
I'm currently coding a remake of Werewolves of London (originally on C64, Spectrum and Amstrad) for Windows. After that's complete, I have a few game ideas that I will try and code for desktops and the Pandora.

Is your version going to complete? or will it be unfinishable like the original?
Haha, I did wonder whether to "crash" it like the original. We'll probably add a win screen actually
32, thirty blooooody two. I'm an administrator for the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the meat of the job is organising and running training courses on various psychiatric subjects for trainee doctors and psychiatrists of all grades. I use my pandora precisely for gaming and nothing else!
Late 20s here. Writer and seamstress.

I use my Pandora for writing, games, internet browsing when travelling, and occasionally for colour-matching fabrics and whatnot. And I'm writing a Mega Man novel on it. :P
Confirmed? I confirmed it months ago (and if memory serves, MarioPandio asked at one point about beta-reading). :P As for how, it was my aim to pitch it to Capcom, actually. However, in light of recent events, I'm less sure on that - I'm still looking at my options.
What are said options? Also, what exactly is out of the question in terms of distribution?
That's what I'll be looking into. :P But it's hardly time for that yet - it's nowhere near finished at this point.
I am 22, a Swedish Robotics student at Mälardalen University. Will use the pandora for game development and some retro gaming. I got a Gp2x, dingoo, Wiz, N900 and a beagleboard, have been using linux as a desktop for the last 6 years.
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I'm 29 and I work in sales at Google... I've just joined the community and waiting for my Pandora like most of you I realize... :)
Try say to she that You are skip planing and already preparing to vacation. :-) And beware - wife usually become even more restrictive. :-)

Having a wife and infant child has eliminated most of my free time so I can no longer play the types of games that I used to.

I am sooo glad that I have managed to override my genetic and social programming. ;)

A life of freedom and true happiness awaits me! :lol:
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I've heard about that, but what about the stuff that ultimately matters; the job?

I manage the Strategic Partnerships for the French & Spanish Markets... Basically, I help publishers from France & Spain to make money through their websites/mobiles by using our Products (Admob/Adsense/DFP/Adx..). Personally, I love it but it's sales, I don't really know how's the work like on the engineering teams. From what I can see, they look pretty happy.
Apparently you have to be really intelligent to work there.

Lol I work there and it takes me a while before understanding most of the posts in this forum so I'm not feeling really intelligent right now! :)