who seed funded this project back in 2008 mean naught.

The people who have waited patiently while new and improved units ship are dismissed as second class malingerers with a "tough shit, you should have paid more" comment.

:) remember linux-SWAT as nothing to do with your pandora not being there :D

He has everything to do with his ill considered and misleading comments though.

I said "If you actually paid a premium order, then you should have your unit right now".

So are you a premium orderer ?
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It is well known that for preorders to ship, new orders have to be going. Now try to think what happened after Craig announced 1GHz units..
I said "If you actually paid a premium order, then you should have your unit right now".

So are you a premium orderer ?
I think he said he was #96 in the premium queue earlier.

Regardless, the issue is that no units are shipping from Craig (no premiums, so almost definitely no originals either).

I've asked a few times for information from him, and I appreciate that it depends on a few variables so his answers weren't accurate, but some decent information and communication would be nice.
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If you went premium, you should have been delivered.

And there, ladies and gentlemen you have the whole sorry attitude summed up in one sentence.

The people who seed funded this project back in 2008 mean naught.

The people who have waited patiently while new and improved units ship are dismissed as second class malingerers with a "tough shit, you should have paid more" comment.

:) remember linux-SWAT as nothing to do with your pandora not being there :D

He has everything to do with his ill considered and misleading comments though.

I said "If you actually paid a premium order, then you should have your unit right now".

So are you a premium orderer ?

I'm honestly not sure if this is a serious question or not.

I've already stated that I am #96 in the pre-order upgrade queue, so how could I possibly be a premium orderer?

For the record I was an October 2nd 2008 pre-order, who paid the upgrade ransom nearly four months ago.
Regardless, the issue is that no units are shipping from Craig (no premiums, so almost definitely no originals either).

that's definitely what frightens me... ED's queue seems to clear (really?) slowly while craig's one does not seems to move at all... I'm seriously worried about him going bankrupt...

edit: what's worst is that, If I had to buy a unit, seen all what's going on I'll never order from craig over ED's shop...
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It is well known that for preorders to ship, new orders have to be going. Now try to think what happened after Craig announced 1GHz units..

Notaz, I've not been here quite as long as you, but I have been here a while and I understand the fairy maths behind some of the numbers.

The fact here is that *no* original pre-orders or upgraded pre-orders have shipped in over a month. And no repeated "YES, units are shipping" comments by non-affiliated OP posters can change that fact.

By your logic that would mean that there have been zero sales in that time also, else some pre-orders would have been satisfied.
You're also a non-affiliated OP poster, and you say "NO, units are not shipping".

Well, #92 was delivered a month ago.

I don't know about #93 #94 #95 but #96 #97 and #112 have definitely not been delivered from the upgrade queue.

It has been stated that the 'classic' queue moves slower that the 'upgrade' queue so I think it is fair to say that none have been delivered from that list.

trollers are trolling, all is normal.

So yeah, right back at ya.
You're also a non-affiliated OP poster, and you say "NO, units are not shipping".
Sure, but the difference here is that there's fairly decent evidence that very few units are shipping.

Maybe some are shipping from ED/America, but not from Craig's store.

I don't get how most of these conversations turn this way, we all want Pandoras to ship right? And it's pretty clear that the upgrade queue hasn't moved in around a month, so what's the issue?
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Either way, it would still be nice to have a status update on the website. The current status dates June 1st. Something, whatever it might be, must've happened since then (hopefully)... Or at least if GC continued pumping them at the mentionned rate, they should have a decent stock of them. Which would also be nice to know as it might incite people to order since they can get them from stock.

Can we get a status update on the 600MHz pandoras please? (seems everything is about 1GHz pandoras lately. :unsure: )