Amiga Thread.

ooooh vampire... yeah I willl definitely need to get myself a turbocard of some sort. I wish the vampire was available for a1200 already. That thing has everything I want to upgrade onboard and it's so damn cheap...

I think I'll get some fast RAM and maybe not the most expensive upgrade too first, as I'll wait for the vampire to be released for a1200.

maybe an ACA1220 first or something like that, just so I can use whdload.

@TrashyMG I am familiar with whdload (I have a classic wb setup on my MIST and have actually bought whdload). Since I will need to get some more RAM before I can use it, I will install the gotek as DF0.
Is there a link to how you did it? How is the switching achieved? can both devices be used at the same time? for example to make a floppy dump or write an adf back to floppy?
Is there a link to how you did it? How is the switching achieved? can both devices be used at the same time? for example to make a floppy dump or write an adf back to floppy?
I had some pictures in the prior posts, but essentially I just crimped another 34 pin connector to a floppy cable (Amiga's can't use the double floppy PC cables with the twist). I made a floppy power cable with DPDT toggle switch to switch the +12V and +5V power from the real floppy to the gotek. unfortunately this setup doesn't allow use at the same time, but will allow both to function as DF0.
Ah! Okay I get it. I will see how I can proceed when everything has arrived at my doorstep. I guess I will exchange the FDD for the gotek first and then see what I can do. Thanks for the hints!
So video playback utilizing the Riva mpeg player, this version has been optimized to use the AMMX instruction set, which is an Intel MMX like instruction invented by the apollo team that made the vampire accelerators greatly boost multimedia applications.

This is a video transcoded to mpeg1 and scaled down to 360p, but still pretty amazing. There are some slight slowdowns during disk access, but hopefully that will be an issue of the past once the Apollo team implements a DMA engine for the IDE bus in their next FPGA core update, which will allow for the internal IDE to run at a significantly better speed.

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That's MPEG1? That looks surprisingly clean, although I guess my only previous experience of MPEG1 was on CD-ROM based sources, where bitrate would be necessarily limited, as well as being 240p at best and 4:3. What sort of bitrate is that file, out of interest?
Just got a new shiny transparent case for my A1200. Just need to try to get it working properly now.

Next time you take pictures you should get one of the new case for us.
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New cases are great, especially in fun colors (that is a hint, ED ;)). I wish there were some for more of my old computers and consoles, particularly for my main IIe, 100LX and Pandora. Metal ones would be even better.
So... my A1200 arrived last week. I am almost happy, but it doesn't want to stay functional. after a while the machine will suddenly hang and reset.

Could be a faulty PSU, could be the old dried up and leaky capacitors. well I am going to exchange them first and I bought another PSU to make sure (4,5A version instead of the 3A I have now)

Anyway, I did already switch the HDD for and sdcard, installed classic workbench, got an ACA1233n (and it works like a charm).
Yeah many complain the original A600 and A1200 PSUs are fairly weak, just barely provide enough current for stock operations and can't keep up with modded units with things like PPC accelerators and such. sine my PS came in essentially fried, I use a PicoPSU ATX supply and it seems to provide enough power to my Vampire accelerated A600. Some people I've talked to on IRC use a Mean Well T-60B PSU which I guess provides a much cleaner output than an ATX supply.
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Does anyone sell the square Amiga power connector for use with these or do I have to cut one from a power supply?
I've looked really hard, I can't seem to find any supplier for them... I've also tried to find a round connector with a similar footprint. the best I could find was something that looked similar, but lacked the center pin. I've considered buying a few and trying to drill and hack in a center pin. I just ended up using the one from my original PSU unit.
If someone gets these manufactured they'd clean up, must be thousands of Amiga users with specced up machines out there now.
Well added another expensive item, I ordered a RapidRoad USB controller. which can allow a range of USB devices to work. On the A600 this works with the clock port built onto the A604n Memory expansion I picked up earlier. I guess on the A1200 it just works without any added devices. I guess now I need to figure out where to wedge in another two USB ports in the case.

Also a current screenshot of my Workbench. yeah the date is wrong, without a RTC, I need to have a script run when I start the internet to keep the date current.
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I have thought about adding a clockport usb card someday. Right now I figure it's too expensive to justify. I have a pcmcia ethernet card coming, no need for usb mass media.

I wonder if midi controllers are supported over usb... that would be cool.
Just ordered a psu, cdtv controller and easy adf pcmcia device for transferring fikes from pc to amiga etc. Im going to try get my amiga online too and customize my desktop.

The cdtv controller wont work till I get an ir wireless device from amigakit. Then I will have wireless controllers.its out of stock atm.
All for my a1200
@Ian J - Well I did attempt to make my own with a small 3D printed plate and some small nails... it works but It fell out a tad too easily.

View attachment 30053

Edit: It was also a pain to put together.

Would using header pins make it any easier?
Header Pins.jpg

As they already have plastic round them I wonder if it would give the 3D printer plastic something to grip onto, these also look like they have something to solder to.