Well-Known Member
Edit: If this belongs in off topic or other consoles pls shift it mods 
Hi all, wondering if I can pick some brains of gadget lovers who´ve no doubt owned it all
Basially my wife wishes to pick up a device for our 6yr old sons next birthday thats on the horizon. He´s aspergic and pretty hot with games (at 4 he could finish both monkeyball games in a single sitting), math, language and general use of the web.
So were looking for a device he can surf with, play flash based games, and install and utilise for educational apps and future school work with, as he´s kinda pen phobic (took a DS and stylus to get him to write), as his mind sees perfect fonts and images that he cant re_create himself to the exacting degree. Hence he can rattle away typing but has writers block with a piece of paper.
My Pandora lust meant I held off on other gadgets and whilst the Pandora will be a very very versatile device soon enough, for now my wife would like something that can run windows based programs and cheap edutainment/games sold in UK supermarkets, basic office apps, ebooks, the web and flash games etc.
Any ideas of the ideal device or form factor?
As I dont know a netbook/notebook/tablet from my elbow.
That way we can get our laptop back and he can develop his skills at his leisure from his siblings. He doesnt need it to be carried about outside the home for now but a smaller form factor than a laptop would be about right. Whats the pros n cons of diff types and whats good models worth considering?
Any input appreciated, even criticism of parenting
Hi all, wondering if I can pick some brains of gadget lovers who´ve no doubt owned it all
Basially my wife wishes to pick up a device for our 6yr old sons next birthday thats on the horizon. He´s aspergic and pretty hot with games (at 4 he could finish both monkeyball games in a single sitting), math, language and general use of the web.
So were looking for a device he can surf with, play flash based games, and install and utilise for educational apps and future school work with, as he´s kinda pen phobic (took a DS and stylus to get him to write), as his mind sees perfect fonts and images that he cant re_create himself to the exacting degree. Hence he can rattle away typing but has writers block with a piece of paper.
My Pandora lust meant I held off on other gadgets and whilst the Pandora will be a very very versatile device soon enough, for now my wife would like something that can run windows based programs and cheap edutainment/games sold in UK supermarkets, basic office apps, ebooks, the web and flash games etc.
Any ideas of the ideal device or form factor?
As I dont know a netbook/notebook/tablet from my elbow.
That way we can get our laptop back and he can develop his skills at his leisure from his siblings. He doesnt need it to be carried about outside the home for now but a smaller form factor than a laptop would be about right. Whats the pros n cons of diff types and whats good models worth considering?
Any input appreciated, even criticism of parenting
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