Advertisement Contest

Hello all,

Think the ad from Wod scared people off, so good. I Like it!
Specially the black block with the icons.

This is my cup-a-tea, a more minimalistic approach..


you can download/see the big version here:

It's just a headstart, if people like it, i will polish it more. The X could be better.


Well I'm liking it, minimalist is good- particularly in advertising where nobody is going to stay to read an essay.

Your X actually made me go and revise mine to try and make it closer to what I can just make out on the GP2X site and console shots- it looks better in the smoother and more organic form, I think.

I have also further revised the concept for my site: I will get all of those icons out to components.png.

..... Done -

Oh and I also whipped up this for a bit of fun:
He WoD,

The X GamePark has designed is a strange one...
It's like a splash of something liquid, but not quite.
It's meat nor fish. I am not sure i like it very much.

Maybe i will fiddle with it a little more, but short in time now,
maybe later.

Your screen looks like a website layout, is it?

I must say, i miss the black block with the icons. I really liked the
contrast with the white. Also the features in the right corner where tight!
really cool!
the pictures from are soo good.

i would however try to get more whitespace in your ad.
it emphasises the gp2x more.

keep up the good work, its getting better and better...
like a dutch writer once said: schrijven is schrappen...
Well here is my preliminary add. It was designed with black and white printers in mind, so no color. It was made for mass copying :) I may change the copy slightly but it is good enough. The main body font could use some work. I will make some smaller 1/4 sized ones for small areas to post.

I found adds with alot of dark areas and photos don't come out so good when printed and copied so there is alot of white and contrast here.

Also I figured that most people don't want to read a thesis so it is short and sweet. It was made to get attention and generate interest, the details such as what CPU it uses etc will be found when they poke around on the net, not needed there.

Also the whole "L337" thing will generate curiosity. For those that know what it is they will wonder why it is there. For those that don't know what it is it will drive them to find out. Kind of gives a h4xx0r feel to it. And yes it borrows slightly from the old "U R not red E" PS adds.

Don't use the JPEG to print it is too low res, it is just for reference. Use the PDF file, it is VECTOR based so it will print at the highest resolution your printer is capable of. Looks *SHARP* printed on a LASER printer, I tested it :)

GP32 ADD high res PDF FILE

declaration posted on Sep 30 2005 at 05:16 PM said:

^my little attempt

two points-

a) The disclaimer- The second part seems unnecessary and takes up too much space so I didnt include it. :o sorry

B) the tear off bits at the bottom seem inappropriate for this advert. The sort of people interested are likely to have internet access and the name is not exactly hard to remember. a quick google will have them in the right place.

Hey man, i used this image for my New GPX2 yahoo group, is that okay?
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Wow, DaveC, great work! Makes it look like an underground movement or something!

It's easy on the ink too, which is a definite bonus. Could you link to a bigger/better quality version, though? The text on that one looks a bit blurry since it's a jpeg.

Oh, one more thing I think you should change: The letters on the buttons are in the wrong order.

EDIT: Also, "development" is spelled wrong.
Jengo posted on Oct 13 2005 at 06:55 AM said:
Hey man, i used this image for my New GPX2 yahoo group, is that okay?
yeah, thats fine. Thats what it was made for :)

Just glad someone finds it useful.

also, @DaveC- your ad is pretty cool. Am liking the GP2X image you used.
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I'm kinda not in on the whole l337 thing... Whenever I see l337 speech I think of dumb teenagers playing cs all day and calling each other "n00bs" and "I 0wnz yo azz!", which isn't what I like to associate the GP2X with. Let the PSP have that crowd. Still I think DaveC's got something there. The Linux association, the simple design with typewriter fonts. Very cool. Just not the retarded l337 speech...might just be me though <_<
It's actually explained in the text of the ad...

This post has been edited by OrR: Today, 12:40 PM

Thats how good i read things...
shame on me.
i'd better go sit in the sun the rest of the day...
Eolair posted on Oct 13 2005 at 02:10 PM said:
I'm kinda not in on the whole l337 thing... Whenever I see l337 speech I think of dumb teenagers playing cs all day and calling each other "n00bs" and "I 0wnz yo azz!", which isn't what I like to associate the GP2X with.

I totally agree :wacko:
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I like the 1337, it's only there to capture people's attention. However, the letters R and U look a little cheap... Maybe use another font and maybe the R could be turned around...
Esn posted on Oct 13 2005 at 10:11 AM said:
Wow, DaveC, great work!  Makes it look like an underground movement or something!

It's easy on the ink too, which is a definite bonus.  Could you link to a bigger/better quality version, though?  The text on that one looks a bit blurry since it's a jpeg.

Oh, one more thing I think you should change: The letters on the buttons are in the wrong order.

EDIT: Also, "development" is spelled wrong.

The underground movement thing was kind of the idea, so it worked there.

If you re-read the post you will see where it says to NOT use the JPEG because it is too low res. Use the PDF it is a VECTOR format as it will use the FULL resolution of your printer, unlike bitmaps which will print pixely. Use the link above the pic.

But I need to fix the spelling error and button letters first ;)
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