If someone wants to be pendantic about it, it would be theoretically possible to actually measure the amount of heat generated by a given device board.
Use a calorimeter (a highly insulated container) - a styrofoam cooler might work. Build the test rig in that. Pour in a measured quantity of an electrically non conductive liquid that won't dissolve the insulated container. Measure the liquid's temperature at rest. Supply power to the equipment for a given amount of time. Let the system come to a steady state after power is removed - measure the peak temperature of the liquid after that time. This method combined with some basic information around the liquid used can then be shoved through a few chemical engineering equations to establish the actual heat load generated.
Alternatively you could just measure the electrical load at the power inputs and assume it's all getting turned into heat energy - which is a pretty fair assumption.
I am under the impression/assumption that the SoC in the Pyra is capable of more 'work' per cycle than the SoC in the Pandora. I wish we had something to use as a valid benchmark - even an approximate one would be nice. Hypothetically if a 1Ghz Pandora SoC were overclocked to 1.5Ghz, how much more 'work' would the Pyra SoC do at the same clock rate on one of it's cores? Clock rates between the SoCs can never be equal - but hypothetically - if they were - how would performance stack out?
Modern mobile SoC platforms are quoted at heat dissipation requirement rates that assume that the SoC is only going to be working at 'full load' a relatively small amount of the time. My understanding of what ED and co have done is to supply additional heat dispersal techniques in the board design. That should help spread heat spike loads from short bursts of heavy CPU usage. A concern of mine is that when that heat gets spread throughout the interior of the case, it will have to overcome the heat transfer resistance of the polycarbonate case. Engineers call this thermal conductivity.
There is a trade off in that. If the case material is too conductive to heat and had a lot of heat to get rid of, it could become unpleasant to hold on to, but become less 'hot spotty'. If the case is not conductive enough to heat and had a lot of heat to get rid of, it could become necessary to clock down or shut itself off to prevent damaging itself. Alternatively, a higher thermal conductivity could, in theory, use the person playing the Pyra as a liquid cooler (blood) for it's heat sink (case) - without getting 'too hot to handle'. Objects with high thermal conductivity will feel cool to the touch at normal room temperatures.
For perspective:
Air's thermal conductivity rate is 0.02. Pretty much any non gas interface will move heat better. The exception being Aerogel.
Styrofoam has a VERY low thermal conductivity rate of 0.03 W/mK (Watts per meter Kelvin). It makes great coffee cups.
Normal polycarbonate has a relatively low thermal conductivity rate of 0.2 W/mK. It doesn't work well as a cook pot.
Special polycarbonate blends can be in the ~4 W/mK range. (
There are some plastics that can get into the ~ 20 W/mK range, but may lack the other favorable qualities of polycarbonate.
Commercial aluminum (Aluminium) has a high thermal conductivity rate of ~125 W/mK. Pure is ~200 W/mK.
Pure copper is even higher at 400 W/mK. A nice thick layer of this is in the Pyra board to distribute heat inside the case.
Diamond, at 1500 W/mK is pretty amazing. Obviously they need to form the Pyra's case out of pure diamond.
ED has it right. At this stage of the process, build one or more and see how it works out. They have already given considerations and made some concessions to heat load. Next step is right where they're at - figure out if it was adequate to the task through testing. It may be that the current heat solution is adequate to the task. It may be that the device could use a more conductive case plastic (which would LOWER the temperature of 'hot spots'). Alternatives exist - moving heat isn't new science. First figure out if they're even needed.