... and production still is reliable and moving forward :) (2012-05-11)

how nice, my pandora will be outdated even before i'll receive it...
Whenever you buy a product, you know there will be a better version available soon

I don't feel cheated when I buy a USB stick with the knowledge that I'll be able to get double the capacity at the same price in a few months time...
There are even worse cases, I heard of some people who forked apple computers so to be able to dev for i-phone and pads and then, apple cuts off this support on a few lines of their computers, are extremely pissed by that.

About meself, I got a new work computer january last year, couple months later I could have got something waaaaay better...

...it never actually bothered me, that is how the industry goes anyway.

On the same level but software, I forked for a painting program one day and the next week there was a new/superior version available, I contacted them and they asked for an extra half price for the upgrade.

But that's because when you buy the USB stick you have it in your hands and can use it for the few months before the new one comes out...

What if you do not get it until just before or after the new one comes out???
I bought a 32GB iPod Touch the day before the new one (with camera) was revealed by Apple. My nice new machine was less than 24hours old when it became old and crappy compared to the newer version. :(
I bought a 32GB iPod Touch the day before the new one (with camera) was revealed by Apple. My nice new machine was less than 24hours old when it became old and crappy compared to the newer version. :(

...and if apple had announced that there would be an improved version coming soon, you could have made an informed decision as to weather it was worth waiting :|
It's the chance you take when buying anything.

It was just unfortunate that the delay between me buying and the new one being released was less than 24hours. As I now know more about Apple and the way they operate, I'd be a bit more clued up next time (in other words I'd expect to be outdated in less than a day! :P )

And as for waiting, yes I would have done - Apple would still have got my money (and the same amount, I hasten to add).
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I have to agree with you Binky, on the software example up there I felt quite bad.

I´d expect bigger companies to be able to do so.

I have never seem more transparency on a work going then here on the Pandora case.

Everything gets told and explained.

But I kind of take as granted that every successful kit gets upgraded one time or another.
There seems to be a lot happening in the background... It's waiting with antici.......pation

The regular "shut up and take my money" applies.
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hum, i'm not complaining against moore's law, i'm complaining about the fact that they'll prolly keep the rest of the old soc for the old preorder, meaning that we'll still be waiting to get our pandora with older soc when new order will already have received the DM3730...
I love the way you seem to expect us to be shipping the DM3730 really fast after all our usual delays - I wish that was going to be the case but it won't be for a LONG TIME, probably as the final preorders are being shipped AND this is a *TEST* run, not a real run.

There is a long time to go before the DM3730 is market ready.

More than TWO MONTHS.
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Its somewhat amusing that people have in some cases holding on to their orders since there is no equal competitor and now the biggest competition is from a more powerful device from the same company! Really though, its going to be important not to count out the current pandora. We are all still here because the current pandora is a VERY capable device. I've had my pandora for almost 2 years now and I still haven't tapped its full potential yet. On top of that, for a long time the primary ownership of pandoras will be people who take up the 4000 or so original preorderers, probably for as much as a year, maybe longer, will still have nearly all of the software focus on their version. Really though, with the current chips no longer continuing to be available, the only way to keep the pandora alive going forward it to move forward with newer, more powerful chips so its success will be yours too. So yeah, try not to feel too hard done by, because even if the next iteration is sooner than you would like, you are still getting something great that will continue to be supported!
Just my feeling... because now instead of actually ordering a unit, I am going to hold off (Again!) and wait for a new case and 1Ghz board... thus unfortunately meaning one of the pre-orderers is going to have to wait a bit longer... And I think anyone reading the forums before a purchase may do a similar thing (Would you not do the same?)...

No, because you can't apply the same buying tactics here like you can with the big gaming companies. You choose to wait for the newer version, you may never get one ever. You're banking on the re-investment plan's success without your contribution, when instead you could contribute to the re-investment, obtain a unit yourself, AND help ensure the honorable pre-orderers get their due. Win^3?

I don't understand why the speed increase would be worth so much wait. The current Open Pandora is awesome. Many if not most of the apps today will not even notice the speed increase, unless you're multitasking like a fiend in xfce.
Its been a few years and many of us can whine about how we should have got our units ( or my son in my case). I still hope he will get his. I tried to question several years back about what the real production issues were and felt like I got shoved off. I admit that I have never done high volume (>>1Mil units/yr) but have done >100k/yr on quite a few projects.

Designing a product is one thing. Getting it into mass production is an other. And setting the price to cover all aspects of production, yield, and returns is another. My guess is that this team fell down somewhere along the line. You don't just throw a design to a CM, there is a lot of support that many designer don't recognize. Please note I have played the roles on both the production and design of the fence.

I am still assuming these guys are trying to deliver on their promise (kudos to them). Yes, it will be outdated by now, learning experience for all of us.

It would be nice as to get a "real estimate" of when my son should expect his --- likely need a new address update for him (again) -- since it has been years since the last update.

Hopefully we have all learned something in all this. There are very many details in making things and these all cost someone.

Best of luck to the openpandora team.

i'm still a preorderer waiting... will there be an option to push ones place in the queue further (possibly even _much_ further) to get a DM3730 Pandora if the difference in price is paid? another 6+ months doesn't seem like a big deal anymore.
Remember that 800 people have to buy pandoras before DM3730 s come into use.

Somebody has to buy the 700MHz chips...
True, without Pandora orders, we won't have ANY DM3730.

Also, a paid upgrade to the new ones WILL be possible afterwards.

Aditionally, if your Pandora can clock to 900MHz, there's not much difference anymore.

The speed is compared to an old Pandora running at stock speed, and most Pandoras easily clock up to 800MHz.
From my understanding, the new SoC will have to be switched to anyway, and is actually marginally cheaper in terms of unit price? After waiting since 2009, I don't mind the waiting anymore. I have been holding out on upgrading to a premium, because I know that if I didn't upgrade I'd probably receive my unit on the borderline between the old and new SoC anyway.

So, I think for people in my situation, could you not just take the upgrade fee for the Premium (or more, to distinguish them, and help your cash flow) and then hold off delivery until you switch production to the new SoCs? Nothing else really makes sense from my standpoint as a customer. I want to help you guys out monetarily, but at the moment this is a disincentive to upgrade right NOW. So I'm just trying to think of potential solutions. Perhaps formalising an upgrade path for people in my situation would both help you out now, with the cash, and prevent any sort of "delay" in people upgrading. I think you've shown that there are lots of people who want a Pandora at different pricepoints like the slightly defective units. Or the upgrade channel to 512MB RAM.