Amiga Thread.

Dont know if this belongs here or is of any interest but I thaught it was nice, 1 hour history lesson:
I like to see this kind of thing, I see this thread as a general Amiga discussion for everyone, not just me blabbing about my dealings with them.
I have long dreamed about owning an actual amiga. Recently picked up another C64, finally with functional power adapter, but alas - the 1541 doesn't work. Got it working with a bit of fiddling and exchanging some ICs but it's very unreliable, there's got to be something else wrong with it.

Anyway, since Amigas are soooo expensive right now, I got myself a MIST fpga a while ago. It's a great device and the latest AGA core also brought a bunch of bugfixes. But it just doesn't feel the same... so now I am looking into buying an actual A600 or A500. Playing around with a C64 kinda got me hooked on commodore retro computing again.

Anyone near or in Germany wanting to part with their A600/A500 by any chance? ^^ Still hoping for that random remark by some work colleague "oh I still got one of those in my basement, do you want it?"... that's how I got a hold of the C64.
I don't honestly remember anyone having an A1200 or a CD32, although I would have still been in school then so that perhaps explains why. Most kids got bought an Amiga 500 or ST 520 to replace their Spectrums or C64s, or just stuck with their Amstrads or BBC micros until the SNES came around.
Some of my happiest gaming memories are all nighters at a friends house with all of us watching demo's, playing games and showing off our latest Amiga software acquisitions, be that PD or otherwise.

Many a happy hour playing Dynablaster with a homemade 4 player adaptor.
Check this out
[doublepost=1486086932,1486086538][/doublepost]Seems a shame this only has 50 views - a nice extended remake of the beast 2 end game music.

I had hoped the Raspberry Pi would create a similar community spirit to the Amiga with smaller teams / individual coded games, lots of PD stuff and demo's coming out again.

Is there a device out there that captures the feel of the Amiga scene?
There are plenty of communities with some of the feel of the Amiga scene. I'm most familiar with the Pandora community here, and while it has a few notable homebrew games it mostly gets ports these days. Then there's the dingoo scene, and the various knockoffs of that, the hacked hardware scenes and so on.

Sadly, I think demos are a dead art in the main. Kids and young adults are the only people with enough free time to make something so complex for free, and these days there are far easier ways to spend you time than getting to know the nitty gritty of all the APIs. But there are still demos being released from the scene compos, looking at, and still quite remarkable C64 events and so on being organised. I think those are two different things though - C64 hacking depends on finding undocumented features that would be patched away on a newer connected system. But any API will have corner cases where they do things quicker and differently to the way you'd expect, but are still legitimate parts of the API, just in my experience they aren't nearly as interesting.
Yay ;)
I upgraded my Commodore CDTV with:
-68010 CPU
-Kickstart 3.1 CDTV Edition(work realy Fine)
-8 MB addidional Fast Ram

The other Todo List is to add:
-Joystick Adapters
-SCSI Card
-SCSI to Micro SD Card for using an Micro SD as silent HDD

Have all Hardware here..they just wait for me to build in :)
I just bought a freaking A1200/HD on ebay... gah, I can't believe I gave in. But I scored a decent setup with a CD drive and pcmcia CD controller, and banshee CD32. Do I need anything else to play CD32 games? I heard that some tinkering is needed to make red audio work and something about a squirrel driver disk which is supposed to contain an emulator for CD32. Can someone help?

There is a 120mb HDD inside aswell.

BTW: I a planning to order a gotek USB adf emulator and a TrueIDE card to have a CF disk and the HDD simultaneously. Is getting an external adapter a good idea for the gotek? I was kinda hoping to keep the floppy drive inside the amiga. Anything I need to consider when choosing the gotek drive?

Is getting an external adapter a good idea for the gotek? I was kinda hoping to keep the floppy drive inside the amiga. Anything I need to consider when choosing the gotek drive?
The one issue I see with an external adapter is many of the old games will only run on DF0 and without a hardware hack the external port will always be some other number other than DF0. It's why I did the hack the way I did, I essentially switch DF0 from theGotek to the real floppy and vise-versa. Most people that have some memory expansion use WHDLoad which is a way of loading adf floppy images from the HDD, but it consumes a bit of ram.
Hi all :)

Have you guys heard about the MNT VA2000 ?

Cheers, Magic Sam

Having an A600, I don't have any form of Zorro bus. but the Vampire accelerator cards have a built in Picasso 96 graphics core implemented in the FPGA and outputs via HDMI.
Hi @TrashyMG :)

From the website:

Could it also work on your A600 ?

Cheers, Magic Sam

No, the A500 has the Zorro slot, so that adapter and turbo card adapter works. The A600 ditched that for the PCMCIA slot. But that Vampire Card has pretty good performance.
Vampire card in and working. Up way too late will discuss it later... For now just a picture of my Amiga next to the OMAP5 devboard. IMG_20170208_025741677.jpg